- Effective exercises for abdominal muscles
- Anatomy of the muscles of the press
- Advantages of the exercise
- How to make a vacuum for the press?
- Vacuum options for abdomen
- Vacuum on the press - how to do?
- How many times does it take to vacuum the abdomen?
- Contraindications for performing abdominal vacuum
How to do a stomach vacuum for the press? Many people have not even heard of such an exercise, and what to say about the knowledge of the technique of execution. If you want a flat stomach, but the diet and regular exercise do not help much, and friends continue to ask you on what term you are pregnant, then - you are not doing everything right. This defect is very simple to solve. This article will enlighten you on the question of a flat ideal tummy and help to improve your figure in a fairly simple way.
to content ↑Effective exercises for abdominal muscles
A must-have attribute of a sports figure is a narrow waist and a flat stomach. Whatever the results promised by advertising, no training program like "flat stomach for 10 minutes a day" will not help you. The main condition for burning fat in the abdomen is proper nutrition.
Important! To maintain the correct proportions of the figure a person should spend more calories than to get with food.
What are the benefits of special training for the abdomen?
- Exercises on the press perfectly pump the muscles of the press, but heavier exercises, for example, sit-ups, burn calories much more effectively.
- There is another exercise that athletes used to create a flat stomach and reduce the waistline. It is borrowed from yoga and is called the "stomach of the stomach".
Important! Everyone known Arnold Schwarzenegger regularly did this exercise. Therefore, despite the huge muscle mass, his waist remained very narrow. It was thanks to the "stomach vacuum" that the actor could boast such a desired many V-shaped back.
to the contents ↑Anatomy of the muscles of the press
To understand how to make a belly vacuum for the press, first get acquainted with the anatomy of the muscles of this area:
- Classical exercises for the muscles of the press, such as lifting the legs, twisting and others, mainly work on the rectusThe abdomen, which is often divided into "upper" and "lower" press.
- Exercise "vacuum for the press" makes it possible to work the transverse muscle, which is under the straight and oblique abdominal muscles. It plays the role of a natural "belt", visually narrowing the waist. Strengthening this muscle, it will be easier for her to "hold her stomach", and he will not "fall out", because often this is a serious problem even thin and slender girls.
Advantages of the exercise
In performing this exercise, you have the right to expect the following result:
- Getting rid of the distended abdomen. This lack of shape arises from the weak development of the transverse abdominal muscle.
- Reduces the visceral layer of fat that surrounds the internal organs.
- Narrowing the waist in a relatively short period of time.
- Visual enlargement of the thorax.
- Development of transverse abdominal muscles.
- Stronger forced exhalation with closed nose and mouth.
- Better control of the entire abdominal area.
- Flat stomach without fear of swapping the press.
- Stabilizing the spine and reducing pain in the lower back.
- Prevention of sagging internal organs.
Important! An essential advantage of this exercise is the ability to perform it without having special equipment in the home or office environment.
to the contents ↑How to make a vacuum for the press?
The best time to exercise is the morning, before eating. Before performing it is not necessary to drink and eat.
The main feature of the technique of doing this exercise is proper breathing:
- First you need to take a deep breath, and then exhale through the mouth, releasing the lungs from the air.
- You push the front wall of the abdomen as much as possible to the spine, at which time the internal organs seem to be pushed upward, under the ribs.
Variations of the vacuum for the abdomen
You can practice this exercise in several variations:
- Lying with straight or with bent legs.
- On all fours on the floor.
- Sitting.
- Standing.
Important! As a rule, it is most easy to start from a lying position, sitting or on all fours. The most difficult option is to perform a "vacuum for the abdomen" while standing.
to the contents ↑Vacuum on the press - how to do?
Since there are several variations of this exercise, we will consider each of them.
Position lying
The starting position in this case - lying on the floor with bent or straight knees, rested with the palms of the hands on the floor. If you want, you can put your palms on your stomach, so you can control the functional work of the muscle.
