Choose an air purifier for home, apartment and for allergy sufferers

If your home is equipped with air conditioning, even very good and expensive, it does not mean that the air in the room will be clean. The conditioner has its own functions, it makes the temperature mode comfortable. And only air purifier can provide clean and safe airspace.

These useful devices have entered service in the "army" of devices that make our life quality and safe. Already many people have felt the valuable conveniences brought by "recruits" to apartments and houses. The most important of them is clean air.

What the air purifier

can do By and large this household appliance can be called climate-forming, it really makes "weather in the house", which, as you know, is most important. The main functions of the air cleaner are:

  • Cleaning of indoor air from dust( street and household).
  • Removal from air space of various microorganisms( dust mites) and garbage of their vital activity.
  • Complete elimination of unwanted plant pollen and fungal spores.
  • Neutralization of carbon monoxide, volatile formaldehyde compounds, smoke.
  • Destruction of pathogens, including viruses.
  • Destruction of unpleasant odors( possible aromatization, ionization and humidification of air).

Air cleaners are easy to operate, have a beautiful modern design, do not take up much space in the room.

The main selection criteria for

The most demanded are the air cleaners of AirComfort, Flash Air, Boneco, Chung Pung. No less authoritative are the Japanese Daikin units and the German Venta. Any of these manufacturers can be entrusted with the care and control of air quality in the home.

Simple models cost from $ 80 to $ 200.More expensive devices, worth up to $ 500, are equipped with a remote control. The air purification system in them will be multi-stage, possibly the presence of ionization and air humidification functions.

If there is a financial opportunity to pay for a premium cleaner to $ 1000, then at your disposal will be a real climate complex. With its help, you will immediately receive several high-quality instruments in one package. They can work simultaneously and separately.

Air purifiers are not characterized by high energy consumption. Devices of an average price category consume no more than 50-60 W, more often 25-30.Therefore, they are quite economical. Noise from them, too, not much, most have different modes of operation.

Be sure to find out what area is able to serve the selected device. This indicator can be different, choose the one suitable for your living space.

The principle of operation of any air cleaner is simple. The main details are a fan for blowing air and a set of filters. The power of the fan depends on the service area. But the filters are different in their functionality. And they need to be discussed in more detail in order to have guidelines for selecting the unit.

Air Filter Features

Filters are the main tool that your "air ambulance" will provide clean air to the home. Having become acquainted with their characteristics, you will be able to draw conclusions about which filter or combination of them in the kit is suitable for the house in which you live. And accurately pick the right model of the device.

The coarse coarse filter

This is an ordinary fine mesh, which first gets in the way of large particles of dust, grains of sand, down, pet hair. It not only cleans the air at the initial stage, but also protects deeper parts of the device from clogging.

This filter requires regular cleaning or replacement so that the air cleaner works with high quality.

Coal filter or absorbent

Its main component is activated carbon, this is what is in gas masks. The purpose of the filter is to clean the air of unwanted gaseous impurities, odors. He is able to delay and the smallest mechanical particles, for example wool of pets.1 time in 3-4 months requires replacement.

If you need a good air purifier for an apartment, it must have such a filter. In the city there is a lot of gas pollution, and there are a lot of unpleasant odors.

Electrostatic filter or ionizer

It is designed for "refined" cleaning. Catch and will not let through the pollen of plants or harmful microorganisms. Perfectly suitable for a house located outside the city, where a number of plants are located nearby.

In this filter, air is drawn through the electrode grid and all contaminants contained in it get a positive electrical charge. Then they settle on negatively charged plates.

These filters do not require frequent replacement, to clean them sufficiently to wash. The side effect of the electrostatic filter is ozone. Therefore, for an apartment located in the city, such a device will also be appropriate. It will fill its space with freshness and pure air, as it happens only after a thunderstorm.

Special filter HEPA

These unique filters remove from the ambient air the smallest particles with a size of 3 microns - dust mites, fungal spores, various allergens. The efficiency of capture is up to 99%.

Is it worth emphasizing the value of such a device for allergies? The ability to alleviate the symptoms of this unpleasant disease is not just a desire, but a vital necessity.
A child who grows in an atmosphere of pure air, has a better chance of becoming a strong and healthy person.

HEPA filters are disposable, their actions last for a year. Then they are replaced with new ones, their price is 25-30 $.

Photocatalytic filter

Modern development, a new word of science in the field of the struggle for environmental cleanliness. This filter element is the most expensive, but also the most effective today. In it, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, even the smallest particles( up to 0.001 Ξm) decompose into harmless components.

The service life of this miracle filter is from 2 to 6 years, the cost is 80-120 $.

Recently, the opinion has appeared that this method of cleaning is not effective enough in the existing version. And his PR, nothing more than a successful marketing course of enterprising producers.

Humidifying filter

Passing through it, the air is saturated with moisture, it becomes clean and fresh. In the wet filter, polluting microparticles, foreign smells are retained.

About the main characteristics is now known almost everything. But air purifiers also have additional pleasant options.

For ease of use

To make communication with a smart and useful device more convenient, manufacturers have taken care of additional functions. Many devices have:

  • On / off timer;
  • Remote control;
  • Display showing information about operating modes;
  • Fan power control;
  • Air pollution detectors that help control the operation of the device in automatic mode;
  • Indicators that provide information on the operation of the unit;
  • Function of aromatization.

And now you can draw conclusions!

Summarizing knowledge and applying them in practice

In order to finally decide on the choice, let's try to combine the available information and our desires in the table. To be brief and clear. Plus in the graph will speak about the preference for having such a function in the device.

Features premises Types of filters in air purifiers
first cleaning Coal
filter HEPA Photo
apartment in the city center + + + - - +
apartment on the outskirts of + + - - - +
Cottage, villa + + + - - -
presence of children + + + + - -
The presence of the allergies + + + ++ + +
The presence of smokers + + - - + -

These are recommendations. Only you decide how important these or other functions are for your life.

Finally one more tip. The air cleaner will not fill the dwelling with oxygen. Even if you have the coolest unit - do not forget to ventilate the room. And let your house become your Health Fortress!