Replacing a gas stove in an apartment: legal subtleties for 2022 and other useful recommendations

Our country is rich in blue fuel, and we can use this boon almost everywhere. Each apartment has the opportunity to install a gas stove. Cooking is safe and convenient. In addition, gas is a very economical type of fuel, so it is not surprising that most apartment owners prefer it. But what to do if you need to replace the gas stove in the apartment? There are legal subtleties for 2022, and it is better to familiarize yourself with them now than to unexpectedly run into trouble. Let's just discuss this now.

Read in the article

  • 1 Why do you need to change the stove?
  • 2 What do responsible services require from owners of gas stoves
    • 2.1 Procedure for maintenance of gas stoves
    • 2.2 When checks are carried out
    • 2.3 How not to fall into the clutches of scammers
    • 2.4 What happens if you do not let the inspectors
    • 2.5 New in 2022 in gas service: gas control and furniture
  • 3 What you need to replace a gas stove
    • 3.1 Is it necessary to legalize the replacement of the stove?
    • 3.2 Where to go to replace gas stoves
  • 4 Algorithm for self-replacement of the plate
  • 5 How can you do without replacing the stove
  • 6 Free Gas Stove Replacement Options

Why do you need to change the stove?

Any gas equipment is a potentially dangerous object, so strict requirements are imposed on it, which are dictated by your and the collective safety of the residents of the apartment building, so do not ignore.

The government has issued a legislative act, a regulation that requires manufacturers to mandatory indicate the service life of gas equipment. It may be different, but it is always indicated in the product passport. If you look through the documentation of the leading manufacturers of gas stoves, you will find that, on average, the life of this equipment is limited to 10-15 years. But if you look at the actual terms of safe use with high-quality household gas, the stove is able to last 20 years or more.

Replacing a gas stove in an apartment legal subtleties for 2022
You will not be punished for using an old stove. The main thing is that it is completely safe for operation. But this fact is established by the gas service during a regular inspection

The owner of the pita is responsible for its compliance with safety requirements. If the owner ignores these requirements and the stove in his apartment is faulty, the relevant services can fine him for this and even turn off the gas supply. If, through the fault of the owner of the stove, an accident occurred and harm was caused to the health and life of people, other people's property, criminal liability may arise. So, if the gas service employees put up a requirement to replace the stove, you should not ignore it.

What happens: there is a time limit for using the stove from the manufacturer, but in reality you can use it longer if it is in good condition, and this was confirmed by gas service specialists
What happens: there is a time limit for using the stove from the manufacturer, but in reality you can use it longer if it is in good condition, and this was confirmed by gas service specialists

There are a few simple rules that will extend the life of the gas stove:

  • installation should be trusted only to professionals;
  • the stove should be operated only in accordance with established norms and rules;
  • the stove must be kept clean so that dirt does not clog the nozzles and nozzles;
  • the stove should be washed carefully, without flooding the columns with aggressive chemicals;
  • in case of any breakdown of the stove and the smell of gas, you should immediately call a gas service specialist, do not engage in amateur activities;
  • all connections should be regularly checked for tightness;
  • The inlet hose to the stove must be replaced after the expiration date.

So, if your gas stove is in good condition and you strictly follow it, then it is not necessary to change it. But there may be other reasons for replacement. The most common is updating a kitchen set after repair and the desire to have more complex and modern appliances. Here, as they say, the master is the master. You have every right to change the stove for a built-in one or purchase equipment with a more complex algorithm of work, you just need to correctly replace it.

What do responsible services require from owners of gas stoves

The operation of gas equipment is a serious responsibility. Gas is a highly flammable fuel, flammable and explosive. And the life of its owner literally depends on the serviceability of the equipment.

Procedure for maintenance of gas stoves

Regular inspection and maintenance of gas stoves is an important component of safe operation. What do gas workers do during a visit:

  • inspect the device for damage;
  • check free access to the device (it is required);
  • inspect all connections for tightness;
  • disassemble and lubricate taps;
  • regulate the gas supply, clean the burners from debris;
  • check ventilation for good draft.
This whole algorithm is spelled out in the maintenance contract, which is concluded by each subscriber - consumerPHOTO:
This whole algorithm is spelled out in the maintenance contract, which is concluded by each subscriber - consumer

The results of the master's work are recorded in the protocol. If they noticed any violations from the owner, this will also be recorded. For example, unauthorized actions to install equipment, move the stove to a new location, or connect unaccounted appliances to the gas network.

