How to choose a toilet?

  • Selection criteria for plumbing
  • Toilet bowl in detail: bowl, cistern and sink
  • Toilet mount type
  • Ways of securing the drain tank
  • Flush systems in WC
  • How to choose a sewer?
  • Material and color - important aspects of
  • How to choose a good toilet?
  • Useful advices:

Our way of life is highly technological, and sophisticated devices are designed to provide convenience and comfort. In each house there are few things that all family members use several times a day. One of these devices is a toilet, which must be comfortable, suitable for all household members. We buy this item of sanitary engineering "seriously" and for a long time, only in the conditions of modern variety there is always a question how to choose a toilet so that it satisfies not only technical parameters but also design solutions. Today we will acquaint you with the selection criteria and tell you which toilet is best for the toilet room.

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Selection criteria for plumbing

The choice of plumbing is a responsible process, and above all, you need to decide on the best option for you. Otherwise - there is a risk to get lost and become confused in the store at the sight of porcelain, porcelain, white, gold, pink models with a vertical or horizontal drainage system.

Here are just a few of the most important criteria that you need to rely on when choosing a plumbing:

  • Ease of use. The dimensions of the product should leave enough room in the toilet room, both front and side. In addition, plumbing should be suitable for growth to all family members and be comfortable.
  • Method of connection to sewage and water. The toilet should be connected without any problems to the water supply and sewerage system.
  • Reliability. If you buy a kit consisting of a toilet bowl and a tank, then if necessary, the components should be easily repaired.
  • Design. Of course, in the toilet room especially do not admire the beauties of sanitary ware, but it is desirable that such an intimate object should have an attractive look and form.
  • Flushing system. In modern models of devices flushing is done in two ways: direct, circular.
  • Availability of anti-splash system. It is desirable that the process of using plumbing should pass without splashing.
  • Mounting type. The most common - floor devices, but the hanging toilet is still - rather exotic. Although abroad they are used widely enough.
  • Method of securing the tank. There are two ways of fixing the tank with a toilet: classic( joint) and separate.
  • Material of construction. Each material has its own advantages and basic nuances. Choose according to your taste and preferences.

Let's consider in more detail how to choose the toilet bowl by the main criteria.

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Toilet in detail: bowl, cistern and sink

The main parts of the toilet are:

  • Bowl.
  • Drain tank.

The toilet bowl can be:

  • Funnel. In the bowl of this type, the drain hole is almost centered.

Important! The funnel-shaped structure is considered the most hygienic, since impurities fall directly into the water, and, thanks to the sloping rear wall of the toilet, there is practically no splashing during flushing.

  • Belleville. This construction is characterized by a platform filled with water. The drainage hole is slightly shifted forward, and in the path of water flow to the drain there is a small plate-shaped depression. When installing such a model, it is often necessary to further adjust the operation of the drain tank, as well as the volume of water for flushing.

Important! The bowl shape of the bowl is considered to be the most unhygienic, since impurities are retained on the platform. In addition, water is continuously collected in the bowl, which results in unrecoverable salt deposits.

  • Visor. This design combined the merits of funnel-shaped and bowl bowls. The design does not prevent the ingress of sewage into the drain hole, but thanks to a special bend of the wall, it provides protection from splashes. The visor bowl is the sales leader.

Important! When buying a toilet bowl with a visor bowl, the following nuance should be taken into account: the greater the angle of the platform, the better the anti-slip system works.

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Toilet fixing type

Before you finally choose a toilet and buy equipment, you always need to decide on the installation method.

There are the following types of toilet bowls:

  1. Floor standing devices. This - the traditional system, which are guided by the builders of all standard apartments. It is floor options that occupy most of the showcase of sanitary ware. Design features: the toilet is fixed to the floor with cement mortar( screws).The device occupies some part of the room.
  2. Wall or floor-mounted. The design is designed for mounting close to the wall. Such models of devices have an attractive laconic form, small size and concealed fastening for the tank. When installing the structure, a decorative panel is used, which makes it possible to hide the tank.
  3. Suspended. The design is installed with the help of special equipment, the so-called installation, which allows to hide the tank. Compact products make it possible to save space in the room and visually expand the space. In addition, thanks to the design features of the device, it is much easier to care for the toilet room.

Important! When choosing the type of equipment, properly evaluate the construction of the room. For example, when choosing a suspended toilet for a Soviet-built apartment, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to purchase a special installation for false walls, since during construction the communication was separated from the toilet room by a partition from the particle board.

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Mounting methods for

waste tank The drain tank can be mounted on the rear plumbing shelf and can be located separately from the toilet on the wall plane or be integrated into the wall:

  • The joint mounting method is a classic option. In this case, plumbing is a single whole. Installing the connected tank is much easier, easier and cheaper. Installation is carried out with the help of two bronze or stainless bolts and sealing rubber gaskets.

