- Why is an antenna needed?
- What banks are needed?
- What else do you need?
- How to make an antenna from a can?
- If the antenna is on the street
- How to make an antenna out of tin cans?
- It all depends on the
range. Situations where a new TV antenna is urgently needed is not so rare. You went with your friends to barbecue, but at the same time, would like to see an interesting football match. Or we went to the dacha, where there is still no stationary catching device. It happens that the wire, to which the whole TV channel takes the whole house, cuts off by the wind - and then what? You can always find a way out of the situation. Aluminum cans from beer, lemonade or energy are quite fit to watch football. How to make an antenna from beer cans? We will now talk about this.
to the contents ↑Why an antenna?
Ancient Greeks called antennas of insect beak. Nature has made sure that the smallest creatures receive signals about what is happening around them. The TV antenna actually exists for the same purpose - it catches radio waves and amplifies them.
Collecting devices are:
- external;
- indoor.
Outdoor antenna - this is the same wire that one end sticks into the TV, and the other goes to the roof. The longer the cable, the better the reception. Room devices are of different shapes. The most popular is a stand with two long mustaches, reminiscent of the antennae of insects.
Important! Instead of "horns" can be tubes, bicycle wheels and much more. Banks of beer or canned vegetables for the antenna themselves - the most affordable material.
to the contents ↑What banks are needed?
Before you make an antenna from beer cans, you need to choose the cans themselves. Of course, it also happens that there is not much choice - what was found in the trash bag, from which it will have to be done. But if you suddenly found out different, examine them carefully.
They can be:
- entirely aluminum;
- with tin elements.
It depends on this, how you will attach the cable. Aluminum can not be soldered, so the ends of the wire must be screwed. Tin is quite another matter. Two motion soldering iron, and the antenna is ready.
Important! Determine whether there are iron elements or not, most easily with the help of a magnet. Tin is attracted, aluminum is not.
Two words about the size of
How to make an antenna for a TV from beer cans, if they are large? It's even better. In general, the trapping device of beer containers is good in that the banks are bulky, and this widens the reception band.
Important! By the way, from them you can make an additional antenna for your mobile phone, if suddenly you are in the zone of an uncertain reception.
The more banks, the more confident the reception will be. The volume of 0.5 liters is more preferable than 0.25.Accordingly - if you get a liter, it will be a great success.
Important! An antenna can be made even from two identical aluminum pans, if the farm finds unnecessary - holes in the bottom and the absence of handles in this case, the role does not play.
to the contents ↑What else do you need?
Before you make an antenna out of cans, it is very useful to rummage through a tool box or in a closet if it is the case with a grandmother in the village.
You need:
- 2 identical banks;
- tape or tape;
- antenna cable RC-75( RG-6 / U);
- TV connector;
- drunk;
- soldering iron;
- screwdriver;
- 2 self-tapping screw or screw;
- stick.
The cable can be found in two types:
- coaxial, consisting of a core and screen;
- flat two-wire.
Important! For the antenna from the cans, the second option is preferable, with it there will be no problems at all. If you have a coaxial cable, at one end you need to separate the core and screen.
The stick must be of such length that both cans fit on it at a certain distance from each other. You can take, for example, a wooden coat hanger. Nothing prevents from screwing the structure to the top shelf of the rack or hanging to the antlers. But it is better if the device will be located as close to the window, where reception is always better than in the depth of the home.
to the contents ↑How to make an antenna out of cans?
Beginning of production is the same for cans with tin elements and pure aluminum:
- Tape the cans with a sticky tape to the stick, the keys to each other - the distance between them is established empirically, but is usually about 7 cm.
- Remove the plastic sheath from the coaxial cable for about 10-12 cm.
- You will see a foil and a copper braid - remove the foil, braid the braids together.
- Under the foil you will find foamed polyethylene - cut it too.
Option 1
If the cans have tin keys, solder one to one core, to the other - a screen. If you have a two-wire wire, just peel the ends and solder.