Such checks take place at regular intervals, usually once every 12 months. Moreover, this periodicity does not depend on the age of the plate. Even if you have new equipment, it will still be checked annually. Pleasure is not free, and the amount in each city is different. Usually the cost of this service is dictated by the monopolists in this area - the gas sales company. For inspection of the plate from the owner can take from 500 to 1000 rubles.

When checks are carried out

Gas workers are required to warn citizens in advance about the inspection. For this, modern means of notification are now available. As a rule, the local company posts the inspection schedule on its website. Specialists must come during the daytime, during working hours, but they can also make rounds on Saturdays. In addition, residents of the house are notified about the upcoming inspection in other available ways: by SMS mailing or announcements at the entrances.

Usually a complete check of the stove takes no more than 20 minutes, if there are no signs of any malfunction.PHOTO:
Usually a complete check of the stove takes no more than 20 minutes, if there are no signs of any malfunction.

How not to fall into the clutches of scammers

Unfortunately, scammers are constantly inventing new forms of deception and may well come to you under the guise of checking gas workers. Often their goal is to sell you some device that you don’t really need or doesn’t perform the declared functions at all.

Checking the authenticity of specialists is quite simple: you have a subscription agreement and it contains the contact phone number of the service. It is enough to call and find out if there are such employees in this organization. Usually, employees of the gas sales company come according to a pre-announced schedule, in uniform and with certificates.

Keep in mind: real gas workers will never offer you to buy and install any additional devicesPHOTO: Yandex Zen
Keep in mind: real gas workers will never offer you to buy and install any additional devices

What happens if you do not let the inspectors

Some cooker owners are so overconfident that they don't let the inspectors in in an attempt to save on maintenance. This is a dangerous trend that can turn into big trouble. First of all, this is a fine of up to 2 thousand rubles. And if an accident occurs due to the fault of the owner of the stove, the fine can increase to 30 thousand.

If you don't let the gasmen near your stove, they can turn off your gas. But to let him in again will cost not only a round sum, but also make him run for documents.

New in 2022 in gas service: gas control and furniture

In fact, this innovation came into force in 2021, namely: all newly installed stoves must be equipped with a gas control that shuts off the fuel supply in the event of a leak. This innovation is extended not only to hobs, but also to gas ovens.

Another innovation - it is very important to comply with the requirements for the arrangement of furniture. The horizontal distance from the stove is at least 20 cm and vertically at least 70 cm, so you have to forget about hanging cabinets above the stovePHOTO:
Another innovation - it is very important to comply with the requirements for the arrangement of furniture. The horizontal distance from the stove is at least 20 cm and vertically at least 70 cm, so you have to forget about hanging cabinets above the stove

What you need to replace a gas stove

What is required in order to replace the stove with a new one?

First of all, a new stove must necessarily comply with the state standard, including having a gas control system.

To install the hob, you will need flexible hoses, sealants and suitable tools if you plan to install the appliance yourself without the help of specialists.

If you are not going to re-plan the installation site of the stove, you only need a passport for the device. But in the case of the necessary redevelopment, everything is a little more complicated. If, for example, you are going to change a gas stove to an electric one, this is called rebuilding, and if you plan to move the stove to another room, then redevelopment.

To legalize the redevelopment, you will need to submit documents confirming the authority of the owner of the apartment, as well as an identity document, the consent of the tenants of the apartment for redevelopment, gas supply documents and a technical passport.

Is it necessary to legalize the replacement of the stove?

The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation in Article 7.19 clearly indicates that an impressive fine of up to 15 thousand rubles can be imposed for unauthorized and uncontrolled connection of the stove to the highway. And if such a connection causes a fire or explosion, the fine can increase to 300 thousand.

