- Photoepilation: what is it and how does it work?
- Advantages and disadvantages of photoepilators for home
- Contraindications when using the photo-depilator
- How to choose a photo-epilator for the house?
- Overview of photo-emulators
Now, probably, there is no person who would not face removing unwanted hair on the body. Some struggle with excess hair on the body at home, others solve this problem in the salons, going through expensive procedures. A common method of hair removal is photoepilation - with its help you can forget about their growth for a long time. This procedure can be carried out not only in salons, but also at home. The photo-epilator will come to the rescue. Which is better to choose for home use, what to look for when buying, as well as the rating of photoepilators for the home, we will consider in this article.
to the contents ↑Photoepilation: what is it and how does it work?
Photoepilation is a method of hair removal with the help of intense pulsed light( IPL).Photoepilators work on the principle of photothermolysis. This principle is based on the fact that high-frequency flashes of light strongly heat the hair shaft, at the same time the hair follicle is destroyed, and thus hair growth stops.
Important! It should be noted that only active follicles are destroyed, those that are in the stage of hair growth. But in the thickness of the skin there are still sleeping follicles, of which the hair does not temporarily grow. Therefore, to get the desired result, you need to go through a whole course of procedures.
to the contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of photoepilators for home
Before buying a home photoepilator, it is recommended to undergo this procedure in the salon. This is necessary in order to understand whether your method of hair removal and skin is suitable for this method of hair removal or not.
If the procedure suits you, then you will get a lot of advantages from carrying it at home:
- Save time. At any time convenient for you, you can do the procedure at home without spending time on the way to the clinic or salon. Also, you do not have to sign up for a procedure in the salon or clinic with hair regrowth.
- Save money. When processing large areas of skin( legs, back), the device pays for itself through several procedures.
- The help of strangers is not required, which is especially important for epilation in the intimate zone.
- Lightness and compactness of the device. A small weight allows you to work for a long time, while the hand does not get tired.
- The effect is comparable to the salon procedure. Home photoepilator has less power, but this does not affect the result.
- The quality of the procedure. When carrying out the hair removal procedure on your body, you will not save the resources of the device.
- Ability to customize individually. By adjusting the strength of the light pulse, you can make the procedure less painful.
Important! Disadvantages:
- Lack of professional advice. When you personalize the photoepilator, you need to consider the type of skin and hair color. And some people, photoepilation can be generally counter-indicative.
- Less effect, in comparison with professional devices. Home appliances produce less powerful, so as not to harm yourself when using.
Contraindications when using the photoepilator
When using the device, even the best photoepilator can be harmful to health. Cases in which the device can not be used:
- Fresh scars on the skin.
- Women during pregnancy and lactation. Benign and malignant skin changes.
- Varicose veins.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- The period of exacerbation of hypertension.
- Mental diseases.
- Skin inflammations - burns, irritations, eczema, psoriasis.
- Children under 14 years.
- Vascular network.
- Increased photosensitivity.
Important! When taking medication, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of photoepilation.
to the contents ↑How to choose a photo emulator for the home?
Let's consider the main characteristics that should be taken into consideration when choosing a photoepilator for home use.
Power - this is the main parameter, which should be paid attention when buying the device, since the effect of the procedure directly depends on it - the higher the power, the better the process of hair removal.
The best photoepilator has a power of 10 Joules per square centimeter. Even better, if it is possible to adjust the power of the light flux - this will reduce the power when processing particularly sensitive areas of the body.
Important! When exhibiting a large value of power, it is possible to get a skin burn, so you need to be especially careful.
Treatment area( light flash)
This parameter determines the speed of the procedure - the larger the area, the faster you will process the skin. The greatest value that home photoepilators have is 6 square centimeters.
Skin Type Sensor
The most safe to use are models in which there is a skin type sensor.
Important! When choosing a device, remember that gray and light hairs are difficult to photoepilation, so you should choose models where light and electric energy are combined.
If you have swarthy skin, there is a risk of pigmentation when performing the procedure, so choose the models that suit your skin type.
Lamp lifetime
An important characteristic that should be considered when choosing a device:
- The minimum value is 750 flashes.
- Maximum - can reach hundreds of thousands of flashes.
Inexpensive models are equipped with lamps with a minimum flash rate, so when operating it is expensive to replace the lamps.
Important! If initially it is planned to remove hair from large areas of the body - chest, abdomen, back, etc. for men, it is better not to save and buy a model with a large lamp life.
Power type
On sale there are devices with two types of power:
- from the network;
- rechargeable batteries.
Battery photoepilators are more convenient to use, but there are drawbacks:
- batteries are not always capable of providing the necessary power;
- there is a possibility of a break in the procedure for charging the battery.
