Building materials are becoming more expensive before our eyes, and it makes sense to buy them now, so that in the spring, in the season, not to go broke. The only question is what makes sense to buy and what not, and how to preserve what was acquired without losing quality. The storage issue is not idle - many of the materials are sensitive to temperature changes, dampness, freezing.
Read in the article
- 1 Why is it profitable to buy building materials for the winter
- 2 Where to organize storage of building materials
- 3 Basic rules for storing building materials
- 4 What is not worth buying for the winter in reserve
Why is it profitable to buy building materials for the winter
Who said that buying building materials for the winter is unprofitable? Profitable, and how! Take windows, for example. Already from mid-October, their prices have been falling, and by December the discount can reach 50%.

For other building materials, prices fall on average by 15-20% outside the season, and in addition to everything, the delivery will work like a clock, and not like it happens in the summer, when you wait for weeks to order.

Where to organize storage of building materials
If you still have a bare area without fence and outbuildings, this is really a problem. As the cops will tell you, if you have free access, only the lazy will not steal anything from your reserves.

It's not bad if you already have at least a partially completed outline of the house. For the winter, it needs to be preserved, and along with it, the purchased building materials.
Basic rules for storing building materials
For the safety of building materials, it is necessary to provide them with conditions that will exclude wetting and deformation.

If already the foundation is flooded, pallets with blocks can be placed directly on the contour. If there is nothing at all, it is advisable to install pallets on an area with a slope, where water does not accumulate. If the blocks are packed in factory film, you do not need to remove it, you just need to make a couple of cuts on opposite sides for air circulation. If there is no packaging, blocks or brick you need to cover with a film or a piece of tarpaulin, fixing it with tape or tape.
If you bought lumber in advance, then be sure to store it under a canopy.

If, upon purchase, the lumber was packed in a film, it must be removed, otherwise wood can rot over the winter. If bark remains on the wood, it must be removed before storing it.

Under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, they will mix with the ground and go into the ground. To preserve these bulk materials, they are poured onto a film or tarpaulin and must be covered from rainfall and street debris.
Metal building materials are also stored in such a way as to prevent direct contact with the ground. For this purpose, you will need decking or pallets. Armature sorted by size and tied into bundles with wire.

Slabs, pillars, reinforced concrete foundation blocks can be stored simply on the ground, but better - on a gravel area.
What is not worth buying for the winter in reserve
Definitely not worth buying cement. If you cannot provide it with ideal storage conditions - a dry, warm room, then bags of cement will instantly turn to stone.

Not worth the risk and store outdoors wadded insulation, drywall slabs, plywood sheets. All this can only be stored in a closed, dry and warm room.
And a few more useful recommendations - in this video:
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