To a lazy summer resident: how to make a self-watering system with your own hands

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In fact, it is in vain that anthropological scientists are struggling with the question of why the ape became a man. It's very simple: the reason is banal laziness. It is she who is the engine of progress. It was lazy for the monkey to climb a tree for a banana - she took a stick in her hands and knocked the banana off the branch. This is how, little by little, we find new solutions to satisfy our laziness with the help of various gadgets and mechanisms.

Take, for example, a special class of the urban population - summer residents. Someone who, and they are so inventive that it is simply amazing. High beds, self-heating systems for greenhouses, automatic watering - if you have all this in your garden, you are at the peak of the dacha evolution. If not, join us urgently. Today we will consider an autowatering system - it is very simple and you can do it yourself.

Read in the article

  • 1 Types of automatic irrigation and their features: what to choose?
    • 1.1 Car rain on the beds
    • 1.2 Moisturizing the soil from the inside
    • 1.3 Drip irrigation of beds and flower beds
    • 1.4 Surface irrigation and its varieties
  • 2 Principles of building an autowatering system
  • 3 Automatic irrigation system diagrams
  • 4 Where to get water for automatic irrigation
  • 5 Making an automatic watering system with your own hands
    • 5.1 Development of a plan and scheme for autowatering
    • 5.2 Automatic irrigation hydraulics calculations
    • 5.3 How to mount the supply pipeline for autowatering
    • 5.4 How to assemble automation for automatic irrigation
  • 6 How to correctly operate and maintain an autowatering system

Types of automatic irrigation and their features: what to choose?

Automatic watering means complete freedom from manual labor. You do not have to stand with a watering can or a hose over the beds, or drag buckets from the pool to warm water. This not only saves time, but also very significantly - energy. There are several options for organizing autowatering.

Car rain on the beds

This is a very popular method of irrigation, because in its mechanism it is the closest to natural processes. Sprinkling helps not only to wet the soil, but also to create increased humidity in the atmosphere above its surface, and plants, as you know, absorb moisture not only by the roots, but also by the foliage.

How to make an autowatering system with your own hands
In addition, there is no need to plow or dig ditches for sprinkling.

There are three types of irrigation sprinklers:

  1. Static, one-way. These sprinklers have one direction of spraying, it is usually used for flower beds or lawns, which are located next to some kind of fence or wall.
  2. Rotating rotary. These sprinklers are placed in an elevated stand in the middle of a flower garden or lawn. They distribute water evenly by rotating in a circle.
  3. Finely dispersed impulse. These devices have a ratchet mechanism that spreads moisture over long distances. Great for large lawns.
Nobody bothers you to use different types of sprinklers for your system. You can choose the most suitable for each irrigated object
Nobody bothers you to use different types of sprinklers for your system. You can choose the most suitable for each irrigated object

Moisturizing the soil from the inside

This automatic irrigation option is good because it delivers water directly to the plant roots.

Thus, not only the saturation of plants with moisture occurs faster, but the moisture itself remains longer in the soil, since it does not have contact with air and does not evaporate as quickly as from the surface.PHOTO:
Thus, not only the saturation of plants with moisture occurs faster, but the moisture itself remains longer in the soil, since it does not have contact with air and does not evaporate as quickly as from the surface.

It turns out that much less moisture is required for irrigation, and this is a real economy without losing yield.

Drip irrigation of beds and flower beds

If you think about saving, then, without a doubt, drip irrigation will be the most budgetary. In this version, the water reaches the beds through pipes and then, with the help of special droppers, flows directly to the roots, but very slowly.

With such watering, it is convenient to simultaneously add fertilizers and stimulants. They are simply bred in the drive in the right amount.PHOTO:
With such watering, it is convenient to simultaneously add fertilizers and stimulants. They are simply bred in the drive in the right amount.

Garden drip irrigation systems require periodic maintenance, because small holes are constantly clogged with dirt or overgrown with salts if the water is hard.

Surface irrigation and its varieties

Surface irrigation is the simplest type of irrigation that does not involve spraying. Moisture is supplied to the plants through special channels. There are two types of surface irrigation:

  • along ditches or furrows that are made between the rows of plants so that moisture, absorbing, gets as close to the roots of the plants as possible;
  • with the help of a bubbler nozzle, which delivers water in a stream, but in a metered dose - a more or less economical option for irrigation.
The flooding technique involves completely filling the surface with water, after which the moisture is gradually absorbed and nourishes the plantsPHOTO:
The flooding technique involves completely filling the surface with water, after which the moisture is gradually absorbed and nourishes the plants

Principles of building an autowatering system

Automatic watering guarantees your plants intensive growth, flowering and fruiting. It can work even in your absence, of course, if the mechanism is configured correctly. This is very convenient for those summer residents who go out of town only on weekends.

The autowatering system consists of several parts that ensure its functioning. It has already been said about special irrigators that perform sprinkling, drip irrigation or surface irrigation. In addition to them, automatic operation will require valves that open or shut off the water at the right time, taps for connecting to a water source, hoses that go directly to the irrigation site, and a pump that pumps water if it comes from a reservoir, and not through highways.

