- Ceramic tile finish - features and material selection
- Ceramic tiles in bathroom design
- Ways for laying tiles
- Color solutions and laying of tiles
- How can you visually change the space by laying tiles?
- Methods of laying floor tiles
The leading position among the many finishing materials for the bathroom is a versatile and practical ceramic tile. Such popularity is due to the large number of advantages of tile and its fine decorative qualities. Tiles can be faced with walls and floors. Strengthen the effect of finishing, and its originality will help design the installation of tiles in the bathroom.
to the contents ↑Ceramic tile finish - features and material selection
The bathroom is a specific room, due to high humidity conditions and temperature changes. If you decide to tile the walls with tiles, then when choosing it, consider the following characteristics:
- Wear resistance. Tiles should be maximally unresponsive to a variety of mechanical influences.
- High degree of moisture resistance of the material.
- Resistance to the processing of various chemicals during the cleaning and care of the surface of the ceramic.
- Resistance to vaporization conditions.
- The floor tile must be particularly resistant to abrasion, and have resistance to deformation.
The quality of the tile is indicated by a certain color when labeled, so in the store, pay attention to it:
- The red color indicates the first grade and the high quality of the tile.
- The blue color is the second grade, in which a marriage is possible within 10%.
- The green designation indicates a third class of material and possible deviations of more than 10%.
In addition to the performance parameters, the aesthetic appearance of the cladding is also important, because the design of tiling in the bathroom depends on this. Manufacturers can offer you a wide range of ceramics depending on its color, texture, ornamentation, sizes and shapes.
Important! From the design features of the bathroom will be determined by the choice of a particular tile.
Options for laying tiles in the bathroom, tile design and color palette can be very diverse. But the process begins with measurements and calculation of the volume of the material.
Important! The size of the tiles also plays a role: large parts are suitable for large rooms, small ones for modest rooms.
to the table of contents ↑Ceramic tiles in the bathroom design
Nowadays, the interior of the bathroom is not taken for granted, and it is easy to trim the walls with the standard method, monotonous and faceless, as it was several dozen years ago. The richness of the choice of cladding gives you an excellent opportunity to make the bathroom original and stylish. To achieve such an effect is not difficult. Firstly, you can use an interesting way to make the installation of tiles, and secondly - to decorate with a tile any ornament.
Following are ideas on how to lay out the tile in the bathroom and the design of its decoration.
Important! Before choosing any of the methods listed below, evaluate the possibilities of your bathroom: its dimensions, ceiling height and shape.
Wall panel
This method is one of the traditional tiling walls. Its principle is as follows:
- roughly one third of the wall is decorated with dark-colored ceramics;
- the rest to the ceiling - a light shade.
In a room with a high ceiling, the contrast part of the tile can be installed from the middle of the wall, rather than from the floor. How to arrange the decor of the tiles in the bathroom with this way of laying? The decorative border in the contact area of two colors will look the most optimal.
Important! For a narrow room, this design is better not to use, as it visually reduces the room. A better solution will be a more fashionable interpretation of the wall panel, the essence of which in the opposite arrangement of shades: light at the bottom, and dark - at the top.
Horizontal strip
The design of laying tiles in the bathroom is thus made out in solid stripes across the walls. Their number and height of location can be very diverse. Color execution of lines can be contrast, or be a related color with a background, but a few tones are darker or brighter.
Important! It is very interesting to look bands of the same color, but different in width.
Vertical strip
This idea in decorating a wall of tiles is ideal to visually make a room higher. Variation of performance is multifaceted: it can be one accented wide band in the center of the room, several lines, their length can be from ceiling to floor, or be cut off.
Accent plots
This tiling design in the bathroom assumes the creation of a background of ceramics, in which contrasting shades denote functional zones. In addition, these areas can be distinguished with decorative elements.
Important! With such zoning space in the bathroom is not recommended to do more than three such accents. And you should abandon this idea altogether if your bathroom is small in size with a low ceiling.
Neighborhood of colors
The essence of this method consists in a harmonious combination of two or three basic tile shades in almost the same proportions. This is another variant of zoning space. For example, a wall to which a bath or a shower adjoins can be designated in one tone, and the adjacent planes with another. On the floor, you can apply the same colors, but put the tiles "chess" or connect in the center.
Important! Colors should not mix with each other.
The original version for a spacious bathroom. How to lay out the tile in the bathroom, whose design is in this approach? The main part of the walls is faced with ceramics of the same color, best of all pastel shades. And in the process of editing, the background is diluted with contrasting elements, which are located chaotically on the walls.
Important! Such a vivid creative disorder looks very exclusive.
Quite extravagant and bold version of the walls. It is very colorful, because in the installation of ceramics are used several shades, which are constantly alternating with each other.
Important! With this design, the installation of tiles can be carried out in staggered or chaotic order.
Dark flooring
A modern method of decorating bathroom space. The meaning of the design is to finish the floor with a dark-colored tile, and the walls are decorated with a light tile. And the main nuance - in the lower part of the wall along the entire perimeter is a wide strip, the color of which coincides with the floor covering.
to the contents ↑Ways of laying tiles
The interior of the room depends not only on the color palette of the tile, its texture. In this case, important options for laying tiles in the bathroom, the design of which we will discuss further. There are such ways of facing the surface with the help of ceramics.
Seam stitching method
The most simple and standard tile installation. Apply tiles can be of different shapes: both square and rectangular. Ceramic elements are laid in accordance with the geometry of the room.
