Rating of the best manufacturers of ceramic tiles

Not all manufacturers of ceramic tiles are approaching their occupation with due diligence. Someone does not check the quality of their products, immediately sending it to wholesale and retail stores. Others do not think about design, releasing only a dull monotonous tile. Still others prefer to save on materials, as a result of which their products can not be called durable. And only some manufacturers not only put the creation of tiles on the flow, but also achieved the eradication of almost all the shortcomings. Today we will speak about such companies.

The best producers of ceramic tiles

Cersanit S.A.

A well-known Polish company with a logotype of a dolphin. In fact, it consists of several companies. One of them produces ceramic tiles, while the rest are busy creating other products intended for the bathroom - shower cabins, acrylic bathtubs, pallets and various furniture.

As for the Cersanit tiles, now there are more than 40 collections. All this tile comes off the conveyors installed in ten plants, based in Germany, Ukraine, Russia and Poland. The company produces both budget and elite ceramic tiles. The latter can have an exquisite pattern, which makes it an ideal candidate for gluing in the bathroom.

The most demanded tile size is 25x35 cm. But there are in the assortment of the company and relatively rare sizes - 20x30 cm and 20x60 cm. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers have strict quality control. In this regard, the buyer can easily get products that have an uneven side surface.


  • Many color choices are available;
  • Assortment of tiles - very large;
  • The floor tiles do not fade and do not abrade;
  • You can buy exclusive and versatile products.


  • Inexpensive collections are too fragile;
  • In different batches, there may be deviations in size;
  • Sometimes the Cersanit tiles sink with an uneven side surface;
  • The price is quite high.

Kerama Marazzi

If to judge by the name of this brand, it belongs to some Italian company. But in fact, this is not entirely true. The trade mark resulted from the merger of the Italian trade group Marazzi and the Russian firm Kerama. Ceramic tiles by this alliance are produced only in Russia - in the town of Orel and Malino settlement, located in the Moscow region. From Italy, the same association received numerous specialists and modern equipment. As a result, excellent products come off the factory assembly line, which does not cause any complaints.

Experts note that the products from Kerama Marazzi in quality and appearance are not inferior to this Italian tile. If you look at the catalog of produced collections, it seems that you have flipped through the geographical atlas. The fact is that the manufacturer divided its products into geographic areas. One tile reminds of India, another collection is truly Italian, the third is called English, etc.

The company produces ceramic granite. It is created using DRY PRESS technology( dry pressing).This makes it not only durable, but also like a real stone. In total in the assortment of Kerama Marazzi there are more than 2000 names of ceramic tiles.


  • Design solutions are of genuine interest;
  • There are no complaints about the strength of the tiles;
  • Information service is developing steadily;
  • A wide range of products - this applies even to inexpensive tiles;
  • Innovative technologies are regularly applied;
  • A large number of branded stores.


  • The combination of floor and wall tiles can not be called ideal.

Golden Tile

In our collections, we rarely mention Ukrainian companies. But do not talk about the Golden Tile brand, which belongs to the Kharkov tile factory, you can not. Respect deserves not only the quality of the products produced by the factory, but also the breadth of the assortment. In total, the tile of six standard sizes comes off the assembly line - including a rather rare 15x60 cm. It is a pity that sometimes deviations in sizes are noticeable in the lots - this is slightly distressing to some buyers. But the deviations in the shades of the manufacturer do not happen, which can not but cause joy.

Ukrainians regularly cooperate with Italian designers. It is due to this that the tile is very beautiful. Even the own design bureau Golden Tile is headed by an Italian. Now in the assortment of the Ukrainian company there are more than 60 collections. And in the future this number will necessarily increase even more.


  • Very good design in most collections;
  • Prices are quite adequate;
  • Decent quality of the material from which the tile is made;
  • Assortment will suit every customer.


  • There are deviations in size( applies only to wall tiles).

Fap Ceramiche

This tile can surprise an excessively high cost. But the buyer not without reason pays a lot of money - in return he gets real Italian quality. Basically, this manufacturer produces ceramic tiles for the bathroom, but you can find in its range and options for other types of premises. In total, the company manufactures 30 collections of tiles. This may seem like an inadequate amount. But it must be taken into account that all the products come off the assembly line of just one plant located in Sassuolo. In the territory of this factory there is a very strict quality control, so that all products are almost perfect.

Despite not the widest range, in the catalog of the Italian company you can find a tile with an exclusive appearance. Also the products can boast of their ecological compatibility. Many products perfectly imitate stone, wood and other natural materials. Moreover, experts from Fap Ceramiche have learned to imitate even natural marble!

It remains to be regretted that in some collections there are sometimes deviations in size - up to about 1 mm. Critical this defect can not be called, but for such money you want to get the perfect ceramic tile.


  • Excellent and stable quality of tiles;
  • The design of products evokes only a sense of delight;
  • Maximum ecological compatibility;
  • The tile looks great even after many years.


  • There are deviations in size;
  • Price can scare.

Ceramica Paradyz

The Polish company Ceramica Paradyz was born in 1989.For not the longest period of existence she managed to deploy 5 factories. All of them are in the territory of their native Poland and equipped with modern technology. At the same time the equipment is regularly updated, as soon as for this there will be at least a small reason.

At home, Ceramica Paradyz products quickly gained popularity. The management managed to establish foreign deliveries quickly enough. Now ceramic tile of this manufacturer can be found in the shops of at least 39 countries. Including such a tile is laid by the inhabitants of Russia. Almost all buyers are satisfied with the variety of collections. The company offers tiles not only for bathrooms, but also for kitchens and commercial premises. About the design of products is difficult to say something special - in the range of Ceramica Paradyz there is also a unique externally tile, but often it costs quite a lot of money.


  • Deviations in sizes are extremely rare;
  • The quality of the tile is beyond praise;
  • Sufficiently wide range;
  • Most of the products have a modest price tag;
  • Presence of tiles for the kitchen.


  • The most attractive tile is very expensive.

Which ceramic tile is better to buy

1. Any of the companies considered today can please you with their products. Frank marriage by these manufacturers is almost not produced. There are only rare deviations in size, but they almost never exceed 1 mm. And the Polish company Ceramica Paradyz does not have this defect either.

2. However, it should be understood that a good tile costs a very large amount of money. After all, manufacturers should pay for design bureau services, and they need to spend money on upgrading equipment. Even the companies Cersanit, Kerama Marazzi and Golden Tile have certain collections worth a lot of money. It is recommended to purchase just such a tile - it is the most durable. You can also look at Fap Ceramiche products, which also have no special flaws.