The heart of the system is the controller. If you want automatic irrigation to work without human intervention, you cannot do without a controller. With it, you can draw up a schedule so that watering is carried out at a strictly defined time: for example, only in the morning or in the evening.PHOTO:
The heart of the system is the controller. If you want automatic irrigation to work without human intervention, you cannot do without a controller. With it, you can draw up a schedule so that watering is carried out at a strictly defined time: for example, only in the morning or in the evening.

The autowatering system has its own disadvantages and advantages. If we talk about the pros, then it should be noted that SAP allows:

  • manage irrigation by adjusting the volume of water and the frequency of irrigation;
  • for each zone of your plantings, choose your own mode and intensity of irrigation;
  • save water (systems based on drip and subsurface irrigation are especially economical);
  • to leave the house for a long time to the owner of the site, without worrying about the fate of their landings.

Plus, smart autowatering systems don't work when it's raining, saving your budget.

But there are also disadvantages to this principle of irrigation. First of all, the creation of a system in the country requires financial investments in equipment. Not so cardinal, but you have to spend money. In addition, one cannot say about “set and forget” about automatic watering. Devices need to be monitored and serviced regularly to keep them functioning. And installation will require plumbing and electrical skills. If you don't have enough of them, you will have to invite a specialist to help.

And finally, for automatic irrigation to work normally, you need a constant source of water.PHOTO: YouTube
And finally, for automatic irrigation to work normally, you need a constant source of water.

The consumption of the autowatering system requires a large amount of moisture. If your main system has a weak head, the system will not work. And, as you know, in the territories of dacha associations, it is with this very pressure that there are eternal problems. So you need a capacity. And the larger the irrigated area, the more spacious it should be. In addition, the capacity is also necessary because the water in it will warm up during the day, and the main water or moisture from the well always has a low temperature. Plants do not like this, they can get sick and even die.

Tanks for autowatering can also be made with your own hands from scrap materials and as large as you needPHOTO:
Tanks for autowatering can also be made with your own hands from scrap materials and as large as you need

In order for water to come from a container with a regular pressure, the automatic irrigation system requires a pump. For this purpose, submersible pumps are suitable, which are placed in a tank and turned on by a command from the controller. The pump power is selected depending on the type of irrigation. The most powerful ones are required for sprinkling: for the sprayers to work, you need a good head.

Pay attention to the system management mechanism. You definitely need a timer that will connect the pump and regulate the number of starts during the day, and sensors that will prompt the system not to turn on if it rains and natural moisture occurs soil.

Auto irrigation remotes can be home or outdoor. Street ones are distinguished by hermetically sealed packaging. The autowatering consoles have standard programs that you can adjust at your discretion. For example, in the standard version, the system will turn on at 6 am and at 11 pm in the evening. You can change this time to a more convenient one for you.

Hoses are needed in order to bring the sprayers as close as possible to the garden or flower gardenPHOTO:
Hoses are needed in order to bring the sprayers as close as possible to the garden or flower garden

If the locations of the irrigation zones are permanent, it makes sense to lay the hoses underground so as not to stumble over them constantly and so that they do not interfere with the operation of the trimmer, lawn mower or other equipment.

To assemble the system, you will need various fittings, splitters, water sockets and other parts that will help you assemble a branched irrigation network.

Automatic irrigation system diagrams

In each case, the scheme of the autowatering device is individual. You can compose it yourself, having previously studied the number of points for irrigation and making your own requirements.

If you plan to apply fertilizer along with watering, you need to provide a node in the diagram for adding nutrients. Mineral and organic substances will be useful not only for garden crops, but also for flower gardens with lawns.

Determine the number of lines to irrigate - this will help you calculate the length of the hoses and the pump capacity you need to purchase. As for sprayers and droppers, their number directly depends on the number of irrigated plants.

An approximate watering scheme is shown in the photo below:

This system allows you to provide for all the nuances of watering PHOTO:
This system allows you to provide for all the nuances of watering

Where to get water for automatic irrigation

The most ideal option for irrigation is a natural source. If there is a river or lake near your site, spare the expense and run the water directly from there. This will translate into big savings in the future.

If there is a well on the site, you can also equip autowatering without any problems. But the water in the well is usually very cool, so you will first need to fill the container in which the water will be heated during the day to a temperature that is comfortable for plants.

All green spaces love rainwater. It contains a lot of trace elements necessary for growth and development.

For autowatering, you can use containers that will collect rainwater from the roofs of summer cottagesPHOTO:
For autowatering, you can use containers that will collect rainwater from the roofs of summer cottages

In any case, if there is a natural source, the autowatering system will need a set of filters: first coarse cleaning, then fine. Using sources without forced filtration causes quick clogging and clogging of nebulizers and droppers.