Important! Horizontally, the placement of the tile is controlled by a building level, and vertically by a plumb.
"Runaway" installation
Visually, this type of cladding looks like brickwork: the ceramics are stacked in rows so that the middle of the next level tiles are located at the junction of the two elements of the previous row. Installation is made horizontally, and the best use is a rectangular tile.
Important! This is a very good method of facing, if you decide to install the tile yourself for the first time. In case the tile does not lie exactly, it will be hardly noticeable because of the T-shaped joints.
The installation process is more complicated and time consuming than other stowage methods. However, these efforts completely justify themselves:
- First, a very original and beautiful pattern is formed from the tile.
- Secondly, this scheme visually expands the bathroom space.
- Thirdly - hiding the unevenness of the walls.
Important! In the process of working part of the tile will have to be adjusted to a single picture, in connection with which it will be necessary to trim the elements. Therefore, purchase a finishing material with a margin of 10-15%.
Chess Scheme
The most suitable for this method is ceramics of square shape, best in two contrasting shades. Registration is carried out on the principle of a chessboard. How to arrange the decor of the tiles in the bathroom? Alternate colors can be styling methods "seam in the seam" or diagonally.
Important! Especially popular is the scheme for floor design.
Modular laying of
Quite unusual and beautiful way of facing, which also differs by some complexity of the process. Modular installation involves the use of tiles of three different sizes and more. When choosing shades for the elements, be guided by your own taste. The main thing is that in general everything should look harmonious.
Before starting to work, lay out the pattern from the tiles to clearly understand how the surface will eventually look.
Important! The dimensions of the sides of the tiles must be multiples of each other.
The design of tiling in the bathroom in the form of an ornament is one of the most costly methods of facing. Making the surface of walls or floors with a geometric pattern will make your interior unusually individual and luxurious.
Important! For this type of installation, purchase ceramic tiles with some margin.
to the contents ↑Color solutions and tile laying
If you want the bathroom interior to look the most attractive, simply tiling the tiles is not enough. Do not forget about the color decoration of the ceramic finish. For this, first of all, you need to estimate the space of your room.
A small bathroom is most often arranged in light and warm colors: white, cream, ivory, beige, milky. If you want to add darker shades to the general background, then you can do it this way:
- The lower part of the wall together with the floor is faced with a dark color, and the top and the ceiling are light. A dark tone tile can be installed not above the bath.
- Lay horizontal lines from the tile, the shade of which will be darker than the base wall background.
The design of tiling in a large bathroom is unlimited. You can use any shades and colors, intelligently combining them with each other.
Important! In the interior it is best to use no more than three shades at a time.
to the contents ↑How can you visually change the space by laying tiles?
If your bathroom is very spacious and impressive in size, then visual techniques you will not need. But for the owners of small rooms this information will be very useful. Incorrectly chosen method of facing can adversely affect the premises as a whole, and the already modest bathroom will become even smaller.
Useful advices:
- In a small bathroom it is recommended to finish with rectangular shaped tiles. And the optimal ways of facing are the "seam in the seam" scheme or laying in the run-up.
- Mounting the tile is best with a long edge toward the door.
- Diagonal styling, in spite of its visual expansion effect, is not suitable for a too small bathroom. It is better to resort to laying out bright and contrasting lines to lengthen the room.
Low ceilings can also be visually adjusted. We offer options for laying tiles in the bathroom - design for rooms with a low ceiling:
- Decorate the walls and the floor with a plain colored tile. Ceiling decorate in the same palette. The combination of all surfaces in one shade will create the illusion of a single space, as a result - visually the room will become larger and higher.
- Visually increase the height of the room vertical stripes. Bright lines will look spectacular on the light walls and the floor.
Important! When determining the color of tiles, you should not choose unnecessarily dark shades, as they will hold down space.
to the table of contents ↑Techniques for laying floor tiles
The tiling design in the bathroom on the floor is also varied. There are several ideas for registration:
- Ornaments in the form of a square. A geometric figure can be laid out in different ways, and its diagonal can be either across or along the floor. Effectively looks such a pattern, consisting of two colors, which alternate in a checkerboard pattern. If in the process of laying the tiles diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees, then the pattern will be in the form of a diamond.
- Brickwork or "in the running".This method is discussed above, its installation principle for the floor remains the same.
- The braided pattern is made from tile of rectangular shape. The stacking process is as follows: set a pair of elements horizontally to each other, under them lay the next pair vertically. And then we continue to alternate the horizontal and vertical positions of the tiles throughout the entire surface of the finish.
- Herringbone pattern. This method of laying is more complicated, since tiles are required to be laid in the form of a V-shaped pattern. To simplify laying, designate the vertical and horizontal lines along which you will be guided during installation. Watching the level, place the previous elements of the ornament. Try a diagonal styling of this pattern, it will look not so chaotic. The tile is laid in one row of rectangular plates diagonally. The following rows are set and aligned according to the first.
Modern ceramic tile serves as an excellent finishing material for the bathroom, while the lining makes the interior incredibly stylish and cozy. The existing ways of laying and the idea of decorating surfaces with tiles are suitable for modest rooms and spacious rooms. You can always choose for yourself the best option for finishing on the color, shape, size and texture of the elements. We listed just the basis for ideas on the design of tile laying in the bathroom. Adding to them their original ideas and creative delights, you will achieve a unique author's interior.