- What do you need?
- Where to start?
- Choosing Sanitary Equipment
- What tools are needed?
- We dismantle the toilet
- We prepare the floor and the communications
- Installation of the toilet
- The last stage - the drain tank
Plumbing usually serves a long time. The toilet can stand for a quarter of a century, or even more. However, the moment when it should be changed, it still comes. What should I do - contact a utility company or put a new one on my own? Many prefer the second option, especially when the cost of the service seems unreasonably high. Replacing the toilet in the apartment with their own hands - the task is quite feasible. How this is done will be discussed in our article.
to the contents ↑What do you need?
If you are not the first time doing repairs and construction work you are not in the curiosity, with the replacement of plumbing equipment you will cope without special difficulties. You must have some skills:
- be able to work with a puncher;
- fill the screed;
- glue the tile.
All this, of course, you can learn in the process, but it will take time, and the result may not be exactly what you expect.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
Of course, first you need to decide what exactly you will bet. In any case, you must first buy a new plumbing, and only then remove the old one. Install will have to quickly, because the plumbing equipment must be constantly.
to the contents ↑Choosing the sanitary equipment
You will have less trouble if you choose the same kind of toilet bowl as the one that you have. It may seem to an inexperienced person that all the pots are very similar, only slightly different in shape and color.
But it's not so simple. The toilet bowls have much more significant differences. For example, the way to connect to the sewer. The form and direction of the neck of the outlet depend on this. On sale you can find several options:
- with an oblique release at an angle of 45º;
- with direct outlet at an angle of 90º;
- with vertical outlet in the floor.
Important! The last type in modern apartments is rare, but if you live in an old Soviet house and did not change the plumbing, you probably have it. So it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to this. In the store you will not find a toilet bowl with a vertical outlet, they stopped producing long ago, so you have to choose another option.
Mounting method
Sanitary equipment for toilets is different and according to the method of attachment. It can be:
- outdoor;
- hanging.
In the first case, the pot is installed on the floor, in the second - it is suspended to one of the walls, preferably the carrier. At the same time, the shape of the outlet neck plays no role. But there are different requirements for the quality of surfaces.
If you still decide to choose a model other than what you have, pay attention to its size. They largely depend on the area of the room. Note that the toilet should stand:
- no closer than 60 cm from the door;
- no closer than 20 cm from the wall.
Important! As for the distance to the door, then everything is clear - if the gap is less, the toilet can be used only by a small child. Move it closer to the wall, too, does not make sense, it will be inconvenient to put and use. Therefore, for a small bathroom should not choose too large a pot.
Another calculation of
Despite the fact that the toilets seem similar to each other as twins, they still have different dimensions. For a large bathroom it does not matter, but what if the toilet is tiny, and the door opens inwards? The answer is simple - pick up a pot of this size to fit perfectly into the room. For this:
- Open the door.
- Measure the distance from the edge of the door to the closest wall of the sewer.
- Take 15 cm from the result.
- Choose a toilet bowl whose length does not exceed the result.
Double or single?
Once you are in the plumbing store, you will be surprised by another circumstance that you have not thought about before. The seller can tell you that there are two types of toilet bowls:
- with double sink;
- with single discharge.
Important! It is possible that the consultant will offer you the first option, explaining that it is safer, more modern and generally better. Do not rush to get money. A toilet with a double sink is more expensive, but it has no more advantages. Mount it the same way as the one with the single.
to the contents ↑What tools are needed?
Before changing the toilet yourself, it is useful to take care of tools and materials. Much of what you need, you can buy in the store plumbing. Something, perhaps you already have:
- punch;
- impact drill;
- pobeditelnye drills for work on concrete;
- wrenches;
- pipe wrench;
- Swedish key;
- hammer;
- set of screwdrivers;
- sewer pipes;
- silicone sealant;
- glue cement.
Important! The perforator and impact drill serve for the same purposes, so either one or the other is needed. As for wrenches, they will be needed for connecting water hoses and assembling the locking fixtures. Pay attention to the diameter of the drill - it must match the size of the dowels.
Sewer pipes
When purchasing a new toilet, take care of the pipes with which you will connect it to the public sewer. Pipes are:
- steel;
- propylene;
- made of metal.
Important! Steel is more reliable and durable, but with their analogues from propylene and metal-plastics it is much easier to work, and for installing the toilet bowl by yourself this is very important.
What else to look for when buying?
The toilet bowl should be flat on the floor so that there are no gaps. Accordingly - the bottom of it should be as flat and flat as possible.
Pay attention to what you have a glass of a sewer riser - this will determine the shape of the outlet neck. It can be:
- mounted as an intermediate insert;
- come out directly from the floor.
What's the difference?
- In the first case it will be much easier to put the toilet bowl with an oblique neck - it comes out exactly at the same angle as the insert. A toilet with a straight neck can only be supplied by an experienced specialist, a modest amateur should not take any risks at all.
- If the sewer outlet goes directly from the floor, the neck that comes out at right angles fits. However, in this case, the oblique release of special labor will not be made, so this variant is more universal. Too hasty master, who ran to the store, without bothering to look at the tap, it is better to stop your choice on the model with the oblique neck.
Look at the tank
Decide whether you are going to change only the toilet bowl or and the tank too. The fact is that the drain tank has a hole through which water is supplied. Look where it is:
- on the bottom;
- at the top of one of the walls.
If you are not going to change everything at once and do not plan a thorough repair, see how convenient it is to connect the tank to the model you have chosen. It's better if you do not have to connect a pipe that is too long.
Important! You can buy a kit from the toilet bowl and a drain tank, where all the bends correspond to each other.
to the contents ↑We dismantle the toilet
Before you replace the toilet with your own hands, you will naturally have to get rid of the old one. The method of dismantling largely depends on what kind of pot you have - floor or suspended.
