- Reasons for the smell in the apartment
- Removing odors in the apartment from the kitchen
- Preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors in the apartment
Smells surround us everywhere. Even any apartment or house has its own specific set of flavors. It's great if the house smells of freshness, flowers, but an unpleasant smell in the room can spoil the impression of the most original interior and beautiful, expensive furniture. How to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the apartment so that the dubious ambre did not spoil the mood, did not cause a headache and eclipsed the feeling of affection from the refined interior and newfangled design?
to content ↑Reasons for the appearance of odor in the apartment
There are many reasons that lead to an unfavorable odor in the house. These are pets, smoking smoke, mold and fungus, problems with poor ventilation and sanitation. The main thing is to eliminate the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the house and necessarily eliminate it, otherwise the struggle for freshness will be endless.
Let us consider in more detail how to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the apartment, depending on the cause of its origin.
Tobacco odor
The smell of tobacco is quickly absorbed into carpets, curtains, furniture upholstery. It is simply impossible to get rid of it with the help of airing and simple air circulation.
Here it is necessary to use folk methods:
- During wet cleaning, add a few drops of ammonia in a bucket of water.
- Wipe soft furniture with a damp brush with special cleaning agents.
- Place several wet towels in different places in the room.
- If your guests smoke in the room, then light an ornamental candle near the ashtray, which will absorb the smoke, and it will not spread through the apartment.
- An alternative to tobacco smoke can be a pleasant aroma of coffee beans. Light up the coffee beans and walk around the room.
- Boil the citrus peel in the water, and let the fragrance of the fruit eclipse the smell of tobacco.
- You can remove the unpleasant odor with black tea bags. For 2 sachets with a tea leaf, hang on the doorway, the windows and under the chandelier of the room. Open the windows and doors, and make a draft for 15-20 minutes. The air in the apartment will be cleared of odors and will become more fresh.
- In the wardrobes with clothes and chest of drawers with linens, place linen bags filled with the following mixture: coffee beans, dried crusts of orange and lemon, vanilla pod, stick or pinch of cinnamon. To refresh the fragrance of the mixture, add a drop of essential oil to it.
- To remove the smell of tobacco from clothes: turn it inside out and lay it on a flat surface. Put a damp towel on top - the smell of tobacco will disappear after it has dried.
- Set fire to the bay leaf and smoke with smoke from the room, and nothing will remain of the smell of tobacco.
Important! You can buy artificial flavors - candles, wands, various incenses, which give the effect of aromatization from a few hours to several days. Choose flavors, depending on individual preferences, to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the apartment.
Smell of cat urine
If the apartment has a fluffy pet, then from time to time it will "tag the territory."To get rid of the smell in an apartment of similar origin, there are several ways:
- Buy in a pet store special fresheners, designed to combat cat pranks.
- Mix soda and liquid soap, apply this viscous mixture to the stain. Top cover with a rag. After a few hours, remove the remnants of the product with a vacuum cleaner.
- Treat marked places with soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or lemon juice. Powerful oxidants will remove the smell, and after cleaning, drip some essential oil( most effective citrus), to improve the aroma and at the same time to discourage the despairer from further marking this territory.
Important! So that you had to deal with this situation as rarely as possible and seek a solution to the problem of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the apartment, take into account the following recommendations:
- In order not to provoke a clean animal in search of a place for a toilet, be sure to remove the cat's tray in time.
- If the stain from the cat's tricks appears on the carpet or sofa, then rinse the contamination with water and vinegar or pour the usual baking soda, and then remove the rest with a vacuum cleaner.
How to get rid of musty smell in the apartment?
The reason for the appearance of the fragrance of mustiness is often stale laundry, not washed or long-worn things and old interior items. Therefore, to remove the unpleasant odor in the apartment, it is enough to do the following:
- To remove the musty smell of old furniture, wipe all the boxes with a solution of potassium permanganate.
- If the smell comes from the closet with clothes and linen, then all the things there have to be re-washed, because one single dirty thing can become a source of musty smell. The cabinet must be ventilated and remove from it stale funds from moths.
- In clean boxes with linen, place the bags filled with coffee beans or dried orange crusts.
- Do not store worn, un-washed clothes in the closet.
- Ventilate the cup more often, leaving it open for a while.
Important! To prevent the appearance of such a problem again, place in the closet old perfume bottles, and clothes will fragrance your favorite fragrance. But do not forget to take care of the wardrobe items at the same time, so as not to get even more disgusting result from the mixture of perfume and mustiness.
Smell of dampness
To protect yourself from such trouble, be sure to monitor the level of dampness in the house. If there is a smell of dampness in the apartment, then find its hearth, because it indicates the appearance of mold. Often in a bathroom or a bathroom, even the most beautiful cleanliness owners can have a smell of dampness.
To combat it, use proven folk remedies:
- Activated charcoal will solve the problem. For a bathroom it is required 20 tablets, and on a bathroom - in 2 times more. Spread the tablets in places that do not attract attention. Coal is a remarkable absorbent, it neutralizes smells and disinfects the air.
- To fill the plumbing room with a pleasant, delicate natural fragrance, arrange small cups with coffee beans in the toilet and bathroom. Change them weekly. Such a flavor will cope with its task better than any synthetic fresheners.
- Neutralize the unpleasant odor with a solution of vinegar( 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) with a small amount of essential oils( pine, lavender, citrus, etc.).Once a week, treat the walls and floors of the premises with this remedy.
- To get rid of high humidity, use a bowl of salt. It is an excellent absorber of moisture. Arrange the containers in the bathroom and the bathroom and change the salt as needed.
