Top 10 The smallest countries in the world

There are about 250 officially recognized independent states on the world political map of the world. Among them there are mighty powers possessing considerable weight in various international organizations and taking an active part in the life of other states. As a rule, these states are the largest countries in the world and have a fairly large area( for example, Russia) and the population( China).Along with the giant countries, there are very small states. Despite the fact that they occupy a very small territory( the area of ​​the country does not exceed 500 km2), and the number of people living in them is comparable to the population of a small city, nevertheless, some of these smallest countries play a very significant role. For example, the Vatican state is the religious center of all Catholics, headed by the Pope. As you may have guessed, today we have prepared the top 10 rating for the smallest countries in the world .The main criterion for the distribution of places in the ranking is the area of ​​the territory occupied by the country.


Grenada 344 sq.

  • Primary language: English
  • Capital: St. Georges
  • Population: 89,502 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 9,000

Opens rating of the smallest countries in the world - Grenada is an island state with a constitutional monarchy. It is located in the Caribbean Sea. It was first discovered by Columbus, in the 14th century. In the agricultural sector, bananas, citrus fruits and nutmeg are grown, which are subsequently exported to other countries. Grenada is an offshore zone. Thanks to the provision of offshore financial services, the country's treasury is replenished annually by $ 7.4 million.


Maldives 298 sq.

  • Primary language: Maldives
  • Capital: Male
  • Number of population: 393 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 7,675

The Maldives Republic is located on an archipelago that consists of more than 1100 islets in the Indian Ocean. Maldives is one of the best resorts in the world, therefore, along with fishing, the main share of the economy is the service sector( about 28% of GDP).There are all conditions for a wonderful holiday. Magnificent nature with mild climate. Abundance of different kinds of animals, among which there are almost no dangerous species. The presence of beautiful underwater caves stretching along the whole archipelago, which will be a real gift for tourists who are fond of diving. Interesting fact: With such an accumulation of islands there is not a single river or lake.


Saint Kitts and Nevis 261 sq.

  • Main language: English
  • Capital: Basseterre
  • Amount of population: 49,8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 15,200

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation located on two islands of the same name, in the east of the Caribbean Sea. By the size of the territory and the population - this state is the smallest country in the western hemisphere. The climate is tropical. Due to this, on the islands, a very rich flora and fauna. The main industry that gives the majority of the revenues to the treasury is tourism( 70% of GDP).Agriculture is poorly developed, mainly sugar cane is grown. For the modernization of agriculture and industry, the program "Citizen for Investments" was launched in the country, thanks to which you can obtain citizenship by paying $ 250-450 thousand. Interestingly: citizenship in this country has Pavel Durov( the creator of the social network VKontakte).


Marshall Islands 181 sq.

  • Main language: Marshall, English
  • Capital: Majuro
  • Population: 53.1 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 2,851

The seventh place in the top 10 ranking is occupied by the smallest countries in the world Marshall Islands( Republic), located in the Pacific Ocean. The country is located on the archipelago, which includes 29 autos and 5 islands. The climate on the islands is different, from the tropical - to the southern, to the semi-desert - to the north. Flora and fauna has been significantly altered by humans, including the strong impact of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in 1954.Therefore, on the islands, there are practically no species of plants characteristic of this locality, in exchange, others were planted. The main sector of the economy is the service sector. Products produced in agriculture, for the most part, are used for domestic needs within the country. The country is low enough taxes, which allows you to create an offshore zone. Because of undeveloped infrastructure and high prices for transport( flight to the islands), tourism is at an early stage of development.


Liechtenstein 160 square

  • Main language: German
  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Population: 36,8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 141,000

The Principality of Liechtenstein is located in Western Europe, bordering Switzerland and Austria. Although this state occupies a small area, it is very beautiful. Beautiful mountain landscapes, t. The country is located in the Alps, and the largest river in Europe, the Rhine, also flows in the western part of the country. The Principality of Liechtenstein is a technologically advanced state. In the country there are enterprises of precision instrumentation. Also, Liechtenstein is one of the largest financial centers in the world, with a highly developed sphere of banking services. The country has a very high standard of living and well-being. In terms of GDP per capita, this state ranks second in the world, after Qatar, with an amount of 141,000 thousand dollars. Liechtenstein is a vivid example of the fact that even one of the smallest countries in the world can exist adequately and occupy a significant place in world politics and economics.


