And here you come to the laying of flooring, but then it turns out that the base uneven. The most budget and a quick exit in this case is to use self-leveling self-leveling floor. Step by step instructions and video of our today's review will help fulfill his fill with their own hands. We offer a deal that is self-leveling floor, what its advantages and disadvantages, how to competently carry out his fill and what problems may be encountered during operation.
Line the bottom with your hands, keeping step by step instructions, it is easy
Read article
1 Self-leveling floors - what is it, the advantages and disadvantages
2 Types of self-leveling floor
3 How to choose a mixture of self-leveling floor: tips
4 How to make a calculation of the amount of the mixture for the self-leveling floor: an algorithm of actions
4.1 Calculator for calculating the dry mixture to self-leveling floor
5 Self-leveling floor with their hands: step by step instructions and detailed video process
5.1 What tools are needed for: indicative list
5.2 How to level the foundation for self-leveling floor: important nuances
5.2.1 How to prepare a concrete base: the sequence of actions
5.2.2 How to prepare wood treatment: Detailed instructions
5.2.3 How to prepare the ceramic surface: actual tips
5.3 The primer base
5.4 The technology of casting self-leveling floors: algorithm of actions and video instruction
5.4.1 Installing demfernoy tape and beacons for mounting self-leveling floor
5.4.2 Preparation of the solution for laying self-leveling floor
5.4.3 How to pour self-leveling floor: video instruction of the process
5.4.4 How long will dry bulk floor: tentative dates
6 Stages pouring inlet patterned floor
7 How much is self-leveling floor - a review of the price per m²
Self-leveling floors - what is it, the advantages and disadvantages
Seeing on the floor monolithic coating, not everyone can immediately tell what it is. Self-leveling floor is formed by a special construction mixtures which, because of their characteristics, are well spread out over the ground. The result is a smooth flat surface that may be used as the basis for the fabric. you can do during the formation of multi-layer systems without additional flooring.
The multi-layer system will form a topcoat
The advantages of self-leveling systems should include:
the simplicity of the base distribution;
fast drying;
forming a durable layer;
the absence in the composition of toxic substances;
biological resistance;
Perhaps the formation of seamless coverage over a large area
Among the shortcomings should be noted the high cost and complexity of correcting defects that may have occurred in violation of casting technology self-leveling floor.
Form a perfect surface it can be difficult
Types of self-leveling floor
The compositions, depending on the elastomer are divided into:
epoxy. The basic structure of gray. By adding a coloring pigment may form a floor of any color;
The epoxy compound may be added a coloring pigment
polyurethane. Impact-resistant, flexible, hygienic formulations which allow tinting. There are one- and two-component;
Polyurethane flooring has high strength
methyl methacrylate. Able to withstand severe impacts and vibration;
Methylmethacrylate floor - the best solution for industrial premises
epoxy-urethane, Characterized by high cost;
You can pick up the coating to a suitable pattern for the dwelling
Systems can be single or multilayer. The first type is used for forming the coating film of 2 mm thickness. Multilayer coatings obtained using various fillers. Thus a given time (1-2 days) to dry each layer.
Depending on the design surface finish in the apartment can be:
The floor is formed by three-dimensional image.
3D coating can become the main decoration of any room
We offer watch a video of the 3D liquid floors with their own hands:
How to choose a mixture of self-leveling floor: tips
When selecting a suitable mixture to fill with their own hands Self-leveling floor should be considered:
specificity of a finished surface. Technical premises are not suitable compounds that can be used in living rooms. Also has the meaning of aligned floor location inside or outside the building;
the objective pursued. Compositions for alignment differ from base mixtures which allow to form a seal coat;
characteristics and condition of the subfloor;
Operating conditions: availability of direct contact with aggressive substances, humidity level and mechanical action;
Additional requirements.
The solution used must have suitable properties
When you select should be aware that:
epoxies suitable for rooms with high traffic. Withstand severe impacts;
Polyurethane can be used to create bulk patterns;
methylmethacrylate bases used to form at industrial facilities;
epoxy-urethane solutions can form an abrasion resistant floor over a large area;
polymer-base used to align in areas with heavy operating conditions.
Tip! Choosing makeup for the dwelling, it is necessary to give preference to samovyravnevayuscheysya polyurethane mixture.
Appointment premises - an important criterion when choosing a composition
Choosing a manufacturer, you should pay attention to the production:
Knauf. Quality mix presented in a large assortment. Gypsum compositions containing a certain amount of quartz sand can be used in areas with a moderate level of moisture;
Knauf - always excellent quality
Moment (Ceresit). Best Mode for leveling the base under the topcoat;
Unis. Products are of high quality and uniformity;
Vetonit. Mixtures with good performance. Large assortment allows you to choose the best option;
"Volma". Domestic manufacturer allows you to choose a budget solution for any base.
Review of the filling the floor Volma leveler (rating 9/10):
More on Otzovik:
Feedback on quick-hardening the filling floor Unis «Horizon Universal" (rating 9/10):
More on Otzovik:
How to make a calculation of the amount of the mixture for the self-leveling floor: an algorithm of actions
To calculate the necessary amount of the mixture is necessary to know the floor area S (M²), which will be performed, and the layer thickness h (Mm). Calculation of the required amount (kg) of dry mix M is as follows:
M = S × h × m × 100
Where m- flow, indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging composition.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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«The resulting value increase by 5% to acquire the mixture with a small margin "
To find the desired number of bags to be mass of the dry mixture divided by the weight of the bag. The obtained value is rounded to a greater natural number. To facilitate the calculations especially for our readers, we have created a convenient and intuitive online calculator to determine the required amount of dry mix.