Option 2
To the cans completely made of aluminum, the ends of the cable are screwed with screws and fixed with nuts. This option is even better if the antenna will stand on the street. Soldering does not tolerate frost, and there will be nothing to screw.
If you leave the cable as is, it can easily come off. Therefore, it is better to stick it with adhesive tape to the same stick, and the antenna is ready. To the other end, a television connector is connected, which is inserted into the TV socket.
to the contents ↑If the antenna is on the street
Even before making an antenna for the TV with your own hands from beer cans, it makes sense to think about where it will stand or hang. If on the street, it is better to protect it from wind, rain and other weather troubles. In general, aluminum is resistant to corrosion, so it is usually sufficient to cover the compound with a lapel. But some people are doing something like a cover.
What do I need? Rummage in your closet, and you will certainly find everything you need, because you only need a large plastic bottle:
- Cut the bottom and neck of the bottle.
- Make a hole at the exit of the cable.
- After the cable is connected, scald the hot water hole.
How to make an antenna from tin cans?
The catching device for the TV can be made not only from aluminum, but also from tin cans - for example, from under canned peas. They are even more convenient because they are easier to solder. But the sheet rusts, and this should be borne in mind.
- Cut completely the cover.
- Clean the place of soldering from the paint and varnish by nesting.
- Solder one core to the other, and the screen to the other.
- Attach the entire construction to the stick.
Important! In order for the rainwater to leave, make a small hole on the side of each can that faces the ground.
to the contents ↑Everything depends on the range
Beer cans, of course, the material is very affordable. But such an antenna only receives a signal on UHF decimetric waves. For a meter range, such an antenna is not good. In principle, for a similar technology, you can make a device from any metal tubes, but first you need to determine the frequency of the broadcast. It depends on it the length of the metal cylinders. The entire broadcasting band of terrestrial television occupies frequencies from 50 to 230 MHz and is divided into 12 channels:
- 50 MHz - 271-276 cm;
- 59, 25 MHz - 229-234 cm
- 77.25 MHz - 177-179 cm
- 85.25 MHz - 162-163 cm
- 93.25 MHz - 147-150 cm
- 175.25 MHz - 85 cm;
- 183.25 MHz - 80 cm;
- 191.25 MHz - 77 cm;
- 199.25 MHz -75 cm;
- 207.25 MHz - 71 cm;
- 215.25 MHz - 69 cm;
- 223.25 MHz - 66 cm.
Important! From the frequency depends both the length of the vibrator, and the ratio of the length of the cables for the matching device. For a frequency of 50 MHz, a vibrator of 271-276 cm in length and a cable ratio of 286 cm to 95 cm is needed. For the frequency 223.25 MHz, these parameters are 66 cm and 66 cm to 22 cm.
We prepare the
materials. For the antenna from the tubes, you need:
- metal pipe( brass, copper, steel, aluminum);
- TV cable;
- textolite:
- metal strips;
- rod.
Important! Metal tubes should be about 6 cm shorter than those listed on the frequency list. The diameter is 8-24 mm. Tubes are absolutely identical in thickness and material. The length of the cable is calculated based on the distance from the antenna to the receiver, plus two meters for the sag and matching band. The thickness of the textolite is not less than 4 mm.
Assembling the antenna
Of metal tubes is already quite a serious antenna. However, it is collected almost in the same way as the one made from cans:
- Pull the ends of the tubes flat.
- Place both cylinders on a piece of textolite 6-7 cm apart.
- Attach them with clamps from metal strips.
- With the wire, proceed in the same way as in the manufacture of the antenna from the cans( better solder).
- Place the place of soldering with silicone, epoxy or nitrocellulose.
- Attach the antenna to the rod.
- To the free end of the wire, solder the connector and insert it into the TV socket.
Now you are ready for different life surprises. And if you also consider yourself a good owner, you can definitely solve the problem of a broken or missing antenna in any situation.