How to clean the iron at home from the deposit?

  • How can I clean the iron?
  • Special iron cleaning tools
  • We clean with traditional techniques an iron with Teflon coating
  • Clean the iron from the carbon at home
  • Clean the iron from scaling inside
  • How to iron clothes to prevent carbon deposits on the iron?
  • Tips and basic ironing rules:

Modern household irons are designed in such a way that they have a self-cleaning system. However, using even such high-tech devices, sometimes the question arises, how to clean the iron at home from carbon deposits. This should be done very carefully, using only suitable means for this purpose, otherwise - removal of the pick from the wrongly chosen fabric mode will be effective, but the consequences of such cleaning will make you think about buying a new device, not cheap at all. We'll figure it out in all the nuances of doing this procedure at home.

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How can I clean the iron?

The method of cleaning will depend on the material from which the ironing surface is made. Heating devices come from the following materials:

  • Metal Ceramics.
  • Ceramics.
  • Stainless steel.
  • Teflon.
  • Aluminum.
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Special iron cleaning tools

Irons of a new generation with Teflon, ceramic or silicon ironing surface practically do not need to be cleaned. If rare "accidents" occur, then carbon can be easily eliminated with universal household products, which you will find in any hardware store, it can be:

  • Whirpool.
  • Snowter.
  • Green Clean Professional.
  • Pencil "The Magic".
  • Snowter Pencil.

Important! The composition of specialized products contains ammonia alcohol, so the cleaning of the heating apparatus must be carried out in a well-ventilated room.

There are many other ways to clean this household appliance. The only thing that unites all these means is the absence of abrasive particles. This means that the machine must be cleaned only with liquid, homogeneous solutions, without crumbs, with a soft cloth. It is very important not to scratch a very delicate surface.

Clean the iron with pencil

You can clean the iron from the carbon at home by applying a special pencil that is sold in any hardware store and departments with household chemicals.

Iron cleaning technology with pencil:

  1. Place the iron on a flat surface so that the sole is on top. At the same time, care should be taken so that there are no foreign objects lying nearby.
  2. Turn on the machine and heat it to a temperature of 120-130 degrees. This is approximately 4-6 position.
  3. After this, take a pencil and swipe on the ironing surface. When in contact with a hot surface, the pencil material will begin to melt.
  4. Next, take a clean cotton rag and remove the detached carbon.
  5. To clean the device with holes, press the "Steam" button and wipe the steam holes.

Important! Pencil for cleaning the iron is a quick and modern way to clean the carbon from the iron.

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We clean with traditional techniques an iron with Teflon coating

The iron can be cleaned at home from carbon in the following ways:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide. Take a cotton pad, well moistened with peroxide, gently clean the sole. In this case, the iron can not be heated.
  2. Cleaners are a good substitute for ordinary household soap. To clean the iron at home from carbon deposits, it must first be heated, apply a soapy solution on the hot surface, and then with a soft cloth, it is easy to remove dirt.
  3. Hydroperite. Heat the device to a temperature of 100-120 degrees, and then wipe the dirty place with a tablet. This procedure should be done in warm gloves and in a well ventilated room, since ammonia vapors are released.
  4. Citric acid. Clear carbon from the iron with lemon acid is very simple! To do this, take a light flannel cloth, soak it in lemon zest. Then iron it with a heated iron. In turn, under the "rescue rag" should be put rags, so as not to stain the ironing board. In this case, the steam function should not be included.
  5. Lemon slice. This option is similar to the previous one, but instead of lemon juice you need to use natural citrus. The device should be heated, and then gently rub the sole with lemon.
  6. Ammonium alcohol and vinegar. To do this, mix the two components in equal proportions and soak a cotton cloth in them. Wipe this cloth with a dirty surface. Before starting the procedure, be sure to open all windows.
  7. Baking soda. Soft particles of soda easily dissolve in water, so the soda solution can be cleaned even Teflon surfaces.

Important! The ceramic surface can be cleaned with a wooden spatula. For this, the apparatus is heated, and then gently scraped with a spatula. The rest of the deposit is wiped with a cloth.

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Clean the iron from the carbon at home

Irons made of aluminum and stainless steel are less popular among consumers, because they are not as technologically advanced as Teflon machines, besides, they are more often exposed to carbon deposits. Methods for cleaning such irons are similar to the above options, however, they have one very significant difference: in the case of aluminum soles, cleaning of the device with citric acid is unacceptable.

Important! This is because the acid very quickly reacts with the metal and causes corrosion. After that, rough dark spots may appear. Which during the ironing will spoil the clothes.

How can I clean the iron?

