- Glass with your own hands
- Tips for making
- Warnings:
Remember how in the early childhood everyone bought sunflower seeds and poured them neat little little kulechki? It was very uncomfortable when such a kulechek unfolded, and to make it strong for some reason it turned out only with the sellers of these very seeds. The most skillful ones themselves made such cups from paper sheets. They say that this is not more difficult than an airplane or a boat. In addition, such a device is capable of retaining even water, though not for long, so it is better, of course, to pour nuts or seeds into it. In this article we will share the secret of how to make a paper glass with our own hands.
to the table of contents ↑Glass with our own hands
For manufacturing we will need a paper sheet and scissors. This is the fastest and easiest way to make an interesting and functional accessory that even a child can handle:
- Take a sheet, trim it so that a square is obtained.
- Fold the resulting square diagonally.
- Fold the front of the paper and slide it apart.
- Right corner of the triangle bend to the left.
- Then, in the same way, bend the left corner, only in the other direction - to the right side.
- Now the upper part is bent to the sides, the front one to yourself, and the back one to the other side.
- Squeeze the craft on both sides and on top.
Here's a great paper cup!
Important! You can also make a paper glass from a banana leaf or any other durable large sheet.
to the contents ↑Tips for making
To make a beautiful and durable craft, try to follow the following tips and recommendations:
- To make it possible to pour liquid into a glass of paper, it is better to use kitchen or wax paper to make it.
Important! If you wrap a plastic wrap, then such a product can repel water. Thus, it will become more durable and do not become depleted immediately.
- If you initially take a double sheet, then this article will last a longer time.
- In the process of folding the product, try to make more straight angles for a better result.
- It is not advisable to use colored paper for crafting - this can be unsafe for your health.
- Such a paper product is absolutely not suitable for hot drinks such as tea or coffee, because it is possible to burn your hands. In addition, boiling water is able to roll polyethylene inside the cup, which you used to give the product durability.
- This hand-made article is not intended for long-term drinking. It is able for a short time to absorb the liquid and fall apart.
- If you are planning to make a drink cup, do not use a material where something was written or printed, because the ink is capable of being absorbed into the water.
As you, probably, had time to notice, making a glass made of paper is not at all difficult. To do this, you need very little: the paper itself, scissors, a little time and a little patience. You can teach this craft to do your child, as a result - you can spend a good time and make an interesting functional thing with your own hands.