- Preparation for washing
- Machine or your hands - which is better?
- How to properly wash items to save color?
- How to wash in a washing machine?
- How to dry your jeans?
- Thinnesses and nuances
- How to care for jeans so that they have served you for a long time?
Since the invention in the middle of the 19th century and to this day jeans are the favorite clothes of many people - practical, comfortable and yet stylish. Moreover, the basis of modern wardrobe are exactly jeans and things from denim. Beautiful and reliable jeans, for all its reliability and practicality, only seem so. The problem is that the basis is cotton fabric, which is very sensitive to different types of processing, and most housewives do not even know how, at what temperature, how often it is necessary to wash jeans. With all these questions, we'll look at this article so that your things last longer retain their strength, size and attractive appearance.
to the contents ↑Preparation for washing
An important stage in the care of a jeans product is its preparation for the washing process:
- It is necessary to empty all pockets. Fasten all buttons, rivets and zippers.
- Turn the thing inside out - so there is less chance that the fabric pattern will be damaged. Especially it concerns products with rhinestones and other decorative elements.
Important! With very strong soiling, it is possible to soak jeans with a liquid remedy and vinegar - so the stains will disappear faster and the color will remain.
to the contents ↑Machine or your hands - which is better?
Wash methods only two - manually and in a washing machine, and, if possible, it is worth giving preference to the first option, as it will hardly be possible to type a complete drum of only jeans items.
In order not to spoil your jeans and serve you for a long time, it's worth observing some rules that will help to preserve the color and shape:
- If a thing has got wet by chance in the rain, it is advisable to wash the thing as soon as possible in clean water and dry it.
- Do not wash at high temperatures, as this leads to deformation of the fabric and rapid abrasion of the color.
Important! You can not soak jeans in hot water and other things. Especially, if you need to wash black jeans so that they do not lose their color.
- In the case of washing in a washing machine, it is better to do without pressing, or choose the most gentle mode up to 600 revolutions.
- It is best to choose liquid detergents, and that they have a more gentle formula.
- Do not forget about the compositions that preserve color. Choose a powder with such an additive or a special remedy.
Important! To preserve the color, you can use ordinary table salt or simple vinegar.
to the table of contents ↑How to properly wash items by hand to preserve color?
The more natural the composition of denim, the more delicate washing should be - it is optimal if the washing is done manually and with gentle means.
Important! In the homeland of these amazing trousers it is believed that it is necessary to wash black jeans in order not to lose color, only several times a year and only when dirt is really visible on them.
There are some tips for those who decided to give preference to this method of cleaning:
- After buying, before putting on jeans for the first time, it is better to wash them - so the fabric will become softer and the paint will wash off. To know how to properly wash your jeans for the first time, be sure to study the information on the label regarding the temperature and other features.
- Do not use basins and bowls, so the product may lose its shape. It is better to place it on the bottom of the bathroom so that it is thoroughly soaked.
Important! If the thing is very dirty, you can leave it to soak, but not more than two hours.
- You can not rub pieces of fabric against each other - it is better to use a medium-hard brush.
- For laundry it is better to take laundry soap or liquid powder. If there is only a dry remedy, you must first completely dissolve it in water. In this case, it is better to apply it to the brush, not to the cloth.
Important! Dry powder spoils the appearance of metal elements.
- Then it is necessary to unscrew the legs on the front side and repeat the manipulations, only not so intensively and clearly observing the direction of weaving threads.
- Next, you need to drain the soap solution, collect clean water and rinse or hold under the pressure of water.
Important! If there is a suspicion that a thing can sit down, then you need to know how to wash your jeans so that they do not sit down. The exit will be washing yourself. The sequence of actions is the same, only performed on the host's body.
to the contents ↑How to wash in a washing machine?
Often time plays a crucial role, and the washing of jeans clothes by hand can not be carried out due to a number of reasons. Then one of the greatest inventions of mankind - a washing machine - comes to the rescue.
To your new favorite jeans after a couple of washings have not acquired a shabby and killed look, it is necessary to set the operating mode of the "stiralki" as carefully as possible:
- It is necessary to choose the temperature mode according to the manufacturer's requirements.
- Mode "manual", "delicate" or "for denim fabrics."If there is a mesh for washing delicate things, you can use it.
Important! Black dye is quite aggressive, so you need to know how to wash black jeans so that they do not lose color. To do it better with things of the same color or just dark things.
- It is forbidden to squeeze out jeans. It is recommended to turn off the spinning or to select the minimum possible number of revolutions.
- Finally, shake it off, stretch it out so you do not sit down and hang it.
How to dry your jeans?
Regardless of the chosen method of washing, you still have to dry things, so there also have their own nuances:
- If you prefer machine wash, then jeans will be drier than with washing hands. It will be enough to straighten them and hang them dry.
- It is not recommended to twist the jeans, as there may be a twisted trace on the fabric. It would be best to pick them up by the waist and let them drain and then hang out.
- When you need to dry things faster, the old proven method will do. To do this, you have to shift jeans with towels and roll them into a roll, you can even sit down from above - so the time for draining will be reduced.
- It is necessary to dry the jeans either on a hanger or by hooking it in the waistband, then the deformation will be minimal.
Important! Natural fibers in the jeans fabric react poorly to the sun's rays. Drying things out of this material is better than not accessing direct sunny things.
to content ↑Subtlety and nuances of
A common problem with jeans is the loss of form. But if you keep track of the moment of deformation in time, you can still fix it. So:
- If the thing has sat down, it is necessary to steam it or wrap it in a warm, warm towel for 5-10 minutes, then put it on until it dries completely.
- If the problem is the opposite, then you just need to wash your pants in hot water. To ensure that the color does not deteriorate in such a situation, it is best to wash it in hot water, then use the built-in drying function of the washing machine or hang dry near the heating devices.
Important! How often should I wash my jeans? This must be done as they are actually contaminated, and this is no more than after 4-5 sock.
to the contents ↑How to care for jeans so that they have served you for a long time?
That any thing worked as much as possible, it is necessary to protect it. For jeans there is a set of rules that must be observed when using them:
- Properly worn. If the thing is branded, then you should not wear it to weed out the beds and sit "squatting".Stretched knees do not paint any clothes.
- Wash correctly. It is desirable to manually, using the necessary detergents and with the correct temperature regime.
- Dry correctly. The best option would be natural draining and subsequent drying outside direct sunlight.
- Proper ironing. In fact, you can not iron your jeans - it's enough to straighten them when drying. But if there was such a need, then the choice of temperature should be consistent with the label on the product.
This article presents all sorts of subtleties in the care of jeans and products from this beautiful material, having studied which, you can bring your things into proper condition without harmful dry cleaning, and your jeans will serve you faithfully for a long time.