All such work can only be entrusted to professionals with the appropriate license.PHOTO:
All such work can only be entrusted to professionals with the appropriate license.

Among other things, when replacing a stove or boiler in a residential building, it is mandatory to send a notification to the gas supply organization and provide the technical specifications of the new equipment. The new stove must be officially registered.

Where to go to replace gas stoves

In order to replace the gas stove, you need to send an application to the gas distribution organization about the need to install the device. You will be provided with an estimate and invoice for services. Next, you need to wait for the representatives of this service and after their work receive a document certifying the professional installation of the stove and putting it into operation. If you live in a non-privatized apartment, the replacement of the plate is carried out by the housing authority.

If we are talking about redevelopment, you should know that according to SNIP for a stove with two burners, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 8 m² is needed, from 3 - 12 m², from 4 - 15 m².

Does the area match? This means that it is possible to notify, as mentioned above, to coordinate the redevelopment and, before installation, make an application to Gorgaz.

The change of equipment itself is not so difficult. First, the gas supply to the mains is shut off, then the old plate is disconnected, a new hose is installed and a new device is connected with careful sealing of all connections.

After opening the gas supply valve, the specialist will check all the connections with a gas analyzerPHOTO:
After opening the gas supply valve, the specialist will check all the connections with a gas analyzer

Algorithm for self-replacement of the plate

You can replace the stove yourself, but always in compliance with safety regulations. Let's see how to change it. First you need to have at least some knowledge of the device and the rules for the safe operation of gas appliances. And even if you are confident in your abilities, it is important to read the instructions for the stove before work.

By the way, keep in mind that if you install the stove yourself, the warranty period will be considered not from the moment of installation, but from the moment of its purchase, and the guarantee will not apply to the connection itself. But, as already mentioned, self-installation is fraught with a series of troubles, since, first of all, you will not have a proper mark in the documents for your gas equipment.

There are several important points that professional gasmen know about. When shutting off the gas, be sure to check the valve and hose for leaks. This can be done the old fashioned way by lathering up the suspicious area. The hose can be lowered end into the water. Bubbles will show that something is wrong with its tightness.

During installation, the plate must be leveled horizontally, this is important not only for its safe position, but also for ease of use. It is unlikely that you will like the fact that the pot of broth will be tilted to one side.

It is better to buy a hose for flexible connection new, with the appropriate certificate. It should not be stretched or leaned over after being connected to other household appliances in the kitchenPHOTO: gas service.rf
It is better to buy a hose for flexible connection new, with the appropriate certificate. It should not be stretched or leaned over after being connected to other household appliances in the kitchen

Typically, such hoses have a rather long service life - up to 30 years, but depending on operating conditions, temperature differences and other unfavorable factors, cracks may appear on the inner rubber part of the hose, and this leads to the inevitable leakage. Damaged hoses must be replaced immediately.

After the installation is completed, if you do not have a gas analyzer, the tightness of the connections is checked with the same soap solution, abundantly covering all joints with foam. A soapy solution can be made by whisking dishwashing detergent diluted with water.

How can you do without replacing the stove

Can a situation arise when it is impossible to leave the old stove, but it is impossible to install a new one? It's hard to imagine this, but, in principle, anything can happen. How to be then? There are alternative options, for example, replacing the stove with some household appliances, the purpose of which is similar in meaning. This is a multicooker, microwave, convection oven, bread machine. All these devices are powered by electricity, and if you have a set of such devices, in principle, you can do without a stove. But keep in mind: all these household appliances consume a lot of electricity, so giving up a gas stove cannot be called savings.

Free Gas Stove Replacement Options

The law in Russia allows some apartment owners to make a free replacement of a gas stove. This opportunity is available to those who live in municipal housing or in a privatized apartment, provided that the old stove is in state ownership. In addition, the heroes of the USSR, social labor of the Russian Federation, participants in the Second World War, holders of the Order of Glory, can not think about the question of how much it costs to connect a new stove.

And in addition - a short video on replacing the gas stove:

Have you ever had to change your gas stove? What difficulties did you face? Share your experience in the comments!


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