It is in India called shisha mirrors. This item reflects any negative energy and bad evil eye. The mirror can be simply put in the bag, but it is much more efficient to have it in a variety of on their clothes. Thus, a new type of traditional art - Indian technique shisha: tandem color threads and mirrors. Products with this embroidery are available in almost every souvenir shop. And it's not only clothes, but also a variety of bags, sacks, mats, pillows, curtains, hats, and more.

- History of embroidery
- performance technology
- Materials used
- Step-by-step instruction
History of embroidery
Shisha as the traditional art is not very rich history, basics of embroidery originated in the XVII century. Up to this point only used some elements of art and mirrors in poorer segments of the population was replaced with cheap plastic mica, dried shells of beetles. Only in the XVII century, the wife of the ruler Jahan who built the Taj Mahal, began to use small mirrors in embroidery.
Initially, women own hand cut mirrors required size. It was a complex and not entirely safe operation. Glass was required to break into small pieces, and then process the edges to cut sharp corners. To date, this involved some factories. Their range is so rich in a variety of forms that can be difficult to choose a suitable for a particular drawing elements.

performance technology
shisha embroidery does not imply any strict rules. The origins of needlework are religious beliefs and strict caste division of the Indian people. The poor man is very difficult to break into the highest caste. Mirrors and bright rich colors of embroidery - only imitative element of gold and silver jewelry with stones from the elite strata of society.
Despite the fact that this type of needlework is a traditional, shisha and modern enough for today. Its elements are found as decorations on clothing, but mostly on the bags, in home decor.
The main thing - to choose harmonious color scheme and not too abundantly pour the product shishami.
Materials used
The main element - this is a small mirror. But it can be replaced with a metallised cardboard, thick foil, colored sequins and even CD-ROMs. You can use any object with a shiny, reflective surface.

Also required:
- the cloth - it must be very thick to withstand some heavy mirrors and the weight of the embroidery.
- thread - here the choice is unlimited (metallic, silk, wool, cotton, floss).
- tambour - in the initial stage and especially for beginners, they are indispensable.
It is important to remember that whatever the materials used in needlework, later will have to very carefully washed and ironed to obtain a product.
Step-by-step instruction
In order to independently master the technique of embroidery shisha, the first thing you need to learn how to handle the thread and attach the mirror to the fabric. There are lots of different ways to embroidery, for example, directly on the element or only along its edge.
Step by step instructions of one of the following:

- Attach the mirror to the required shape tissue. Those who are just beginning to learn embroidery, can use double-sided tape.
- In the next step shishu sheathe using large thread stitches in a grid pattern. They do not necessarily have to be careful, the subsequent processing will correct all defects.
- Of the perpendicular grating made create your original pattern. To do this, the front side operate blanket stitch with the capture of the existing threads on the mirror. Basic stitches is repeated, turning the work 45 °.
- Now you can leave everything as it is and proceed to the next Shishe. Or create a more dense frame with a thread of another color.
As an option - on the mirror was originally not perform grid and immediately multi-beam star. The whole region is framed by thick seam obmetochnym "chain". The last link output inside and secured the French knot.
Shisha - only element handmade pattern. This may be the middle of the flower, the sun or the base of unprecedented ornament.
If you are planning to put on embroidery clothing novice should practice on a small piece of similar fabric.
Basic stitches must be as tight. In this case, they are not too close to the edge of the mirror, otherwise it is easy to fall out later.

In India embroidered shisha engaged or secured needlewoman-lovers for pleasure or professional skilled workers from poor neighborhoods. The latter produced masterpieces. They are made to order or for export sales. From early morning to line up needlewoman most respected craftswomen. It thoroughly inspects every product and dissolve all the work at the slightest marriage. Shisha - the national art, and the errors should not be.