Floor Toilet
To begin with, you need to block the water that enters the drain tank, otherwise - you can not avoid troubles. To do this simply - on the water pipe there is a valve, which must be closed. Drain the water from the tank and check whether the valve you blocked. If you did everything right, water will not come.
Then the toilet is replaced in the apartment with your own hands as follows:
- Disconnect the piping leading from the tank to the toilet - it is best to do with a plumbing wrench, but if it is not, a wrench of the correct size will fit.
- Remove any remaining water from the tank.
- If the remaining water can not be drained, blot it with a soft rag.
- Unscrew the fixing bolts, screwed into the bottom of the tank.
- Remove the reservoir.
Further actions depend on the method of connecting the throat and sewer pipe:
- with a cuff and sealant;
- with cement mortar.
Important! In modern homes, the first option is almost always used, when the outlet with a sewer pipe is connected with a rubber cuff, and a sealant is used as a sealant. Tightly planted on the cement throat can be found only in old dwellings.
If you have a cuff, the actions will be as follows:
- Seal the sealant.
- Remove it through the sewer.
Joint, smeared with cement
In this case, a sharp knife will not help you. To disconnect the pot from the sewer pipe, you need:
- hammer;
- chisel;
- broom;
- scoop;
- plastic bag.
With a cement screed, you have to deal with the most cruel way.
- Dice the cement into small pieces.
- Add pieces to the package as they appear.
- After the cement has been broken, note the dust( there will be a lot of it) and also pour it into the bag.
Now you only need to remove the toilet itself. Looking at your feet, you will see that it is fixed to the floor with bolts, sometimes with decorative caps. To proceed as follows:
- Remove the decorative caps.
- Remove the bolts with a screwdriver.
- Put in order the place where the pot was standing.
- Clean the connection of the toilet bowl with the pipe.
Important! If you change the plumbing in the old apartment, it is best to replace the tee with two taps of 100 mm and 75 mm - in the Khrushchev it is most often cast-iron, it is more reasonable to replace it with a plastic one.
Attached toilet bowl
The attached toilet bowl is attached to the wall. Accordingly, and shoot it will have a little different than the floor - but this is also done quickly enough. As in the previous case, the water supply in the tank must be closed, and then:
- First loosen the fixing bolts, but do not completely remove them.
- Disconnect the tank and toilet bowl.
- Unplug the toilet from the sewer.
- Unscrew the fasteners completely.
Preparing the floor and the communications
To make the toilet stand up, the floor must be level and firm. The pot is fixed with the help of special toilet plugs, which must be held firmly and securely, that is, the base for them must be strong. Such qualities impart a layer of mortar on the floor. He dries long enough - about seven days.
With regard to communications, they are prepared to replace the toilet in the apartment with their own hands:
- Clean the place where you will connect the drain from salts and other formations, otherwise - the corrugation can not be attached sufficiently tightly.
- At the connection point of the waste tank, put the tap - it is needed to wash and repair the toilet, disconnected when the pipe supplying water to the tank is blocked.
Installation of the toilet
The installation itself will not take very long, if you have properly prepared everything:
- If necessary, put a new tee. It can happen that it becomes difficult, then it is easy enough to moisten it with shampoo, a means for washing sanitary ware, etc.
- Attach the toilet bowl with corrugated corners or corners to the tap from the riser.
- Check how the door opens. Pay attention to whether there is enough space for someone who sits on the toilet, whether the pot fits into space - in short, take care of comfort.
- Circle the bottom of the pencil.
- Mark the places where the dowels will stand.
- Drill holes for dowels 10-12 mm.
- Insert the dowels.
- Connect the toilet bowl to the riser.
- Check the alignment of the mounting holes on the toilet bowl with those that you made on the floor.
- Tilt the toilet in the direction of the
- . On the line that you have marked on the floor, apply a silicone sealant.
- Put the toilet in place.
- Gently press the toilet bowl with bolts.
- Wear decorative caps.
Suspended toilet
The principle of installing a hanging toilet is about the same. True, it is best to strengthen it with an assistant, who at the right time can support a fairly heavy object in the right position.
Important! The wall must be strengthened before fixing the plumbing. Of course, the gypsum partition is not suitable for this - it simply can not withstand such weight.
The procedure is exactly the same:
- Connect to the tap.
- Check the distance and how convenient it is to use the pot.
- Draw space on the wall.
- Identify the dowel points.
- Drill holes and insert dowels.
- Connect the toilet to the sewer.
- Check the holes.
- Apply a layer of sealant.
- Put the pot in place and adjust the position.
- Finish fastening.
The last stage - the drain tank
Replacing the toilet in the apartment with their own hands is almost complete - it remains to connect the tank. In comparison with what you have already done, it is a mere trifle, but the work still needs to be done carefully and diligently. The tank is already assembled. Next:
- Put the tank on the toilet, installing along the way rubber gaskets.
- Tighten the first bolt so that the bowl is warped.
- Align it, strongly, but gently pushing the hand on the lid.
- Tighten the remaining bolts.
- Connect the reservoir to the water supply using a good
- hose. Open the tap and wait until the tank is full.
- Check the drain.
- If the water oozes, remove the corrugation or corners, wipe dry, grease the sealants and put them back on again.
Important! Do not use a rubber hose in a metal braid - the braid rusts, the rubber is wiped. The best is a hose made of metal.
Now you clearly know how to change the toilet in the apartment with your own hands. Of course, you have to work hard, but the result is worth it. And if you act carefully, carefully checking everything, then the result will not be worse than if you use the services of a paid master. Good luck!