Destruction of insects

  • Destruction of insects - step 1: determine the type of pest and its habitat
  • Stage 2 - choose the tool
  • Stage 3 - preparation, processing, cleaning

. No matter how much preventive measures we do not take, from time to time everyone has to start the destruction of insectsor other species that decided to fool our house. All the simplicity and at the same time the complexity of such a procedure lies in the fact that there are many kinds of various pests, they are to some extent dangerous for the person himself and for the construction of the building, interior items. Therefore, for the destruction of insects to be literate and really effective, one must know the preferred measures of struggle, the means, and also the sequence of actions. This article is about this.

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Destruction of insects - step 1: determine the species of the pest and its habitat

In private houses and apartments, you can usually find several varieties of insects:

  1. Cockroaches - are considered almost ineradicable due to very high survival in all conditions. These insects do not need much for active reproduction and activity, at least it is water access. Food for them can be not only any of your products, but also garbage, including chemical, textile, paper waste. They live, as a rule, cockroaches in the kitchen, in bathrooms, but can populate the ventilation, cellars, etc.
  2. Bedbugs are another species with which the struggle proves to be very difficult because of the high protection of the larvae from any impact. That is, you can get rid of adult individuals quickly enough, but then a new population of survivors appears and everything starts anew. What is important for the activity of the bug: lack of light, access to a person, pleasant temperature conditions( 16-20 C).The destruction of insects in this case is facilitated by the fact that bed bugs do not move from place to place, but settle in close proximity to the power source( sleeping person): in upholstered furniture, beds, sofas, mattresses.
  3. Mole. With flying small butterflies, the fight can also take a long time, if you do not take preventive measures and do not destroy insects in a timely manner. Moth is different - food, clothes. The first eats cereals, and also undermines the furniture, the second for the activity you need textiles - your woolen, fur and natural clothes. We are looking for a mole, respectively, in wardrobes or in the kitchen.
  4. Ants. On the one hand, they do not harm a person, but their presence can affect the outcome of your housing situation. And given the fact that they live, like most other insects, colonies, moreover they have a special feature - this is a clear hierarchy of the division of labor, the destruction of insects, which you see will not give a result. It is very important to find the anthill itself and eradicate all the ants.
  5. Fleas. Another unpleasant kind of insects, which deliver their bites a lot of trouble to pets, birds and humans. They live, as a rule, directly on the body of a pet - in close proximity to the source of food.

Important! It is very important that the destruction of insects of any kind is directed not only to the adults themselves, but also to their eggs, larvae. Otherwise, there will be no result and the cycle of struggle will be endless.

Once you have determined the type of pest and become familiar with its features, habits, it's time to move on to the second stage. This will be the choice of a suitable means for the destruction of insects.

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Step 2 - choose the tool

As for the means by which insects can be destroyed, they literally run up. In any store of household chemicals or in the market you will find a huge assortment of drugs in various forms of release, with different methods of application, action, price. And do not forget about the proposed ways of fighting special services SES.

Important! The effective and safe control measures offered by the SES are:

  • freezing;
  • heat treatment of the apartment.

Such destruction of insects really turns out to be very effective, for example for such species as bugs and cockroaches. But for this you need special equipment that only specialists can afford.

To understand the best way to perform the destruction of insects in an apartment, you need to know the following: all drugs are divided into species according to the principle of their action. On this criterion distinguish:

  • aerosols kill any pests instantly;
  • solutions - can act both instantaneously and have a long-term effect;
  • gels, traps - are slower, because the insecticide does not work right away, but the insects of the entire colony are destroyed;
  • pencils, crayons - these are more deterrent fighting measures;
  • baits - they are suitable only for the destruction of insects in an apartment of certain species, for example cockroaches, ants, and they do not work for moths, fleas and bedbugs because of the peculiarities of their way of life.

Important! In addition, you can use and folk remedies, which for a small number of insects are quite suitable.

Popular insecticides:

  1. Concentrates and powders for the preparation of solutions - "Executioner", "Dobrohim", "Delta Zone", "Get."
  2. Aerosols - "Reid", "Dichlophos", "Combat", "Raptor", "Clean house".
  3. Gels and traps - "Fas", "Raptor", "Globol", "Absolute".
  4. Crayons, pencils - "Masha", "Brownie".

Important! When choosing a suitable method for killing insects in an apartment, consider not only the price of the product and its speed, but also the degree of toxicity. For example, if the house has pets or small children, not every insecticide can be used.

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Stage 3 - preparation, handling, cleaning

Your further actions will be directed directly at the destruction of insects and the preservation of the cleanliness, security of your home. Here the main thing to take into account such rules:

  1. Use any tool clearly in accordance with the instructions. Do not increase dosage or concentration, do not reapply earlier than 1-2 weeks.
  2. Before processing, remove all pets, people, carefully pack and clean away( ideally - take out) permanent items, dishes, food.
  3. During the treatment, use personal protective equipment, especially when working with solutions, aerosols. All substances are to some extent toxic, and with direct contact with the respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, can provoke severe poisoning of the body and even lead to death.
  4. Destruction of insects in an apartment is performed not only in open areas, but also make compulsory treatment of hard-to-reach places - habitats of pests.
  5. After the treatment, ventilate the rooms thoroughly( the duration may be from 2 hours to several days, depending on the remedy), do a wet cleaning.

Now you know the basic rules for the destruction of insects, effective ways and means of struggle, the characteristics of various types of pests. We hope you managed to successfully get rid of them in a short time. And in order to further reduce the risk of returning bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, keep cleanliness in the house, make cosmetic repairs, seal the gaps in time, take preventive measures( protective screens on windows, ventilations, surface treatment with special means).