San ​​Marino 61 sq.

  • Main language: Italian
  • Capital: San Marino
  • Population: 32 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 44,605 ​​

The Republic of San Marino is located in the southern part of Europe and borders on Italy from all sides. San Marino is not only one of the smallest countries in the world, but also the oldest European state( formed in the 3rd century).This country is in a mountainous area, 80% of the territory lies on the western slope of Monte Titano. The ancient buildings and Mount Monte Titano itself belong to UNESCO World Heritage sites. The basis of the economy - production, which gives 34% of GDP, also, the important role is played by the services sector and tourism.


Tuvalu 26 sq.

  • Main language: Tuvalu, English
  • Capital: Funafuti
  • Population: 11,2 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 1,600

The state of Tuvalu is located on a cluster of atolls and islands( total of 9) and is located in the Pacific Ocean. The climate in this country is tropical, with pronounced seasons - rains and droughts. Often, through the islands are destructive cyclones. The plant and animal life of this state is rather meager and is represented mainly by animals brought to the islands - pigs, cats, dogs and plants - coconut palms, bananas, breadfruit. The economy of Tuvalu, like other countries in Oceania, is mainly made up of the public sector, and to a small extent agriculture and fishing. Also Tuvalu is one of the poorest countries in the world.


Nauru 21.3 sq.

  • Primary language: English, Nauruan
  • Capital: No( Government located in the county of Yaren)
  • Population: 10 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 5,000

The Republic of Nauru is located on a coral island in the Pacific Ocean. Nauru takes the third place in the ranking of the world's smallest countries in the world, while it is also the smallest country in the world and the smallest state in the world, if not taking into account the countries of Europe. In this country there is no capital, which, also, makes it unique. The climate on the island is quite hot, with high humidity. One of the main problems of this country is the deficit of fresh water. Just like Tuvalu, flora and fauna are very scarce. The main source of replenishment of the treasury for a long time was the extraction of phosphorites( in those years the country belonged to the richest countries in the world with high GDP), but since the 90s the level of production began to decline, and with it the welfare of the population. According to some estimates, phosphate reserves should have been sufficient until 2010.In addition, the development of phosphorites caused irreparable damage to the geology and ecosystem of the island. Tourism is not developed, in view of the severe pollution of the country.


Monaco 2,02 sq.

  • Main language: French
  • Capital: Monaco
  • Population: 36 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $ 16,969

On the second line in the top 10 of the smallest countries in the world is a tiny country - the Principality of Monaco. Surely, many have heard about this state, thanks to the city of Monte Carlo and its famous casino. Monaco is located next to France. Also, sports fans, in particular, racing, this country is known because of the championship held here Forum-1 - "Grand Prix of Monaco."Tourism is one of the main sources of state revenue, along with the construction and sale of real estate. Also, due to the fact that Monaco has very low taxes and there is a strict guarantee of bank secrecy, wealthy people from all over the world are eager to save their savings here. Notably: Monaco is the only state in which the number of regular troops( 82 people) is less than in a military band( 85 people).


Vatican 0.44 sq.

  • Primary language: Italian
  • Form of government: Absolute theocratic monarchy
  • Pope: Francis
  • Population: 836 people.

The Vatican - the leader of our rating, is the smallest country in the world. This city-state is located inside Rome. The Vatican is the residence of the senior leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Citizens of this state are subjects of the Holy See. The Vatican has a non-profit economy. The main part of the budget is donations. Also, cash receipts to the treasury come from the tourist sphere - payment for visiting museums, selling souvenirs, etc. The Vatican plays an important role in the settlement of military conflicts, calling for the preservation of peace.

There is an opinion that the smallest country in the world is the Order of Malta, with an area of ​​0.012 km2,it has all the necessary attributes to be called a state( its monetary unit, passports, etc.), but its sovereignty is not recognized by all members of the world community.

The smallest country in Eurasia - Vatican - 0,44
The smallest country in the African continent - Seychelles - 455
The smallest country in the North American continent - Saint Kitts and Nevis - 261
The smallest country in the South American continent - Suriname - 163 821 sq. Km.

It is worth noting that there is, the so-called principality of Sealand( from English - sea land), the area of ​​which is 550 sq.m. This state was located on a platform near the shores of Great Britain. But, since the sovereignty of this state was not recognized, not one country in the world, it did not fall into the rating of the smallest countries.