Thermal insulation (insulation, heat insulator) - structural member or material that provides resistance to heat transfer or reduction. Its use - the main way to prevent the occurrence of condensation in the ventilation systems. Insulation for the correct operation of ventilation tubes (vent stack, ventrukavov) - need. In addition to protection from the appearance of moisture insulation performs an additional function - mutes the sound of the wind.

How dangerous condensate
The appearance of water drops inside the vent stack - the collision unavoidable process streams of warm and cold air, moisture, disturbances in the system operation rules and operating rooms. The condensate is not only gradually destroys the material, but creates favorable conditions for the development of mold, fungi. This increases the risk of allergic and respiratory diseases. It is especially necessary insulation ventilation pipes on the unheated attic. In the winter the air temperature difference, located in the ventilation system and the pipe wall increases. Moisture is formed longer, it may accumulate not only on the inner surface of the duct, but also outside. It does not require thermal insulation only relatively new textile (cloth) pipe, due to the material characteristics of the moisture does not accumulate in them.

Types of ventilation systems
Ventilation systems are divided on the basis of the work on the exhaust, intake, air handling. Differences in the installation of thermal insulation for them there. At the place of installation of the ventilation system are domestic and industrial. Area, ventilation pipes, the amount of noxious fumes in the production of many times higher than in residential, office or commercial spaces - need more powerful equipment. Another difference - in home ventilation systems increasingly use of plastic tubes, in industrial galvanized metal.
Especially need to be protected from condensate is metal vent stack. In the process of cutting into pieces of desired length galvanizing layer is disturbed. From contact with moisture quickly rust the metal, the pipe becomes unusable for 2 - 3 years.

Heaters for residential use
Insulate vent pipe in a residential building or private home can be the following materials:
- Mineral wool (mineral wool).
- Basalt (stone) wool.
- Foamed polyethylene.
- Foam rubber.
- Styrofoam.
- Styrofoam.
- Asbestos sheets.
- PIR boards.
Organic thermal insulation, such as cellulose ecowool for warming air in the room or attic is not suitable, since become compressed during 2 - 3 years and lose their properties. Winding tube cloth, felt meaningless. Such protection is quickly saturated with moisture and give effect opposite to the desired.

Related Articles - how to cut the mineral wool.
Mineral wool
Called "rock wool" sellers and manufacturers understand for insulating materials made of glass, slag or basalt fibers, in the form of plates or flexible mats. Stone wool is much different in price and performance, slag commercially rare (because of the hazard), so it is commonly called mineral glass wool. Other names - mineral wool, glass wool, glass wool.
- good insulated and sound-absorbing properties - heat insulation coefficient 0,030-0,052 W / m ° C;
- elasticity, easy to mount on top of round tubes;
- strength;
- fire safety, heat resistant up to 450 ° C;
- low price.
- Fiber glass brittle, in the process of cutting and assembly formed many very small and sharp pieces. They can easily penetrate the clothing, skin, lungs, eyes, need to work in a respirator, goggles and overalls.
- phenol-formaldehyde resins may be included in the composition of cheap mineral wool. They cause poisoning and cancer. When buying a heater ask the seller an expert opinion on the conformity of the goods of sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements.
- Fiberglass strongly absorbs water from the air, the moisture retained inside with the hard output. The solution to this problem - mineral wool with foil coating that acts as a vapor barrier.
- In constant contact with moisture, for 3 years wool loses up to 50% of the heat-insulating properties. It does not apply to mineral wool and foil.
- Even in dry conditions gradually become caked wool.

For warming round tubes ventilation use in mineral wool mats (roll). It is wrapped with a blanket, the pipe and secured annealed wire (for mating fittings), metal or synthetic packing tape. Square ventrukava can be protected with slabs of glass. They are stuck on a special adhesive.
Stone wool
Basalt (stone) wool consists of rock molten fibers (basalt). It is more modern, improved mineral heater. Stone wool, like glass, is sold in slabs and mats. Their installation is carried out in the same manner as that of mineral wool insulation.
For quick and easy implementation of thermal insulation chimneys or ventilation pipes of circular cross section Some manufacturers produce finished cylinders of basalt fiber coated with the foil or without him. Cylinders easily cut into pieces of desired length. Their wear on the pipe, as the case or shell. Locks-slots on cylinders provide a tight bond without cracks.