To prevent the damp problem from occurring in the future, follow these simple rules:
- Do not allow damp towels to hang in the bathroom for a long time.
- Dry and rinse thoroughly the napkins and rags with which you wash the floor and wipe off the dust.
- After each wash, do not cover the washing machine, allow it to dry from the inside. Be sure to wipe the places where moisture accumulates.
- If the unpleasant odor comes from the drainage of the tub or sink, fill it with soda and pour a few liters of very hot water.
- Do not store dirty socks, sweaty sports clothing in the washing machine. Use special baskets for dirty laundry.
- If the smell comes from the washing machine, pour into it a cup of vinegar or a cup of whiteness and run one full cycle without putting any linen inside.
- Thoroughly ventilate bathrooms when using a shower or bath. Another effective solution is to install a fan and regularly resort to its help in order to normalize the microclimate in the room.
- Regularly wipe the drain for the drain and the bath itself with chlorine-containing products to prevent mold from appearing.
- Keep the bathroom clean. From time to time, ventilate him, opening a window in himself or in the adjoining room.
- If the cat's toilet is in the bathroom or the bathroom, remove the impurities in time and change the filler.
Removing odors in the apartment from the kitchen
Unpleasant smells in the kitchen are often associated with a refrigerator, oven or microwave. With insufficient care for household appliances can remain particles of food, fat, oil, which are the source of an unpleasant ambre.
In addition, the cooking itself leaves a thin layer of fatty matter in the air, which clings to the work surfaces, walls, lamps, floors, etc. If you have an exhaust fan, be sure to use it during cooking, and keep it onsome more time after cooking.
The work surfaces must also be kept clean and wiped with detergent at the end of each day.
Clean air
To quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor in the kitchen, use the following tips:
- Boil water in the open container with vinegar, and then ventilate the room.
- Clean all kitchen surfaces with hot water, and then wipe them with lemon or orange peel.
- Fry the coffee beans in a frying pan. Coffee aroma will supersede all extraneous smells.
- Put a little salt on the hot plate, and it will save you trouble.
- Before lighting the gas stove, be sure to include the hood above it to remove the smell of gas.
Clean the microwave from the smells
To get rid of the smell in the microwave and clean it, use folk tips:
- You can clean the microwave oven with a coffee grounds that will not only remove food debris, but also flavor the device.
- For cleaning, you can apply and toothpaste with mint flavor. Wipe the walls of the microwave with a paste and leave for 3 hours, then rinse the product and dry the device well.
We fix the oven
If the oven became a source of unpleasant odor, then:
- First, thoroughly wash the oven.
- Place a bowl of water in it, adding a lemon or orange crust.
- Boil the water for 10 minutes.
Remove the unpleasant odor from the refrigerator
If the source of the unpleasant smell is a refrigerator, then use the following folk recipes:
- Cut the black bread into pieces and lay them on the shelves of the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
- Cut the lemon in half, remove the pulp and pour the soda into each lobule. Spread the halves of the lemon on the shelves of the refrigerator, leaving them there for 3-5 days.
- Put an open pack of baking soda in the fridge. As soon as soda absorbs odors, throw it away.
- Place a cotton ball moistened in an aqueous solution of vanilla in an open jar. Place the jar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
Important! Instead of vanilla, you can use ground coffee, cinnamon, etc., to taste.
Remove odor from furniture
If a stale smell emits breadcrumbs and kitchen cabinets, we recommend periodically wiping their walls with a tissue napkin soaked in vinegar or citric acid.
On the shelves of kitchen cabinets, place containers with ground coffee or charcoal, which will absorb foreign odors.
to the table of contents ↑Preventing the appearance of unpleasant odors in the apartment
To make your apartment fragrant and enjoy not only the households, but also the coveted guests, use our advice:
- Regularly conduct a wet cleaning and airing the premises.
- The floor is washed with a decoction of fragrant herbs, and your home corner will be filled with a special aroma.
- For cleaning carpets use baking soda or a special product with deodorants. Handle mats, carpets with a substance, give the substance enough time to soak up dirt and grease, and then vacuum.
- Clean, wash electric light bulbs, as dirt, oil can also be heated on them, and as a result of high temperature these odors will be clearly felt.
- Regularly clean the air conditioner and hoods to improve air quality, as well as make the air conditioning and exhaust system effective.
- Regularly check and replace the filter in the vacuum cleaner.
- If necessary, wash the fabric elements of your interior: curtains, pillows, furniture upholstery.
- Always get rid of debris, clean the trash in time. The bottom of the bin must be covered or used.
- Keep clean of pipes and sinks. Get rid of blockages in them with soda, vinegar and hot water.
- Regularly take care of household helpers: microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, refrigerator.
- Once in six months, air the clothes from your cabinets, as well as the cabinets themselves.
- Lay linen bags with aromas of herbs in wardrobes.
- Keep shoes clean. With a smell of sweat will help to cope with a light solution of potassium permanganate. Wipe them periodically with the inside of the shoe.
- Use aromatic oils or lamps with essential oils to fill the house with the smells of spices or coniferous trees.
- Fresh flowers in the apartment will not only help to remove unpleasant odors, but also fill the room with pleasant fragrances, will make the room more attractive and cozy.
- Thoroughly air cushions, blankets. Take them out to the street or balcony for a while.
- Use modern assistants - ozonizers, which not only refresh, but also purify the air in the room.
Important! The use of air fresheners is a very questionable procedure, as they only clog, mask unpleasant odors, and are also capable of causing allergic reactions.
We hope that our advice and recommendations, as well as regular wet cleaning with the addition of various flavors, will help your house to smell clean and fresh. I wish you well-being and excellent mood!