- Who is the legislator of this fashion?
- Who needs clarification?
- To whom is the lightening of the eyebrows contraindicated?
- Clarification at home: how is it done?
- Should I lighten my eyebrows?
Any representative of the fair sex dreams of an ideal person. Correctly selected make-up and hairstyle can perform miracles with each, but the correct application of make-up consists of various details, and sometimes, it would seem, the smallest mistake can negate all efforts. It's no secret that the last few years, the main fashion trend is the girl's beautiful and clearly outlined eyebrows. If the eyebrows are not well-groomed, have an irregular shape or are strikingly different in color from the hair on the head - there will be a strange impression of their possessor.
Usually, the lady has to darken her eyebrows in order to give the person more expressive features and to emphasize her eyes - the choice of means for this is quite large, there are shades of different shades, and a variety of waxes and darkening creams. And what to do when absolutely opposite result is required and eyebrows should become lighter? How to lighten the eyebrows at home? We will deal with this issue in this article.
to the contents ↑Who is the legislator of this fashion?
It's hard to tell who and when this idea first came to mind, because almost every woman will surely find something that she would like to change in herself. It is well known that our distant ancestors from different times experimented with the color of this part of the face. But it is believed that the idea came from a beauty and actress Brigitte Bardot, when she, having done a hair styling, was forced to lighten her eyebrows. For many years, the novelty was outside the fashion industry, but somewhere after 2010 it was remembered and actively used.
to content ↑Who needs clarification?
The clarification procedure is an extremely fashionable trend, but remember your style and consult with a specialist about the need for this action.
In clarification are needed:
- Ladies who decided to radically change their appearance by a sharp color change, repainted in a blonde or adding a redhead to their image. If the girl was originally:
- Redhead;
- Brunette;
- Brown;
- Light Brown;
- Had a rich chestnut or blue-black hue.
Important! In all these cases, unambiguously when repainting in light colors it is necessary to observe harmony and eyebrows to lighten.
- Representatives of the fair sex with blond hair, but with a very light or pinkish skin tone. In this case, the bleached eyebrows will create a more ephemeral and aerial image, and also allow the use of brighter images in the make-up.
To whom is the lightening of the eyebrows contraindicated?
Changing the color of hair on any part of the body leads to a disruption in their life process. This is especially true of staining in light shades. Therefore, this procedure can be banned from several points of view:
- Medical. Skin is painful or has pronounced allergic reactions. If you decide to lighten the eyebrows at home, it is worth remembering that the pigment from the hair will be chemically etched. And with inflammatory reactions it is better to refrain from such actions, in order to avoid unpleasant and even critical consequences.
- Everyday make-up is quite rich, bright, includes a fairly dark tonal base, black shadows and saturated arrows.
- Skin tanned, dark or the girl is a frequent visitor to the tanning salons.
Important! In the last two cases, the rejection of the dark color of the eyebrows will lead to the fact that the face will lose its outlines as such, and in bright light it will appear to be a formless spot.
to the contents ↑Home clarification: how is this done?
Like any cosmetic action, the coloring of the eyebrows( in particular, lightening) can occur in the walls of the beauty salon or at home, depending on the lady's own desire. The procedure seems uncomplicated, so many will wonder how to lighten the eyebrows at home quickly.
Possible methods
To begin with, you must select the method by which the procedure will be performed. There are several basic methods for experiments outside the cabin:
- Hydrogen Peroxide;
- Decoctions of herbs and tinctures;
- Creams and makeup.
Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages, so more about each one further.
Clarifying the eyebrows at home: rules and precautions
In fact, the precautions are simple. Every woman who has ever gone through the procedure of staining hair, knows them, but the repetition will not be superfluous:
- Familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the chosen remedy.
- Skin should be healthy and without allergies. If there is any doubt, it is better to try in advance on another skin area or wait with the event.
- Keep the active ingredient away from the eyes, carefully monitor the staining process.
- Do not repeat more often than once every 3 days.
- I'm not sure - do not start! If there is any slightest doubt about the need and correctness of their actions, it is better to contact the master.
- If the slightest discomfort or burning occurs, rinse immediately with running water and consult a doctor
Important! It should be remembered that any mistake can cost a lost vision!
Use of hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperite, or perhydrol, has long been known to women of fashion as a means to give hair a blond hue.
Important! Even the world-famous Marilyn Monroe achieved her beautiful color with this simple substance.
The variant is convenient because it( peroxide):
- is available anywhere in the world;
- is quite cheap in production and, accordingly, for the realization of the substance;
- is dispensed without a prescription at any pharmacy;
- whitens it very very well, as it "kills" the natural dye in the hair.