Safety of use
Please note that the function of blocking the possibility of directing radiation to the eyes, and also if you have children, for the presence of the function of protection from children.
Photoepilators for home are available in the form of a small hairdryer or phone. To make it as easy as possible for you to use the device, pay attention to this characteristic when choosing.
to the contents ↑Overview of photo-emulators
In order to know which models to look for when choosing a device, let's review the most popular models of photoepilators.
Important! Buying a photoepilator, pay attention not only to the brand, but also to the country where the device is released. The best photoepilator, for the quality of which you will not have to worry, is produced in Europe, for example, Philips - in the Netherlands, HPLight - in Germany.
Remington i-Light Pro Plus and Remington i-Light Pro Plus QUARTZ
This brand is the most popular and bought in Europe, and therefore takes first place in the rating of photoepilators.
Main technical characteristics:
- time between pulses - 2 seconds;
- pulse duration is 110 milliseconds;
- lamp working surface - 2 square centimeters;
- availability of all necessary functions and settings;
- lamp life - 1500 flashes for the Remington i-Light Pro Plus and 30000 - for Remington i-Light Pro Plus QUARTZ.
Clinical trials of
After 6 months, after 3 complete procedures, the hair growth in the test subjects decreased by at least 66%.Therefore, you need to re-process the areas of the body in which the hairs grow.
Important! Both models are approved by the FDA and are recommended by dermatologists.
- Power - for the face 3 J / cm2, 7-8 J / cm2 - for the body.
- Number of intensity settings - 5.
- Approved by the FDA.
- Presence of built-in skin type sensor.
- The presence of LED display, with which you can check the indicators of the skin sensor, the condition of the lamp and the intensity of light.
- A multi-flash function that allows you to process large areas of the body in less time or use it for processing specific areas, such as faces.
- Not suitable for dark skin.
- Not suitable for gray and light hair.
- A small lamp life for the Remington i-Light Pro Plus model.
Silk'n Flash & GО
After 4 procedures with a periodicity of 2 weeks, hair loss is reduced to 80%.In the American photoepilator ratings, this model is located in 2-4 places.
- Presence of 5 intensity settings.
- Lamp life: Silk'n Flash & GО model - 5000 pulses, Silk'n Flash & GО LUXX model - 120,000 flashes.
- Can be used for face, body, bikini.
- The photoepilator is approved by the FDA.
- Enough large flash window 4x2 cm in size.
- Presence of a skin tone sensor.
Important! In comparison with similar models, a small cost.
Gillette Venus Naked IPL
Gellette Venus Naked IPL is an excellent device for removing unwanted hair from the well-known manufacturer Braun. From other similar devices it is distinguished by a large lamp life, high power, and also a special gel package that cools and anesthetizes the skin, and also enhances the effect of light on the follicles.
- Relatively low cost.
- Famous brand.
- Lamp life - 50,000 pulses.
- Presence of a special gel in the kit.
- Power - 10 J / cm2.
- Positive feedback about the device.
Important! The skin tone sensor is not built into the device, which causes some inconvenience when used.
Philips Lumea IPL
There are many models of the famous Philips manufacturer on the market. Philips Lumea photoepilators are wireless, and with an intense level of the pulse, the battery charge lasts for 27 minutes. At the same time, to fully charge the battery you need 10 hours.
Important! Users of photoepilators Philips Lumea note a short effect and a slight decrease in hair growth.
- Ease of use, because the photoepilator is wireless.
- The device has 5 light intensity settings.
- Ultra-violet filter.
- Power - adjustable from 2 to 5.9 J / cm2.
- Models SC2007 and SC2009 are equipped with a more accurate filter for use on the face and lamps from the resources of more than 100,000 flashes.
- Models SC2008 and SC2009 have additional filters for hair removal in the bikini zone.
- There is no built-in skin type sensor.
- Models before SC2004 are not provided for face and bikini.
- High cost.
BaByliss G932E Homelight 50
The customer reviews of the BaByliss G932E Homelight 50 show that the device does not cope with light, red and gray hair, and when used on dark hair it gives satisfactory results. This disadvantage should be noted when reviewing known models of photoepilators.
- Low cost.
- The resource of lamps is enough for 50,000 flashes.
- Compactness.
- Presence of 5 flash modes.
- No skin type sensor.
- Low power - 4 Joules per 1 cm2.
- Poor performance in the treatment of red, gray and light hair.
Important! To remove light, gray and red hair, it is better to choose epilators working on ELOS technology.
We examined the main parameters that should be taken into consideration when buying a device, reviewed the popular models of photoepilators. Do not be lazy to read reviews about the models - they will help you in choosing the best photoepilator, which can cope with unwanted hair on the body.