The question of what better to cover the roof, excites every developer who has decided to build his own house. When choosing a roofing material, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters that will affect the quality, durability and appearance of the future structure. Before giving preference to this or that roofing material pay attention to its cost, reliability, weight and decorative characteristics.
The main criteria for choosing roofing material
Each roofing material has certain characteristics that determine its properties and provide a high quality of the roofing structure:
- material
- form
- weight
- color scale
- strength and reliability
- value
- mounting price
When choosing the roofingThe weight of the material, which exerts a significant load on the roofing structure, must be taken into account in particular. For example, such roofing material as natural tiles is 10 times heavier than metal roofing and requires a more solid foundation.
Most consumers who took part in surveys on the choice of roofing materials, in the first place, pay attention to their appearance and cost, forgetting about such characteristics as quality, reliability and durability. That is why professional builders recommend taking into account the following factors:
- quality of roofing material
- ease of processing
- exterior decorative features
- roofing material weight
- roof compatibility with facade finish
A wide variety of roofing materials can be used to cover pitched roofs, which we offer to familiarize with.
Metal tile
Over the past decades, this roofing material has gained unprecedented popularity. Metal shingles have excellent qualities, among them:
- durability
- strength
- light weight
- weathering stability
- preservation of the original color and configuration
- reliable protection against ultraviolet radiation
- resistance to mechanical impact
An extremely important factor for the construction of mansard as well as roofs of complexconfiguration is the low weight of the roofing material. Metal tile, like roofing material, is ideal for large roofs. It does not weight the rafter structure and does not create additional loads on the walls and foundation of the house.
The cost of roofing with metal roofing
The prices for covering the roof with metal tile are quite acceptable. However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this roofing material, on which the final cost of works depends. Metal tile does not contribute to the absorption of noise, so before its installation, a thorough sound insulation of the roof is made.
In the event of sudden changes in ambient temperatures, condensation may form on the inside of the material, a layer of waterproofing and a double sheathing must be provided to absorb it.
All these additional activities make the installation of metal tiles quite expensive. In addition, metal sheets have a small thickness, so to avoid the formation of dents, cracks and scratches, they require a particularly accurate stacking.
Ceramic tile
The history of classical ceramic tiles has more than one hundred years. Thanks to modern production technologies it was possible to give it the perfect qualities that are its indisputable advantages:
- strength
- reliability
- environmental safety
- unlimited lifetime
- absolute UV resistance
Of the drawbacks of natural tiles, it should be noted the impressive weight and high price, which is inherent in all naturalmaterials.
This is the most economical version of roofing. It is made of glass and cellulose fibers and thoroughly impregnated with bitumen. It has the form of slate, is presented in a wide range of colors, which practically does not lose its brightness. The advantages of the material include:
- strength
- lightness
- reliability
- flexibility
- long service life( 50 years)
- moisture resistance
- UV resistance
- high fire safety
- resistance to mechanical impacts
- no corrosion
Ondulin perfectly absorbs noise and does not require additional sound insulation.
Ondulin sheets can not be laid directly on rafters. For them it is necessary to equip the flooring from plywood slabs.
Due to its low price, it is most often used for roofing. Slate roof is durable, and the material itself is highly fire-safe. Positive qualities of the slate are:
- long life( up to 40 years)
- absolute water resistance
- ability to withstand heavy loads( snow)
Slate sheets may lose their quality during operation. They crumble, split, and in the shaded areas overgrown with lichen.
Metal sheeting
Often used by developers to cover the roof. Profiled sheeting is characterized by special strength and reliability. It has a significant thickness, which is advantageously different from metal.
Roof metal profile is made of sheet steel, profiled by the method of cold pressure, and can have a different waveform. It is applied to the protective and decorative coating of multiple shades. The material is very light and does not require the construction of a massive rafter structure.
+ Advantages of roofing sheeting
- strength
- ease
- maintainability
- simple and fast installation at any temperature
- wide choice of colors and types
- Drawbacks of roofing sheeting:
- low noise absorption
- increase in material consumption in roofs of complex structures
- possibility of corrosion in areas withbroken protective cover
- the need for thermal insulation due to the high thermal conductivity
- the need for waterproofing due to the appearancecondensing at temperature differences
- need for additional seats and holes staining sections
Represents seamless fiberglass substrate impregnated thoroughly bituminous composition. The outer surface of the flexible tile is painted in various colors and covered with a protective coating consisting of a fine-grained basalt layer. This type of tile not only has all the advantages of metal roofing, but it has a special
- strength
- heat and soundproof
- sealing
. Under the influence of sunlight, the plates of flexible tiles fuse together and do not form a visible seam eye.
Most often this roof material is preferred by those customers who are important to the unique external design of their family jack.