If your plans are to water from a container, then filling it can also be automated using a float system that works like a toilet cistern. When the tank is full, the float rises and shuts off the source.

Making an automatic watering system with your own hands

In order to assemble an autowatering system with your own hands, you need to work with the site plan, draw on it the location of all the necessary nodes. Planning includes calculations of pump power, cross-sections of supply hoses.

Development of a plan and scheme for autowatering

Transfer the drawing of your site to graph paper to scale. Mark the areas that you will irrigate, the location of the water sources. Already at this stage, you can easily calculate the length of the supply hoses and the number of branches.

When you determine where to water, study and select the type of sprayer. Each of them has a radius of action - place the spray points on the plan, taking into account this data.

Automatic irrigation hydraulics calculations

The calculations of hydraulics for automatic irrigation are not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are many variables that need to be taken into account: these are the rates of watering the plants, and the distance between the beds, the diameter of the supply and discharge pipelines. In fact, only professionals can make such accurate calculations.

A professional calculation allows you to save as much as possible on watering, but by itself it will cost you quite a lotPHOTO:
A professional calculation allows you to save as much as possible on watering, but by itself it will cost you quite a lot

There is another, simpler algorithm that allows you to make calculations, not quite accurately, but more or less efficiently. Already at the stage of drawing up the scheme, you will know how many sprinklers you need. Each of them has a nominal flow rate in the characteristics. Add up all the data and you will get the total flow that the pump should provide at a head of 3-5 atm. Get a pump that covers the need half as much - you won't be mistaken.

If only a drip system will work for you, then gravity is enough for it, provided that the container with water is at least at a slight elevation, a stand for a barrel 40-60 cm high. A pump that is too powerful in the irrigation system can rupture the drip hoses - be very careful with this. Experienced summer residents recommend installing reduction gears for such a system in order to minimize pressure surges.

How to mount the supply pipeline for autowatering

There are two options for installing the supply pipeline: above ground or underground. Over the surface - a great option for temporary, seasonal watering. At the end of the season, you can disassemble the entire system. Suitable for areas in which you constantly change the planting pattern.

The underground method is the final version, which will no longer undergo changes. Suitable for stationary beds, flower beds and lawns. Hoses or pipes for such a system are deepened at least 30 cm.

This depth will protect them from accidental damage when plowing, digging or weeding.PHOTO:
This depth will protect them from accidental damage when plowing, digging or weeding.

Often for the main line, the pipe is laid under the garden path, and already from it to the sides, points are brought out to the surface for connecting ground hoses.

The best option for the autowatering line is polymer pipes that are not afraid of corrosion and are very easy to assemble with fittings. The easiest option for assembly is HDPE pipes, which are connected with threaded fittings. You don't even need a special welding machine.

If you do not disassemble the system for the winter, it is imperative to install a valve at the lowest point for complete drainage. So you can be calm for the integrity even in severe frosts.

How to assemble automation for automatic irrigation

Automation is an important part of an autowatering system. She can completely relieve you of the worries about the site. But it is important to correctly assemble and configure the control panel. For more information on how to make drip irrigation yourself, see a short video:

How to correctly operate and maintain an autowatering system

In order for the autowatering system to work efficiently, it is important to properly operate it during the season, to preserve it and remove it from preservation.

In season:

  • observe watering norms, do not allow the soil to become waterlogged - this can lead to rotting of the plant root system;
  • at least once a month, conduct a thorough inspection of all sprinklers and clean them of any contamination;
  • connect the automatic irrigation controller to an uninterruptible power supply so that the settings do not go astray in the event of a power outage;
Protect the system from pets - keep them away from irrigated areasPHOTO:
Protect the system from pets - keep them away from irrigated areas
  • do not install lighting devices in the irrigation area - this will not only interfere with uniform irrigation, but can also lead to a short circuit.


  • the conservation procedure must be carried out without waiting for the onset of frost;
  • shut off the access of water to the system, completely empty it and blow it out with an air compressor so that there is no water left even in the droppers;
  • the storage tank must also be completely freed from moisture;
  • the system is disconnected from the power supply, the outdoor controller is dismantled and stored in a dry warm room;
  • it is better to remove the spray nozzles or, if this is not possible, cover them to protect them from contamination.
All valves in the system, with the exception of the water supply, must be opened for the winter.PHOTO:
All valves in the system, with the exception of the water supply, must be opened for the winter.


  • you need to start the system no earlier than a stable temperature above 3 ° C is established;
  • first, the controller, pump and removable parts of the system are installed;
  • all plugs are installed on the hoses, the nozzles are checked and cleaned;
  • the tank for storing water is filled, the operation of the valves is checked;
  • after starting the pump, the system is checked for possible leaks.
The system is started up in operating mode, the operation of each sprayer is checkedPHOTO:
The system is started up in operating mode, the operation of each sprayer is checked

With consistent and regular maintenance, your irrigation system will last for decades.

Do you use automatic irrigation at your site? Maybe you can recommend automation manufacturers? Share your opinion in the comments!


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