Advantages of basalt wool:
- Flameproof - material is non-combustible, it can withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C;
- durability - as opposed to basaltic mineral wool mats are not deformed with time, do not settle (the thickness of the insulation layer is not changed);
- thermal insulation value of 0, 034 to 0, 038 W / m ° C.
- danger to human health - only applies to cheaper brands in high-end instead of phenol-formaldehyde resins used biopolymer binder;
- higher in comparison with mineral wool price.
For protection from moisture absorption quality basalt wool impregnated with a water repellent composition (hydrophobizator) and coated on one side with aluminum foil.

polyethylene foam
Inexpensive easy way to insulate around the air ducts or ventilation ducts - cover them with polyethylene foam. It is a material that looks like foam, but with larger cells. Its varieties:
- Normal. Trade Names - izolon, penolon, tepofol and others. The material is cut into pieces of tube wrapped and glued shut.
- Foil. On the one hand it is covered with aluminum foil. It repels moisture and reflects heat. Trade Names - penofol, ultrafleks, faralon, mosfol, tepofol. For bonding seams insulation reflecting layer suitable aluminum tape or a special adhesive (e.g. Isocost).
- Self-adhesive. On one side of this material is applied already applied adhesive layer. This facilitates the execution of works.
- Pipe insulation. Polyethylene foam, as well as from a basalt fiber, make-ready cylinders shell for round tubes. Trade names -energofleks, Termafleks et al.

- heat conduction coefficient - depending on the brand of 0.031 to 0.051 W / m ° C;
- The humidity - the water absorption of from 0.2 to 1%;
- operating temperature range - from -60 ° C to + 100 ° C;
- service life - up to 10 years.
- elasticity;
- strength;
- resistance to acids, alkalis and other corrosive substances;
- easy installation without waste, to cut the usual knife is lightweight;
- possibility of dismantling and re-use.
- melts at temperatures above +100 ° C;
- flammability class G2 (moderately) - Now on sale there were brand with the addition of flame retardants, which belong to a class G1 (readily flammable);
- high smoke-forming ability - class D3;
- harmful to the environment - during decomposition 200 years.
When buying a polyethylene foam pay attention to the markings. According to the method of production there are two kinds:
- crosslinked - PES;
- crosslinked (gazovspenenny) - IPPs.
PES is a bit more expensive, but superior to all the characteristics of IPPs. To distinguish from IPPs PPE can smell gas (during its production using butane, freon). In Europe, for the construction of non-crosslinked polyethylene foam applied generally prohibited.

Foamed synthetic rubber
This material is specifically designed for insulation of pipes, it is 90% of closed pores. Externally, foam rubber, similar to PES, but has high flexibility. Its release in the form of sheets, mats, rolls and tubes (cylinders) including a foil layer with. Installation is performed in the same way as with the polyethylene foam, has a mark with an adhesive layer on one side.
- thermal conductivity - from 0.024 to 0.038 W / m ° C
- operating temperature range - from -200 ° C to + 175 ° C;
- service life - up to 30 years.
Advantages of foam rubber:
- moisture resistance;
- resistance to mildew;
- flammability class G1, self-extinguishing;
- It does not produce dust, fibers, harmful substances and unpleasant odors - suitable for use at sites with high hygiene requirements;
- low price.

Foam - foamed weight of polymers (plastic), which occupies the bulk of the gas. One side may be covered with foil. Hard Material, release it in the form of slabs or pipe insulation (shell of two - three sections connecting the lock tongue and groove). The foam in the plates suitable for the insulation of pipes only square.
- thermal conductivity - from 0.032 to 0.050 W / m ° C;
- water absorption - 4% for 30 days;
- tensile strength, static bending - from 0 07 to 0.20 kg / m2;
- operating temperature range - from -50 ° C to + 75 ° C;
- service life - up to 25 years.
- low weight;
- cutting easy and installation;
- resistance to decay;
- low price.
- flammable - flammability group G3 or G4;
- In combustion emits harmful substances - can buy foam only famous brands, high quality;
- attractive to rodents.
Mounting plates or cylinders of this insulation is carried out according to the principle of masonry (with displacement elements relative to each other). Pieces bonded by special glue for foam - any not suitable, since this material is in contact with many substances is melted.

