- Than to erase a paint from a skin?
- How to wipe the hair dye from the skin?
- What else can I use to remove the hair dye from my skin?
- Useful tips
Color hair today not only women aged with gray hair on their heads, but also young girls who seek to change their appearance. Modern development of innovative solutions make it absolutely safe for hair. But if you perform the procedure not in the beauty salon, but at home yourself, the question may arise: how to wipe the hair dye from the scalp, arms, shoulders? This problem is not very difficult if you equip yourself with suitable means. What exactly is useful in this case and what will help to quickly solve the problem, how to wipe the hair dye from the skin, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑How to erase paint from the skin?
Remove undesirable traces of your transformation will help improvised folk remedies and special chemistry. The list of all possible options looks like this:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- soda;
- nail polish remover;
- lemon juice or acid in powder;
- alcohol or lotions for alcohol;
- soap - baby, liquid, economic;
- vinegar;
- special solvents;
- paint, which you used to change the shade of hair.
How to wipe the hair dye from the skin?
To remove traces of paint from the skin, do not use any tool at hand. Be sure to consider the fact, exactly where the drops of the solution hit. For example, it is possible to use more aggressive means for hands, and on the face such variant will not pass - it is necessary to take more careful and precisely hypoallergenic. Below you are offered several ways how to erase hair dye from the skin. Familiarize yourself with each of them and then choose yourself more suitable exactly for your case.
Method 1
A solution that has just got into unwanted places, wipe off with usual soap:
- Dampen a little water with a regular sponge, only clean.
- Lather it a little.
- Rub the stained area, but with a softer side.
- Repeat several times until all stain stains disappear.
Method 2
In order to quickly cope with the task of how to remove paint from the skin, you can use alcohol-containing lotions or solvents. The cleaning scheme in this case is as follows:
- Take the cotton pad.
- Water it with the selected substance.
- Rub each contaminated skin area.
- If necessary, note the wadded disk.
- Wash with cool water and spread with a nutritious cream.
Important! Do not use this option on the skin near the eyes. Similarly, you can use a nail polish remover, preferably on a bezacetone basis, or vinegar if you dilute it with water in equal parts.
Method 3
Soda comes to the rescue to remove various contaminants. She will help her cope with the problem, as well as erase the hair dye from the skin. Proceed as follows:
- Wet a clean sponge for washing dishes.
- Apply to soda.
- Wipe the desired place.
- Rinse with clean cool water.
- Remove any remaining powder and spread the cream over the skin.
Method 4
Just as quickly solve the problem of how to wash off the paint from the skin, you will help lemon or citric acid in the powder. To do this:
- Mix the powder with water until completely dissolved or squeeze a few drops of juice from fresh fruit.
- Moisten the cotton pad in the resulting juice.
- Wipe the dirt on your hands or forehead.
- Last steps - be sure to rinse with cool water and spread with a nutritious cream.
Important! Use this method if you are surely not allergic to citrus fruits and not near the eyes. If you do not have a lemon or acidic acid, follow the same instructions, but with the use of hydrogen peroxide.
to the contents ↑What else can I wipe the hair dye from the skin?
As though the following variant of removal of an undesirable paint from a skin did not doubtfully look, its efficiency is proved even by professionals from beauty salons. In this case, you will need the same paint that you applied to your hair. It works like this:
- Take the cotton pad.
- Blot it in the remaining remaining fresh paint solution.
- Apply to dried traces.
- Soak for 1-2 minutes.
- Wash off with soap and water.
If you are ready to spend and warn the problem of dried paint stains on the face, forehead, ears, shoulders and hands in advance, buy special solvents. The most effective professional solutions that do not cause allergies are:
- Igora Color Remover;
- Diskon Remover;
- Utopik Cleaner;
- Hair Light Remover.
Useful tips for
- Before staining your hair, collect them in a bun at the back of the head and lubricate your face, forehead, shoulders, hands, fingers, with a thick cream. Even if the paint gets on them, you can easily clean it even without special tools.
- As soon as you finish applying the paint on your hair, immediately scrutinize the skin for the appearance of dark spots. Fresh traces are much easier to remove than dried ones.
Now you know how and how to remove hair dye from the skin, so even if the procedure for changing the image will not be as neat as you would like, it will not affect your appearance and you will look irresistible!