Apartment without a hallway: how to get out of the situation

Is an apartment without a hallway good or bad? It is impossible to give one answer to this question - for someone it is bad, but for someone, it turns out, it is good. And even very much. People who were born and raised in Soviet new buildings may not have seen apartments without hallways and corridors. But their grandparents, and many parents not only saw, but also lived most of their lives in such apartments. A corridor in a communal apartment could have been, but for each family the apartment was one or two rooms in which she lived. A large common corridor for them was like a continuation of the street, a public area, the last section of the road to the house. Apart from the ability to walk along it, no other functions were assigned to the corridor. Younger tenants of this apartment could arrange general games in the corridor, while older tenants took turns washing the floor there and maintaining order in accordance with the schedule. In new buildings, everything is new.

Read in the article

  • 1 Layout of apartments in new buildings
  • 2 What's wrong with the absence of a hallway
  • 3 What good is the absence of a hallway
  • 4 Conclusion

Layout of apartments in new buildings

The standard layout of standard houses of mass construction assumes and implements in each apartment a small entrance hall and a part of the free area, into which the doors of isolated rooms, as well as the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. This strip for passage through the apartment from one room to another is called a corridor. But since the apartment is occupied by one family, then the corridor is its property, and each family member is free to come up with any function for him (if only his mother allowed).

Apartment without a hallway: how to get out of the situation
PHOTO: 1.s7.arpaddr.com
An ordinary hallway in an ordinary apartment

As a rule, in the corridor they arrange storage of those things that do not correspond to the style of the interior of the main rooms, and they simply do not fit there, but it is a pity to throw it away. They also arrange a hanger for outdoor things in the corridor; there you can also hang a bicycle, or even two, on the wall. Shelves with rare items go under the ceiling. If the size of the room allows, then in the corridor you can select a corner for arranging the workplace of a home craftsman, who somewhere needs to do his plumbing and electrical work.

Problems arising in the absence or presence of a hallway in a city apartment and in a personal country house are solved in different ways.

The usual arrangement of an ordinary hallway
PHOTO: 1.s7.arpaddr.com
The usual arrangement of an ordinary hallway

What's wrong with the absence of a hallway

The absence of a hallway, besides being unusual, introduces a number of inconveniences. In the hallway, every day, or even more than once a day, a person makes a change of street and home clothes and shoes. Doing this in a living room means dragging all the street dirt there. In the hallway, a person gathers before leaving the house. You also need to concentrate for a while and check if you took everything you need, look in the mirror. All the functions performed when leaving the house and when returning home are necessary, and you will have to separate the zone from the living room for the transition from one state to another. And this will not add any elegance to the interior, or the convenience of the residents themselves.

Designers recommend for a clearer and more visible selection of functional areas - hallway and living room, to more thoroughly mark their border. It can be a narrow cabinet, which, in addition to its main function, performs the role of a partition, or it can be a narrow stationary partition.

Designation of the hallway zone when it is really absentPHOTO: 1.s7.arpaddr.com
Designation of the hallway zone when it is really absent

What good is the absence of a hallway

Not every citizen is able to buy a separate apartment with a full-fledged layout. Young people, and even then only with the help of relatives, manage to raise money for the studio. A studio is a room and a minimum of amenities. And no partitions (only the bathroom is fenced off and has its own door), and no corridor. The main plus, as the owners of the studio say, is (in addition to the low cost) that the area is not wasted on some kind of corridor. The entire space of the apartment can be maintained in one style, it is functionally zoned, if necessary, the zones can be transformed and combined into a single large room. By the way, the area of ​​studios is not necessarily small, elite studios can be up to 60 m in size.2.

Even in those apartments where the corridor was originally built, there are those who like to destroy it. Of course, only for the sake of expanding the main living space. This event is not for an amateur, but always skillful and understanding how he will distribute the functions of the corridor over this very living space.


People at all times have loved and will love to equip their homes. Even ancient people in stone caves and huts made of palm leaves did this. Each person understands coziness, comfort and convenience in his own way. And if he can, he creates them with his own hands.


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