- Why do ants come to an apartment?
- Where do the ants come from?
- What to do after detecting ants?
In our homes, unfortunately, sometimes there are ants and immediately the question arises, how quickly to perform the destruction of ants. These insects are incredibly mobile and can easily crawl over: sewer pipes, as well as pipes needed for heating, through electrical lines, through cracks. Many people believe that domestic ants are harmless, although unpleasant, but this is not entirely true. It turns out that these insects - just like cockroaches, flies, can tolerate acute diseases that affect the human intestine. That's why if you have house ants in your house, try to get rid of them as soon as possible.
to the contents ↑Why do ants come to the apartment?
Accidentally entered forest ants in the apartment for a long time in your home will not survive. But there are other species - pharaoh ants. These insects are very thermophilic and in natural conditions do not survive, but live in well-heated houses and premises.
Important! Pharaoh ants reproduce with incredible speed, spoil food, and also carry harmful microorganisms. That is why the quality destruction of ants in the apartment should be performed as soon as you notice the first individuals.
A dirty kitchen, that is: bread crumbs on tables, floors, behind a stove and kitchen furniture, a trash can that is not closed, a very favorable temperature - these are the main reasons for the ants appearing in your house. Makes your apartment attractive to ants and a warehouse of old things.
to the contents ↑Where do the ants come from?
Before venturing the destruction of ants in an apartment, it is necessary to find out how the images of the ants fall here. Here are the most common variants of their appearance:
- from the garbage chute and dryer;
- from neighbors;
- from institutions attached to the house;
- from the basement;
- is brought on clothes, but fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, because only the uterus can reproduce the population.
What to do after detecting ants?
It is necessary to fight with ants persistently and together, as their colony can consist of several nests interconnected. Sockets can be located in different apartments, as well as on different floors.
Important! Ants can dig very long passages under the surface leading to the nest, which is why it is very difficult to find it, it can be in absolutely any place, even in walls or under a parquet.
Preparation of the room, before the fight against the ants
To destroy the ants brought you the maximum effect, you need to properly prepare for this room:
- all foodstuffs go inside the refrigerator;
- wrap in plastic bags of personal care items;
- conduct wet cleaning of the room before processing;
- provide to places where insects were found, maximum access to yourself or specialized specialists-pest control.
Struggle with the help of special services
Find the services of SES, which perform the destruction of ants and other insects, today is not a problem. They develop their activities in almost every medium-sized city.
Professionals in the performance of their work use the most effective chemical means for the destruction of ants, which are absolutely safe for the health of pets and for humans. In addition, they have modern equipment.
Due to the knowledge of the features and habits of a particular type of insect, specialists will soon discover and process all possible ants' habitats.
Important! Carrying out of this processing takes place in the previously discussed time at the agreed tariff.
Destruction of ants by folk remedies
The destruction of ants by folk remedies is quite possible if you know which substances are suitable for this purpose. Depending on the type and scale of the population, you can use such means for the destruction of ants:
- Lures made from 50 grams of water, 6 grams of borax and 50 grams of sugar with little addition of vanillin.
- If on the way of the movement of ants do not spend a lot of sunflower oil, they will not be able to overcome it in any way.
- Classic yeast is a very effective tool for the destruction of ants. From fresh yeast on a water basis, prepare a thick paste, which is added a small amount of jam or honey. Spread it in the places visited by the ants.
- Ants just hate the smell of garlic, onion, parsley. Therefore, grind one of these plants: plinth, floor surface - insects will not catch your eye in the near future.
- To fight against house ants, you can make a bait in this way: dissolve a teaspoon of borax with 1 tablespoon of sugar in 50 ml of hot water. Refrigerate the mixture. In a chilled solution, add 1 teaspoon of jam or honey. The bait must be cooked in clean dishes, because the ants perfectly smell strange odors.
- An effective destruction of ants can also be performed with boric acid. To do this, prepare a mixture of: 10 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 2 glasses of water. Mix carefully all the ingredients in this recipe to kill the ants, place the resulting mixture in a container, cool, roll the balls, spread out in the moving places of the ants.
Important! To small insects do not spoil food, grease with sunflower oil the edges of the dishes in which these products are stored.
Completion of
processing First of all, after professional treatment of the room, it is necessary:
- to wash all cutlery, as well as the surfaces of the tables;
- ventilate the room - preferably several hours;
- a few days do not wash either skirting or walls.
Now you are introduced to the most popular ways of how to destroy ants in an apartment. We hope that you correctly estimate the scale of the population and will be able to choose the most effective method in your case.