  1. Toothpaste - apply toothpaste or powder to a dirty surface, and then wipe it with a rough sponge.
  2. Salt - pour salt on a clean sheet of paper evenly, and then walk on it with a hot iron. It must be ensured that the salt crystals do not fall into the steam holes.
  3. To clean the appliance from burnt cloth, take a piece of gauze, soak it in acetone, wipe the surface with it.
  4. If pieces of polyethylene are left on the sole of the iron, they can easily be removed with the help of a nail polish remover.
  5. It is also possible to clean the iron at home from the deposit with a paraffin candle - it eliminates almost any coating and can cope with various impurities. Wrap the candle in a soft rag, and heat the iron. Then gently stroke the wrapped candles on the heating surface of the device until the paraffin begins to melt. The melted paraffin and will remove the deposit. To properly perform this method, you need to prepare a place in advance for the process and lay the rags, where the paraffin must flow. After finishing the procedure, wipe the sole with a damp sponge. Also, do not forget about the steam holes - turn on the "Steam" button to remove the stale wax from there. If you do not do this, then the clothes will have fat wax spots.
  6. Old carbon can be removed using a hot bath. This method involves immersing the device in hot water with different mixtures. For this, take a pan and pour hot water into it with the addition of any cleaning agent( vinegar, soda, salt, lemon juice) 2 cm thick. If the carbon does not want to leave the surface, the pan with the iron immersed in water is further heated.
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Clean the iron from scaling inside the

To avoid rusting inside the appliance, you should pour only pure drinking water into it, ideally distilled water.

Important! In no case can not fill the tank with tap water. When heated, heavy salts very quickly form scale, which will subsequently come out in the form of brown flakes.

The appliance in which scales are formed inside is extremely inconvenient to use. During the ironing on the clothes can remain red spots, which are very difficult to wash. Is it possible to remove the coating from the iron at home or it will have to be thrown away?

First of all, I would like to note that modern irons are equipped with a "self-cleaning" function. To do this, water is poured into the tank, and then done as follows:

  1. Heat the device to maximum power.
  2. After five minutes, completely turn off the iron, and then press the "clean" button.
  3. After these actions, steam with impurities should escape from the steam holes. In order not to soil the floor, an iron basin must be prepared beforehand.
  4. To remove all the scum from the machine, shake it well, and at the end wipe the sole with a cloth.

Important! If the old scale is seriously settled inside and the cleaning function does not bring the desired result, then it will be necessary to take more radical measures with the use of auxiliary substances.

Clean the iron with steamer:

  1. Pencil. As we already mentioned above, a special pencil remarkably eliminates stains on the sole. He is unlikely to clean the steam holes, but he will be able to dissolve the scum. To do this, collect a full tank of water, heat the device, and then rub the sole with a pencil. Next, let the steam out of the iron, while wiping the holes with a cloth. During manipulation, harmful pairs can be released from the pencil, so this procedure should be carried out in a ventilated room.
  2. Citric acid. Take a shopping bag of citric acid and dissolve it in a glass of water, pour into the tank. Then turn on the iron itself, holding it over the sink, turn on the "steam" button. All the oldest flakes of scale should leave the holes. Next, wash the tank itself, and wipe the soleplate of the heater.
  3. Carbonated water. Fill the tank with carbonated water and, as in the previous method, clean the device. Soda contains a lot of alkalis and acids, which easily dissolve the scum.

Important! In order not to have to clean the iron from scaling inside, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  • Try to pour only distilled water into the tank.
  • After ironing, leave the iron with a spout upward.
  • After draining, always drain the water from the reservoir.
  • After cleaning, it is undesirable to immediately start ironing. Let the device cool down - no less than half an hour, you can start work.
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How to iron clothes to prevent carbon deposits on the iron?

To avoid carbon deposits, it is necessary to master the basic rules of ironing clothes. For each type of matter, there is an acceptable temperature regime:

  • Cotton - 160-185 degrees.
  • Flax - 200-230 deg.
  • Silk - 110-130 deg.
  • Wool - 140-160 degrees.
  • Guipure - 50-80 deg.

Important! You need to iron on a flat, stable surface. As a rule, for these purposes, there is an ironing board or a table, previously covered with a blanket.

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Tips and basic rules for ironing:

  1. The light must always fall on the left.
  2. The ironing should be done from right to left.
  3. The iron cord must not interfere with operation.
  4. To begin to iron it is necessary from a wide part, moving to narrow.
  5. It is advisable to move the iron in the direction of the thread: across or along, but not obliquely! Otherwise, a thing can stretch out and become formless. Exceptions are things that are cut along the oblique( poncho, skirts).
  6. You do not need to stretch the fabric during ironing. Clothes should lie on the board in a natural position.
  7. Dark clothes are only worn on the wrong side.
  8. First of all, small elements are ironed: collars, embroidery, laces, pockets, sleeves, cuffs.
  9. Stains with stains to iron undesirable. Otherwise - after ironing remove the stains will be very difficult.

Summing up, I would like to say that cleaning the iron at home from carbon deposits is not so difficult. To do this, it is not necessary to buy expensive special means - it is enough to apply one of the above methods.