Expanded polystyrene
Expanded polystyrene (Penoplex, TECHNOPLEX, Epps) - improved more durable, water-resistant and expensive kind of foam. Producing this insulation in the form of plates or tubes (shells) with tongue and groove locks.
- thermal conductivity - from 0.028 to 0.034 W / m ° C;
- Water absorption - 0.4% at 30 days;
- tensile strength, static bending - 0 4 to 1 kg / m2;
- operating temperature range - from -50 ° C to + 75 ° C;
- service life - up to 50 years.
Advantages and disadvantages of Epps, installation rules are the same as in the foam.

asbestos boards
For insulating ventilation ducts and insulation thermal insulation of the roof above used asbestos (asbestos cement) slabs. Now, in many countries to use materials made on the basis of asbestos is prohibited. This is due to the risk of developing cancer in the regular inhalation of asbestos dust, which inevitably appears in the production, cutting, assembling.
PIR boards
Of foams made of a new generation of thermal insulation with a rigid cellular structure - PIR. On both sides of the plate of this material are covered with foil.
- thermal conductivity - 0.021 W / m ° C;
- Water absorption - no more than 1%;
- Compressive Strength - 120 kPa;
- service life - up to 50 years.
- flammability group G1 - G2 (or weakly umerennogoryuchie);
- no risk of damage to the fasteners during installation;
- resistance to decay.
shortcoming - during the combustion emits toxic substance.

Insulation materials for industrial applications
For pipe insulation industrial ventilation systems than those mentioned insulation more expensive methods are suitable:
- Fill sprayed polyurethane foam.
- Installation of finished ducts with insulation.
Polyurethane foam
One of the best ways to protect the vent pipes of industrial systems - Sprayable insulation made of polyurethane foam. Using a special surface equipment poured foam layer duct.
Types of polyurethane foam:
- Closed cell (hard) - in addition to excellent heat-insulating properties provides waterproofing (absorbs no more than 4% moisture).
- Open cell (elastic, lightweight) - several times less weight, better absorbs sound, is worth less expensive, but requires additional waterproofing (absorbs up to 15% moisture), unsuitable for exterior works.
- thermal conductivity - from 0.019 to 0.04 W / m ° C;
- operating temperature range - from -160 ° C to + 150 ° C;
- Group flammability - G1;
- Compressive strength - 150 kPa;
- service life - 20 years.
- a snug fit to the insulation layer of the pipe;
- complete absence of seams;
- possibility of application to any complex tube shapes;
- quick installation.
- high price;
- complex assembly - require experience with this material;
- it is composed of toxic substances - requires the use of protective clothing, respirators, goggles (after hardening foam danger of poisoning is not present).

air ducts
Another solution to the problem of condensation in the ventilation system - the use of the installation already insulated ducts.
Their types:
- Flexible - consist of the spiral wire frame, the metallized film layer and the insulation cover of the same film.

- Hard - of PIR-plates (PirroVentiDuct), of fiberglass plates Climaver and m. N. By strength pipe made from this material are comparable with the usual steel. The ducts of the insulation boards may be joined with standard steel vent stack via flanges.

dignity insulated ducts:
- reduction of material costs;
- reducing the weight of the entire system;
- quick installation.
Significant shortcomings in the insulated ducts were found.
recommendations made
When choosing a suitable material for the thermal insulation of the ventilation system to take into account:
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity must be as low as possible.
- Moisture resistance. Loss of insulation properties due to moisture absorption can be reduced to zero all the advantages of the material, including low cost.
- The complexity of the installation. Cost of professional services depends on the hazard characteristics of the material and its attachment. Insulation Performance of cheap insulation may eventually cost more than the highest quality. If the work is supposed to carry out on their own, the value have the time and effort.
- fire safety class. This indicator can be decisive in choosing between the two heaters with similar characteristics, if we are talking about areas with high risk of fire.
According to experts the best option of warming ventrub - polyethylene foam. Foam rubber is superior in all characteristics and has no flaws.