If this method is chosen, you must prepare everything for staining:
- 3% hydrogen peroxide solution%
- Your usual shampoo;
- Brush or special comb for eyebrows with wide and rare denticles;
- Vaseline or oily cream;
- Any convenient make-up brush;
- Capacity with warm water.
Important! Start the procedure of staining is necessary from the fact that all the cosmetics must be carefully removed from the face, the eyebrows are washed with soap or shampoo from possible dirt and sweat, as well as sebum. Then it is necessary to wipe the moisture residues well and apply Vaseline or any fat cream on the eyebrow contour - this will avoid spreading and possible irritation.
Actually, you can start the process:
- Add half a teaspoon of the substance to a glass of warm filtered water and stir well.
- Apply this mixture and distribute it in an arc.
- Hold for about 15 minutes, but no more, then rinse thoroughly.
- If necessary - you can repeat, but not earlier than three days, or better - wait a week.
Important! Greater amounts of peroxide or longer exposure times can lead to partial baldness or trauma. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the precautions and follow the time.
Lightening with herbs and tinctures
The most famous ways if you need to lighten your eyebrows at home:
- broth chamomile or marigold;
- juice of lemon.
Important! The result will have to wait a long time, but these funds have virtually no contraindications and will make the hairs stronger and lively.
The recipe is simple:
- 20-25 g( two tablespoons) of herbs pour a glass of boiling water.
- Leave to stand for 30 minutes - if desired, you can add a couple drops of lemon juice.
- Then on the prepared cleansed skin apply the composition and wait for the effect.
Important! This option, how to lighten the eyebrows at home, as with the use of peroxide, is simple and straightforward.
Whitening creams and make-up
For girls with radically black hair color or the so-called "Asian" gene, the sparing effect of the two previous methods may not be enough. But what if the choice in favor of a blonde is made and requires the same cardinal change in eyebrow color?
In this case there are only two ways out:
- Use of special whitening creams;
- Applying makeup to mask black hairs.
Important! For example, for the eyebrows can be useful cream to lighten the so-called "antennae."Do not neglect to read the instructions for use!
- Clean the skin of possible contaminants with tonic, soap and clean water.
- Apply a cream around the eyes.
- Apply the paint for 1-2 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.
For make-up masking, you need to buy a special color gel and tonal base or concealer.
Important! The tonal base and concealer are in any cosmetic bag, but the gel will have to be selected by sampling. The recipe is simple - to apply the chosen means to the necessary state, if desired, to emphasize the shape with shadows or pencil of the desired color.
Natural dyes
It is also possible to use natural dyes - colorless henna. It not only gives the right shade, but also will heal and strengthen your hairs.
Important! The only problem with the desire to lighten the eyebrows at home quickly with the use of henna may be that not everywhere it can be bought. More precisely - you can buy something, but at the expense of the quality of the proposed cosmetics will have to be puzzled: it does not always correspond to expectations.
to the contents ↑Should I lighten my eyebrows?
Is it possible and necessary to do eyebrow coloring at home? Is it safe?- It is such questions the girl should ask before the beginning of this process. Here it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:
- Clarification, like any coloring, involves a chemical change in the structure of the hair, which means - it can not be absolutely safe in principle. Therefore, if there is the slightest doubt about the correctness of their actions, it is better to turn to professionals or refuse at all.
- If you still decided on this action, you should remember that you should not subject your eyebrows to "execution" more than twice a month. Behind them, as for any colored hair needs special care.
Care for clarified eyebrows
After the clarification process, thorough care is needed, as their condition deteriorates significantly. It can be provided in the following ways:
- Use oils with vitamins A, B, E( in the liquid state).
- Not every tool will suit you, so you need to use it carefully, little by little.
It is important to focus on your appearance, in case of doubt - go to the salon.
- If the eyebrows have brightened more than necessary - tint them. But it's better to not use chemical paint immediately, because double load on hair can cause them to fall out completely. As a result - the lack of eyebrows on the face will not be enough to decorate it.
- Paint is better to buy in proven places, do not use overdue products, plant in special dishes.
Important! After changing the image, you may have to change not only the color, but also the shape of the eyebrows, suitable for a new appearance.
As you can see, lightening the eyebrows at home can quickly turn out if certain rules and instructions are followed, and if the "native" hair color is light enough. And in the perspective of using special tools and make-up - "draw" you can choose any desired option. Hence - you always have room for imagination and transformation of your appearance for this or that mood, event, situation. Be always careful with your appearance, and then look irresistible will be easy for you!