How to clean a fox fur at home - simple but effective methods

Modern women of fashion appreciate fur of a black-brown fox not so much for the fact that it is able to warm in the cold winter, but for a unique appearance and aesthetic appeal. However, only if you know how to clean the fox and properly take care of it, you can expect that your favorite product will last at least 4-5 years.

Otherwise, after a few months or even weeks, smart fur will turn yellowish tint or fade due to a layer of dust. The main rule - do not ask for help in dry cleaning. If there is no opportunity to hand over the subject to fur trade professionals, it is better to do everything yourself, at home.

Basic rules for the care of the demanding material

Regardless of whether you have to look after a fur coat, a fur vest, a hat or a clutch, the care requirements in all cases are the same:

  • Large products should not be worn for travel by public transport. And before getting into the car, it's better to remove the thing.
  • If the fur caught wet snow, then immediately after coming home( or going into the room) the product should be hung and straightened. Next, take a special comb and give the villagers the desired position.

Advice: It is strictly forbidden to use a dryer or other artificial heat sources for drying damp fox fur. From this effect, it quickly turns yellow and loses its natural softness.

  • When storing feldsbrands at home, you should not neglect moth remedies. It is better to use non-sprayers, which are applied directly to the fur, and the plates.

In addition, fur garments need to be regularly cleaned. There are several options for impact, they are all effective and, if the rules are observed, they are safe.

Safe but effective cleaning methods for fox

To quickly and thoroughly clean furs at home, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Soapy water. Take a double piece of gauze, soak it in a mild soapy solution( from liquid soap or shampoo) and carefully squeeze. We wind on the brush for cleaning the fur and use it to treat the product along the course of the pile. After cleaning, we conduct on the treated area with a moist cotton swab or a soft sponge. It should be ensured that moisture does not penetrate to the lower layer of the skin.
  • Vinegar or alcohol. Clean and soft sponge wet with undiluted medical alcohol, squeeze, use for surface treatment of the product. First we work against the direction of the pile, then - along the way. At home, this method is recommended to use very carefully, only when it noticeably fades or clots. With frequent cleaning, fur can be dried. Vinegar is used in exactly the same way.

  • Gasoline and talcum powder. The first component must be cleaned( they are filled with lighters).We mix the gruel from two ingredients, apply it in a thin layer to the dirty places and leave it to dry. After that, comb the mass with a brush. If the first races are terribly risky, you can just sprinkle the problem areas with talc and in a few minutes, clean it off.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. This method is used to eliminate yellowness, which often occurs on the white part of the pile. For 400 ml of water, take a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of ammonia. In the resulting product, we moisten the cotton disc and methodically process the entire product.

Dry processed products from fox is best in the sun. This will speed up the process and provide an additional whitening effect.