Important! This method is also good because, if necessary, the tank can always be replaced with a new one due to simple installation.

  • Separate waste tank - the perfect solution for bathrooms with a small area. An adjoining or suspended toilet bowl can be attached to a wall, and a drain tank can be placed on the surface of the wall under the ceiling, or a concrete cutter can be installed and installed in a supporting wall( or a false wall).

By the way of draining the tanks are divided into two groups:

  • Pushbutton. Models with push-button drain are more popular, as with the buttons you can drain half the volume of the tank( one button) or the entire volume( two buttons).This allows you to significantly save water.
  • Levers. This model of drainage is more common in older versions of devices.

Important! Another important point in choosing a toilet bowl is to take into account the location of the supply of a water hose to the tank:

  • The lower connection fills the tank like a fountain, ensuring a quiet operation of the device.
  • The lateral water supply - on the contrary, is accompanied by a characteristic noise.


  1. The life of the plumbing is affected by the tank fittings. The design of the reservoir should be as simple as possible, so that it is easier to repair during the breakdown.
  2. The drain tank must not be too compact. Pay attention when buying plumbing so that the flushing mechanism and the water supply valve in the tank are not very compactly grouped. Otherwise, the repair and cleaning of the valve, as well as the replacement of the valve will become too time-consuming.
  3. Pay attention when buying on how the valve with the float is located. Ideally, it should be mounted on the side wall under the lid itself.
  4. When buying plumbing, make sure that the fittings compatible with the kit are sold separately.

Important! Any exclusive form of the tank also implies the exclusivity of the armature. And at repair it is completely not convenient.

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Flushing systems in WC

Modern models of devices have two ways of flushing:

  • Straight. Water in such a system moves almost in a straight path from the tank to the sink. Direct drainage is also called horizontal or cascade. This model of plum was implemented in almost all models of toilets of Soviet times.

Important! Advantage of the system - in one go it is possible to wash off impurities located in the center of the bowl. Disadvantage - the water flow does not cover the entire inner surface of the bowl.

  • Circular back. The ring or shower system is fundamentally different from direct flushing. When the tank is lowered, the water pressure moves along a kind of annular groove and evenly flows over the entire area of ​​the bowl.

Important! Advantages: practically no noise, even washing of the surface of the bowl during flushing.

Disadvantage: plumbing with a circular flushing system is 10-15% more expensive. In addition, over time, in the gutter under the rim, drainage holes may become clogged due to salt deposits.

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How to choose a sewer release?

In order not to alter the sewage system after purchase, it is necessary to pay attention to the toilet outlet system. Based on the design of the drain, the choice of a toilet bowl can be as follows.

With vertical outlet

This type of device is designed for rooms with floor drainage pipes. This construction of the sewer is familiar to the residents of steel from the 30-50's. A toilet with a vertical outlet is simply placed on the socket of the sewer pipe from above.

Important! It is not possible to adapt the device with vertical outlet to other types of sewerage.

With horizontal release

Direct horizontal output is typical for imported devices. It implies the outlet of the sewer pipe from the wall horizontally. In domestic conditions, this practically does not occur. However, if necessary, it can be adapted to a different type of sewage system. Use for this purpose corrugation of the appropriate diameter. A piece of corrugated plastic pipe with a rubber seal will help turn the toilet bowl at any angle to the wall and sewer pipe.

Important! The only restriction - the toilet, compared with the old, having an oblique release, will move forward, at least 15 cm. The exact distance depends on the height of the socket and the length of the toilet bowl.

With oblique release

To choose a toilet bowl with such a release is advisable if the bell is under a slope or very close to the floor surface. The design was used in all Soviet buildings, and today is considered the most common.

Builders in the bulk of the design of in-house sewage systems is guided precisely by oblique production. In addition, this model is chosen and in the following cases:

  • The socket stands at an angle to the horizon.
  • Distance to the door does not allow you to put the toilet 15-20 cm farther from the wall.

Important! Residents of private houses are advised to choose the type of toilet bowl at the construction stage. Owners of houses should pay attention to vertical editions in order to save space in the room and remove pipes in the ceiling.

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Material and color are important aspects of

The first thing we pay attention to, when asked what kind of toilet is better, is the fabrication material. This indicator determines not only the appearance of the product, but also reliability, hygiene and durability.

Consider the most common options for devices.


Toilets made of faience, the most popular and cheap. Faience is a kind of ceramics of white color, having a fine-porous structure. To reduce the hygroscopicity of the material, the surface of the faience is covered with a special enamel.

Important! The color of the enamel can be varied: white, beige, yellowish, turquoise. On the technical parameters of the color does not affect.