The required amount of the mixture is necessary to know in advance
Calculator for calculating the dry mixture to self-leveling floor
Self-leveling floor with their hands: step by step instructions and detailed video process
If you choose to line the bottom of your own, then it's time to figure out how to make itself self-leveling floors. We offer not just to meet the basic stages, but also learn the basic nuances of the process.
The qualitative result is possible only subject to the technological requirements
What tools are needed for: indicative list
Before starting work should prepare the following tools:
mixer or a conventional drill with a nozzle;
Needle roller;
putty knife;
container for mixing.
Needle roller helps to get rid of bubbles
How to level the foundation for self-leveling floor: important nuances
To form a high-quality self-leveling floor, it is necessary to know how to pour a solution, depending on what you plan to level the foundation. We offer to understand the intricacies of this stage.
The base should be prepared to start work
How to prepare a concrete base: the sequence of actions
concrete base preparation is made as follows:
Check the humidity of the concrete. If it is less than 4%, can be dispensed from the device waterproofing. On the optimal moisture level indicated by the absence of condensate on a polyethylene film, day lain on the concrete surface.
Control the strength characteristics screed. If a solid surface to hold glass cutter, left a scratch will have a width less than the blade thickness.
Disassemble old facecoat.
Remove the existing cracks and chips with the help of adhesive composition or mortar.
We aligned base and control its geometric parameters via layer.
To align the base and use a vacuum cleaner vibromashinku
The following video you can learn how to prepare their own hands the concrete base before being filled self-leveling floor:
How to prepare wood treatment: Detailed instructions
When preparing to repair a wooden base should be:
dismantle plinth.
Remove old coating using special formulations or mechanically.
check wood moisture level. Not to exceed 10%.
Remove dust and dirt.
Zashpatlevat existing cracks.
We offer watch the video as their own hands to make self-leveling floor on a wooden base:
How to prepare the ceramic surface: actual tips
ceramic tile It can be used as the base for the device Actual floor. To do this, all the elements should be inspected carefully. Wobbly tiles must be removed, oil stains - degrease. Large joints should process the reinforcing primer.
Attention! Voids remaining after removal of tiles, subsequently filled polymer mixture.
We offer watch a video, as do self-leveling floor on a ceramic basis:
The primer base
Blot base of the following composition with suitable characteristics. For the concrete approach Primers, deep penetration. The composition is applied in two layers on the dust-free surface. Second layer - only after complete drying of the first.
The composition is poured and uniformly distributed over the surface.
The technology of casting self-leveling floors: algorithm of actions and video instruction
Once the base is fully prepared and primed, it is necessary to deal with how to do self-leveling floor with their hands. Video process will allow a better understanding of technological intricacies of the process.
It is important to follow the sequence of layers
Installing demfernoy tape and beacons for mounting self-leveling floor
Prior to installation of self-leveling floor around the room demfernaya glued tape. It will prevent contact between the formed coating and walls. After that set the beacons that can be made with your own hands. Work is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Determine the highest point in the room. From this size subtract the minimum permissible thickness of the floor of the inlet (3 mm).
From the bottom of the central rod of the pendulum mobile postpone the obtained value.
We expose the beacons so as to mark marked coincided with the beam leveling. They will show how to properly pour self-leveling floor to form a flat surface. The lower point corresponds to the desired thickness of the filling.
We offer watch a video casting self-leveling floor with their hands on beacons:
Preparation of the solution for laying self-leveling floor
Getting preparation solution. The water gradually adding the dry mixture and thoroughly mixed for at least two minutes. The solution is left for a few minutes that he "matured".
The solution must be well spread over the surface
Attention! To laying self-leveling floor has turned out high-quality, should be carefully observed the proportions specified by the manufacturer.
How to pour self-leveling floor: video instruction of the process
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Pour begin from the far corner, providing the opportunity to enter the room. It should strive to avoid walking on the flooded area.
The thickness of the formed layer adjust with a spatula, being guided to the beacons.
Adjustment of small differences, and also the possible occurrence of undesirable bubbles produce using a needle roller.
We offer watch a video, which describes how to fill in self-leveling floor:
How long will dry bulk floor: tentative dates
How long the dry floor depends on its composition and thickness of the cast layer. It freezes it in an hour. Some manufacturers indicate that self-leveling floor can be walked on after 4 hours, but we recommend that you wait at least 6-7 hours to completely dry the coating.
Do not hurry, it is better to wait for the complete drying of the composition
Stages pouring inlet patterned floor
Such coatings include:
layer is patterned;
The base filler under the floor with a pattern prepared in the same way as for regular. Then the image is applied. If the coating is formed 3D, pattern dimensions need to be larger than the area of a base. For image capturing using lacquer. Top via pinion applied topcoat half a millimeter thick.
A clear photo showing characteristics of works
We offer watch a video, which tells in detail about the formation of a floor covering with a picture:
How much is self-leveling floor - a review of the price per m²
How much will work depends on many factors:
mixture used;
Living area;
presence or absence of the pattern.
Price per m² polyurethane and epoxy self-leveling floor starts with 600 rubles. Per square methyl methacrylate will have to pay from 1500 rudders. If you want to become the owner of the 3D-surface, prices will start from 5000 rubles per m².
When performing assembly work with their hands, the main item of expenditure - the cost of materials. Knowing the price of a bag of 25 kg of self-leveling floor and calculate how many, it will be possible to calculate the cost of installation work.
Share in the comments, if you understand how to fill in self-leveling floor with their hands, how well you mastered the process helped if the video presented, and what the result has been achieved, and whether there are any questions.