How to turn a balcony into a lounge area: practical recommendations for using space and design ideas

In fact, there are many options for how to turn balcony in the lounge area. Practical advice from professional designers to help create the perfect holiday destination, where you can be alone with your favorite book or a cup of coffee and admire the wonderful view of window.

How to turn a balcony with his hands in the lounge area

Practical tips from the experts

The lounge area is to be designed in soothing color palette with soft diffused light and cozy furnishings. Although, as a rule, is in absolutely the opposite situation in the territory. On the balcony and the balconies are added all the unnecessary things, so there is not something that the rest, but even to stand nowhere. Therefore, before proceeding to the alteration of space, should get rid of everything unnecessary. After that you need to assess the potential and take measurements.

Then you can proceed to filling the room. It must meet the following requirements:

Options for filling the space and design ideas
Recommendations and tips from professional designers
  1. Glazing and insulation. If the balcony is not glazed, then it is necessary to do in the first place, otherwise the room will be used only in the summer, and then, provided that the weather conditions allow you to do this. It is best to give preference to the glazing from floor to ceiling, then the room is full of light. It is also important to consider the options for warming. If resources permit, it is best to mount the warm floors and walls to block the special roll insulation or foam.
  2. Bet on natural materials. Particular attention should be paid to the materials to be used for finishing. Often, in order to save the owners of plastic used apartments. But to create a cozy and comfortable area should give preference to wood, decorative bricks or tiles. In addition, these materials will last much longer than synthetic panels.
  3. Lighting. Typically, in the territory of a standard balcony or a loggia there are no sockets and lighting, so this issue is to do yourself. To do this, you can hire professionals who are stretched to the cable and install the spots for multiple fixtures. You can also buy lamps that run on solar batteries.

The main conditions are met, you can now proceed to design. In the lounge area you can create absolutely any interior, it all depends on taste preferences and desires of the owners themselves. The only thing that can stop it is a small area of ​​the room. But with imagination and it is possible to make a cute and comfortable.

design ideas

Before proceeding to the design, it is necessary to understand why the balcony to use it. When meeting with your friends, you can install a mini-bar and several bar stools. And when to rest, the comfortable sofa and a small coffee table.

In any case, at this stage you need to make a sketch. You can even print out from the Internet pictures of the interior, to be guided by them.

Next, the sequence of actions is as follows:

Alteration on the balcony, sitting area
  1. Choosing the perfect furniture. If the space is used as a recreation room, it is best to put a small sofa, which is convenient to read or watch TV. For friendly get-togethers is better to choose just a chair and a table. Also very impressive look wicker chairs and soft ottoman. Particularly creative own home made podium of boards, which are then covered with a mattress and cushions fill up bright. This looks lounge area is very creative and natural.
  2. Creating comfort. Create a warm and cozy environment, you can use textiles, so the windows hang curtains. Look great roll model, they are well protected from the sun. It looks great and transparent tulle - it will give the room romantic and mysterious. On the floor you can throw a beautiful bright carpet. And the finishing touch to become a warm blanket, in which you can always wrap in bad weather.
  3. decoration. The most interesting stage - the filling of the space cute heart details and decorations. On the walls you can hang interesting pictures that fit into the interior. On the windowsill should arrange vases, souvenirs or family photos. Do not forget about plants, using them, you can create a real oasis on the balcony. For example, hang on the walls of the pots and on the corners to set big pots with trudging flowers varieties. This hedge will help to hide from prying neighbors. And if you install more and folding chairs, or even turn out area to relax.

As you can see, to make the lounge area very easy, the task can handle anyone. The main thing is to show a little imagination, and then the private balcony will be the envy of all the guests, without exception.