There is also a shortage of products from faience, and significant. During operation, the protective enamel can break down from certain mechanical influences. When the enamel is abraded, the moisture begins to soak into the fine-grained structure of the faience, as a result - the strength of the sanitary ware decreases. However, do not be scared at once, as the faience model of sanitary ware can honestly serve 10-15 years.


Porcelain toilets - durable and durable plumbing. With a careful attitude can last dozens of years( 20-25).Models from porcelain have an attractive appearance, but their cost is quite high( 30-50% higher than the cost of sanitary ware from faience).

Marble and artificial stone

Plumbing, made of decorative varieties of marble or artificial stone, is a very expensive option. It will suit connoisseurs of such styles as Baroque, Empire or Classicism. In addition to such positive qualities as attractiveness, durability, high resistance to mechanical influences, plumbing has such a plus, as hygiene.

Important! The surface of the marble is polished in such a way that it can be compared only with glass in its smoothness, therefore, even a weak pressure of water for draining can wash away all impurities to the smallest particles.

Steel toilet bowls

As a material for the manufacture of such a device, stainless steel is used. This material is not capable of absorbing moisture, and various contaminants do not stick to the smooth surface.

Another plus - high strength, you can even say anti-vandal strength. It is thanks to this advantage that steel toilets are in high demand in public places.

Important! The warranty service life of plumbing is almost unlimited, but the cost is usually higher even in porcelain devices.

Cast-iron toilet bowls

These models in sanitary ware shops are rare. This is due to their low popularity. Plumbing made of cast iron is very heavy, cumbersome and has a short service life. On the surface of the cast iron, a protective enamel is applied, which protects the cast iron from corrosion and rust, but the cast iron is still a fragile material.

Important! Models of cast iron are used mainly in public places with a small number of visitors.


Plastic models are made of acrylic. The surface is covered with fiberglass and a special mixture of resins. This multi-layer structure provides strength to the equipment. Devices made of plastic differ low weight, simple installation, low cost. The particularly smooth surface does not retain the contaminants, therefore it is very easy to care for.

Important! The main drawbacks include:

  • low resistance to mechanical damage and temperature effects;
  • relatively short life.

Basically, plastic models prefer to be installed in the country.

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How to choose a good toilet?

To answer the question, which toilet is better, first determine the modification and type, as well as the budget capabilities. For a good and high-quality toilet it is worth to go to a major sanitary ware shop, where all types and modifications are presented. Here you can determine and in the price plan. Shop assistants will be able to answer all your questions and give advice on choosing a device that meets your needs and wishes.

When buying plumbing, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. There should be no chips or cracks on the toilet. The covering of sanitary ware should be uniform.
  2. The product must be accompanied by an instruction that will help install the plumbing.
  3. In the box together with the plumbing must be all the accessories. Without them, installation of the device is not possible.

Important! A quality product can not be cheap, so do not opt ​​for a cheap option. Remember that a toilet of good quality will serve not one decade.

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Useful advices:

  1. To choose a toilet in terms of parameters means, among other things, a trip to the sanitary ware shop with a tape measure. Be sure to measure the distance at home to the back wall and door. When choosing plumbing, please note that the tank will be prominently displayed outside the outlet. In addition, it is desirable that from the toilet to the door or the front wall was not less than 60 cm. And do not forget to check the distance to the walls, if it is less than 35 cm, then you will not be able to place your knees on the "throne".
  2. If you buy only a toilet, the problem of choosing a tank will bypass you. If you buy a kit, then buy a "compact" or a plumbing with the bottom of the tank, since the top of the tank is extremely wasteful space and spoils the aesthetics of the room.
  3. If you choose a toilet bowl and a tank with a shelf for it, then give preference to the cast shelf - it does not have the weaknesses typical for the design with a separate shelf for the tank. In addition, the cast shelf does not need a rubber cuff that connects it to the toilet, and it is much easier to mount the tank on the molded shelf.
  4. Choose a plumbing that has an anti-slip system - it is designed to compensate for unnecessary splashes during the operation of the toilet. In the markings of many device models, it is indicated that such an option exists, but it is better to test it in practice. To determine the presence of anti-slip system, pay attention to the drain hole:
    1. It should be made in a special geometric form, as tightly bound and drowned in the bottom of the toilet bowl.
    2. The drain hole must be displaced relative to the axis of symmetry to one side.
    3. The level of the water column in the hole must be significantly reduced, and a circular rim is constructed along its contour, which performs compensating functions.

Important! Progress does not stand still, and of course, he did not bypass such a necessary hygiene item as the toilet:

  • Recently, the toilet is widely used as a bidet.
  • Another popular upgrade is the auto-wash, a pretty useful invention for forgetful citizens.
  • And for those who like comfort - a heated seat, which can be carried out both in automatic mode, that is, constantly, and the moment when the toilet is used.

We hope that our information has helped you determine the choice of sanitary ware - both in technical terms and in the design solution. Good luck!