The HousChief editorial staff continues the series of publications with the #Best House hashtag for the most active people who do not waste their time. If you are going through a period of self-isolation in country house, you probably found one extremely unpleasant thing. Since the end of April, encephalitis ticks have become more active, especially in those areas adjacent to the forest. Ticks are dangerous to humans and animals, so in no case should they be allowed to multiply. Each female tick is capable of producing up to 5 thousand mites in one season. your own kind, so imagine what will happen if you do not take timely measures. But, as luck would have it, it was these days that a lot of problems arose: insect control services are quarantined, shops are closed, and it is not easy to find a substance to treat. In this situation, knowledge about folk remedies and the basics of using insecticides will come in handy. We took as a basis useful recommendations from the authors of the YouTube channel medilis and supplemented them with recommendations from practitioners.
Read in the article
- 1 Are there ticks that shouldn't be feared?
- 2 How to tell if there are ticks in your area
- 3 Basics of treating a site with chemicals
- 4 Folk remedies to protect the site from ticks
Are there ticks that shouldn't be feared?
The answer to this question is, perhaps, unambiguous. Even relatively safe forest ticks, which are popularly called "elk", are able to crawl into a person's ear. The tick digs into the skin and feeds on the blood of its prey. You may not immediately notice the intruder, but getting rid of him is very difficult. If you have animals on the site, then they first of all become victims of ticks and often die from infections that these insects carry. A person can also contract extremely unpleasant diseases from them, including severe encephalitis, which, if developed unfavorably, can even lead to death.

How to tell if there are ticks in your area
Of course, if you find a tick on your body or on a pet, then the answer to the question is clear. But you can not wait for this unpleasant moment, but carry out your own analysis, especially since this is very simple to do. All you need is a piece of white cloth, or better a waffle towel. Experts of the method recommend that you first wipe off with this thing so that it acquires the smell of the human body, the ticks will gladly react to it.

Basics of treating a site with chemicals
Any insecticidal chemistry is extremely poisonous and poses a real danger to everyone on the site. It is for this reason that before processing it is necessary to close all animals in the room, and at least for a day try not to walk on the cultivated land.
Before spraying, be sure to cut all the grass on the site and burn it, as well as collect and throw into the fire last year's foliage, in which the ticks overwintered.
On a note! If foliage is collected in the fall and removed from the site or burned, there will be much fewer ticks.

In no case should insecticidal poisons get on children's play sets, swing and sandboxes. You should also carefully use such chemistry when processing beds that have vegetables and herbs ready to be cut.
Folk remedies to protect the site from ticks
The principle of using folk remedies is the correct use of odors that scare away dangerous insects and at the same time do not harm humans and pets. What can be adopted:
- Citrus juices: lemons, grapefruits, tangerines and oranges. Pass them through a meat grinder or grind on a blender, dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 4, let it brew for 12 hours, strain and treat the area with this composition.
- Aromatic oils: rosemary, citrus, mint. Add 5 ml of oil to 1,000 ml of water, shake well and spray on the soil.
- Herbs: chamomile, sage, dried geranium. A decoction of these plants must be insisted for two days and then poured into a sprayer for processing.
- Garlic and onions. They need to be crushed in a blender, filled with water and insisted for two days in a dark place. Then this solution can be used for processing.
The tick does not like some plants, so you can plant them on your site. Tansy, medicinal chamomile, fragrant lavender, rosemary and catnip will be your helpers.
And most importantly, remember that ticks do not like well-groomed areas. Regularly mow and burn the grass, treat the soil with odorous compounds, collect insects with a white towel as described above. Keep in mind that they are successful in hiding in piles of firewood and dry grass or straw.
Be sure to agree on joint efforts to combat ticks with your neighbors, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Keep an eye on your pets and fight rodents, they often carry ticks on them. Attract birds to the site with the help of feeders - they will gladly feast on insects.
And even if you do not have ticks on the site, do not relax, they will certainly appear.
How to protect yourself from these parasites in nature can be found in this video:
How do you protect your site from ticks? Let us know in the comments!