- Take a deep breath through your nose.
- Breathe out through your mouth and hold your breath.
Important! It is necessary to clear the lungs of air to the maximum.
- Simultaneously with the exhalation it is necessary to strongly involve the stomach, as if pressing the navel to the waist.
- This position should be delayed by 15 seconds.
Important! If, at the initial stage of this exercise, you do not get to hold your breath for a specified time, you can take a small breath, while not relaxing your abdominal muscles.
- Slowly inhale and relax the muscles gradually.
Important! Do not take sudden breaths.
- Take a couple of breaths-exhalations, then repeat the exercise again.
How to make a stomach tummy for a standing press?
Some bodybuilders consider this variation of the "vacuum for the abdomen" exercise the simplest, others - on the contrary the most difficult. Be that as it may, your personal experience will allow you to decide this. So, let's begin practical recommendations of the relative given variant of the exercise.
- Stand upright, put your feet shoulder width apart and put your hands on your hips. This is your starting point.
- Controllably and slowly deep inhale through the nose, typing in the lungs the maximum amount of air.
- Make a powerful exhale, bringing the stomach to the back as hard as possible. Fix in this position for 15-20 seconds.
- After a specified time, exhale and return to the starting position.
The position of "all fours"
This embodiment overcomes gravity. The starting position in this case will be pose on all fours, with the waist and neck should be in neutral position.
Important! Sharp deflections, like a clear straight line of the spine are completely excluded.
The execution technique is no different from the other variations of the exercise described above. You also breathe in, exhale and hold breath while the belly is drawn.
Seated position
This position is very important for stabilizing the back muscles, complicating the vacuum.
- Sit on a chair and bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. The back should be straight, and the feet should be on the floor.
Important! If you want to complicate the exercise, then replace the chair with a fitball.
- Next, perform breathing exercises, as described above.
Important! Do not rely on the back of the chair. Do not forget to pause before each approach.
to the contents ↑How many times does a vacuum for the abdomen need to be done?
- Strive to ensure that each time you manage to hold your breath longer. Starting from 15 seconds, bring the duration of the exercise to 60.
- Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
- During the week, "vacuum for the stomach" must be done at least 5 times.
Important! If you want to get the result from the exercise, then you need to regularly perform it. Get a habit, waking up to make a vacuum, and after breakfast and produce all the usual morning routines.
- After you can do the easiest exercise for you within 60 seconds, go to a more complicated version, and so, until you bring everything to automatic.
- When you master the most difficult option, begin to strain during the day the transverse muscle - this is a "light" version of the vacuum, which does not imply a delay in breathing and a strong retraction of the abdomen.
Important! It is especially useful to draw the belly in the case of sedentary work. Try not to slouch and keep your stomach. After a while you will do it on the machine.
However, one should not fanatically treat this idea and always press the navel as much as possible to the spine. This can lead to serious violations of the internal organs, up to visceroptosis( omission).
to the table of contents ↑Contraindications for the implementation of the stomach vacuum
Under certain conditions, this exercise can harm the body, so it's worth to be extremely careful and know such nuances. So, "vacuum for the press" is contraindicated in the following cases:
- During pregnancy.
- During menstruation.
- If there are diseases of the digestive organs.
- Problems with heart vessels and other heart diseases.
- Frequent dizziness.
- Lung diseases.
- For thyroid disorders.
- In cases of chronic illness or during an infectious disease.
- During recovery period after any surgical intervention.
Important! If after performing the exercise you have a stomach ache, then you need to stop doing it and seek help from a doctor.
Do not put too much hope on one exercise."Vacuum for the press" will not give you a flawless flat stomach without proper nutrition. Therefore, if you have a large percentage of fat, you need to think about the shortcomings of nutrition, reconsider your physical activity and strengthen your muscles with the help of the exercise described in the article. The technique of executing the "vacuum" is quite simple. If you bring it to automaticity and enter into a habit, then the "falling out stomach" does not threaten you.