Folding construction trestles from plywood scraps: step by step instructions

The HouseChief editorial staff continues the series of publications with the #besthouse hashtag and introduces you to the most interesting homemade products, which now is just the right time to start. After all, self-isolation is exactly the period when a lot of free time appears. And it is best to spend it with benefit. In today's article, the author of the YouTube channel Sanya, who, with his hand made folding construction trestles from scraps of plywood for the repair of a summer cottage or other residential and economic buildings.

Read in the article

  • 1 What material is suitable for the manufacture of construction goats
  • 2 Commencement of work: preparation of material
    • 2.1 Dissolving cuttings to the desired width
  • 3 Assembling tragus elements: the better to fix
  • 4 Complete assembly of goats: what material is required
    • 4.1 Fasteners for door canopies
    • 4.2 The finishing touch to the construction of building girders
  • 5 Heavy weight testing of finished products
  • 6 Storage and transportation of goats
  • 7 What is better to use for the platform between the goats
  • 8 Let's sum up

What material is suitable for the manufacture of construction goats

As a material for manufacturing, you can use absolutely any trimming of boards, timber or plywood. However, plywood goats will be much lighter without losing strength. In today's example, the plywood trimmings are left over from the garage floor.

Each craftsman will choose the height and width of the required product himself, depending on the preferences and length of the remaining scraps. Therefore, we will not dwell on these parameters today. The first step is to cut the wood trim to the desired size. And so that the cuts are even, you should use the mounting corner.

Folding construction trestles from plywood scraps to the country
To begin with, the required size is measured in length

Commencement of work: preparation of material

It is more convenient to dissolve plywood with a circular saw. If you don't have one at hand, you can also use a hand hacksaw, but in this case the work will be very time consuming and lengthy. An ordinary electric jigsaw with a suitable blade can also help here.

Plywood scraps are cut to size
Plywood scraps are cut to size

Dissolving cuttings to the desired width

After the plywood scraps have been cut to the desired length, they need to be cut to the width as well. After all, too broad elements are absolutely useless here. This is just additional weight. As for strength, when the tragus is assembled, they will be able to support over 100 kg each.

Particular attention should be paid to safety precautions when working with a circular saw. Do not put your hands too close to the rotating disc. If you need to nudge a part, it is best to use any piece of board or stick.

When the parts are adjusted to the desired width, you can start assemblingPHOTO:
When the parts are adjusted to the desired width, you can start assembling

Assembling tragus elements: the better to fix

First you need to collect 2 basic elements (for one goat). For this, squares are made from the sawn scraps, while the parts in the corners are superimposed on one another.

The folded scraps are first coated with PVA glue, after which they are slightly compressed with clamps. Then they are aligned with a square up to the ideal 90 °, and only then the clamp is pulled completely. This will not move the connection.

Now they use self-tapping screws. They will need 4 pcs. per connection. After fully pulling all four screws, the clamp can be removed.

Sequentially fastening each joint, it is required to assemble a square with right anglesPHOTO:
Sequentially fastening each joint, it is required to assemble a square with right angles

The second element of the goat is assembled in a similar way. However, one goat is unlikely to be able to resist, which means that you will need to collect 2 more squares.

Complete assembly of goats: what material is required

In order for the goats to turn out to be folding, each of them will need two door sheds, which will be used to connect the elements. To do this work, you need to lay the squares next to one another on any flat surface. They should be located in one line at the ends. If there is no suitable workbench, then all the work can be done on the floor.

At first glance, it may seem that the structure of plywood scraps looks flimsy, but this impression is deceiving. Once fully assembled, the durability will be at a very high level.

The elements are located as needed, it's time to connect them togetherPHOTO:
The elements are located as needed, it's time to connect them together

Fasteners for door canopies

The canopies are attached to the same self-tapping screws with a slight indent from the edge of the elements, but without going beyond the connection of plywood scraps. Better to get awnings with three or even four holes for fixing screws. This will give the structure additional strength.

Self-tapping screws are best used black hot (they are also called German, or German). The main thing is to choose the right length so that they can plunge into the wood to a depth sufficient for fixation (through both layers), but at the same time they do not stick out too much from the back side. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.

Trying on door awnings before final fixingPHOTO:
Trying on door awnings before final fixing

The finishing touch to the construction of building girders

Despite the fact that after attaching the awnings, the trestles seem to be ready, they lack stability. If you press from above, the legs will simply disperse in different directions. So, we need a little improvement.

To prevent falling from the scaffolding, it is necessary to install a stopper that will hold the legs in the desired position. A wide and durable canvas belt is perfect for this. Having measured the required length (the same for both tragus), it must be fixed on the lower crosspieces of the elements. However, simply screwed in self-tapping screws will not work here. It is necessary to strengthen the connection. This can be done using a metal profile through which the screws will be screwed in.

The canvas belt perfectly holds the trestle in positionPHOTO:
The canvas belt perfectly holds the trestle in position

Heavy weight testing of finished products

After both goats are ready, you need to lay boards on them, on which you can try to climb. In today's example, the load on them was more than 100 kg, but even the slightest distortion did not arise. You can even jump on them, it will not harm them.

Passed weight test, excellent resultPHOTO:
Passed weight test, excellent result

In fact, it was possible to make the tragus taller, but it is worth remembering that with an increase in size, strength will decrease. If you need to climb to a great height, it makes sense to install additional jibs diagonally. In this case, they should be located on the elements in different directions, and not in a mirror image.

This size is ideal in terms of " height-stability"PHOTO:
This size is ideal in terms of "height-stability"

Storage and transportation of goats

When folded, such tragus practically does not take up space, and they can be placed in any corner. As for the weight, provided that the plywood scraps were dry, it will not exceed 5-7 kg. This means that a nail driven into the wall, for example "weaving", is quite suitable for hanging such goats on it.

Transporting the goats by car is also not a hassle. When folded, they can be placed in the trunk or even in the back seat of a car. Although this is often not required. You can assemble folding construction goats right on the spot from the material at hand, and after completing the necessary work, you can simply break and burn or use the material for other useful products.

When folded, construction trestles practically do not take up spacePHOTO:
When folded, construction trestles practically do not take up space

What is better to use for the platform between the goats

Everyone has their own answer to this question. Typically, the scaffold will use whatever material is found nearby that can support the weight of a gantry master. Of course, it will be much more convenient to use a solid platform than one consisting of separate boards. In this sense, an old front door, for example, may turn out to be a good option. However, you should be careful here. If the master has too much weight, the fiberboard door may not withstand, and the person will fall down. Therefore, the material for the platform should be chosen more carefully.

Let's sum up

Don't get bored or depressed because you had to be isolated. Isn't it better to spend this time with benefit, occupy your hands and your head with useful work. After all, working days will begin soon and there will be no time for such trifles. And if you are planning interior or exterior decoration of the house, folding construction trestles will come in handy. Moreover, they can be made from already unnecessary scraps of plywood or boards, without spending material that may come in handy. There is something to think about, right?

We really hope that the dear reader will take note of our advice. In addition, if the manufacture of tragus is not required, then in the HouseChief publication cycle with the hashtag #besthouse, you can always find other useful homemade products.

If you still have any questions about today's topic, you can ask them in the comments below. HouseChief's editors will be happy to answer each of them. There you can also discuss whether it is worth doing such work or whether it is better to lie in bed during self-isolation. Write what you think about it. Let's try to figure out which side has more readers. If you enjoyed today's article, please don't forget the ratings. Every opinion matters to us. This helps us to develop in the right direction. And yet, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
