Brown spots - a problem many women. Appearing in prominent places, they spoil the appearance and generate significant moral discomfort. Get rid of them is not easy. First you need to determine the cause, and then proceed to their removal. Help in this 10 home methods to get rid of age spots, regularly using that you can achieve the desired result.

Effective home remedies
The reasons for the appearance of pigmentation, there are many. This may be due to genetic predisposition, hormonal failure, a lack of vitamins in the body, or prolonged exposure to the sun.
Another factor that provokes the colored marks on the skin, can be a disease of the liver.
Proven methods of getting rid of pigmentation:

- Bow and vinegar essence. To prepare the agent will need to grind in a blender or grinder one small bulb, the resulting slurry was added 150 ml of vinegar. Leave for 10-15 minutes and strain through cheesecloth, pour into a bottle and used as a tonic, rubbing desired areas every morning and evening. The result will be evident after 3-4 weeks.
- Due to the bleaching effect parsley It is used to make poultices. It is sufficient to grind the green beam in a blender, add 20 ml of boiling water and put on makeup stains. Remove when dry. Repeat every 2 days for a month.
- Whitening toothpaste. Take a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, honey and chopped parsley. Mix and spread over the skin. After 25 minutes, rinse. General course - a month, 2 treatments per week.
- Good Beat egg until foamyThen add a spoonful of honey and water. Apply the composition to problem areas for 30 minutes. After the procedure, moisten the skin with a nourishing cream. Perform every five days.
- Combine equal parts lemon juice and vinegar. The resultant solution moisten cotton and applied to the spot for 10-15 minutes. If you will feel a burning sensation, it is necessary to remove the compress before. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
Other effective methods

Berry Mask contains antioxidants, which are well decolorized. To grind in a blender gooseberries, cranberries, strawberries, or strawberries. Apply for 20-30 minutes every 5 days.
Tonic of celandine: wash and chop the leaves, add a cup of boiling water, to insist night, drain and process the necessary parts on a daily basis.
Tablespoon, and a teaspoon of starch iodized salt Pour 10 ml of water. The resulting scrub applied 2 times a week.
Mix 10 ml of castor oil, lemon juice and cucumber. Bandage impregnated with a solution and apply to stains. After 20 min rinse with warm water.
Crush 12 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, add to the powder tablespoon of water. The resulting mixture was spread evenly over the problem area for 20 minutes.
Pigmentation does not threaten health, but does not add beauty. Among home recipes everyone will choose the best option for themselves to get rid of spots.