As time passed, changed the era, and classic staunchly withstand another blow from the rapidly emerging trends. Most of them were of experimental character and has sunk into oblivion, unable to withstand competition. Classic remains the same and occupy a special niche in the stylistic diversity. Conservative by nature a direction not to adjust to the fashion, but survived and remain relevant. Even in an age of technological progress classic style is still used in interiors and not losing ground. Embody its principles in all rooms. Bathroom design in classic style suggests the presence of a spacious room. This trend is difficult to realize the cramped rooms, without losing the characteristic charm and elegance. For this reason, the premises of private homes are more suitable than the confined spaces typical apartments. Let's talk about how to create an interior bathroom in classic style on their own, what the nuances necessary to pay attention when you make and what mistakes to avoid.
- Features classic style
- color solutions
- Walls
- Floor
- Ceiling
choice plumbers
- Bath
- Sink
- shower cabin
- The choice of furniture
- Lighting system
- window decoration
- The use of textiles and accessories
- conclusion
Features classic style
Designed in a classic style adheres to traditions. Many design rules have not been revised for centuries and preserved in its original form. The style originated in classicism - one of the areas of fine arts, which has revived the ancient canons of beauty. The time of its heyday and was called - the Renaissance. Traditional classical style in the interior are the following features:
- Natural materials in the finishing and decoration. The design uses a stone (preferably marble), wood, ceramic tile, gypsum, noble metals, expensive textiles. Of course, in our time, great range of "substitutes" of cheap plastic, but they are not suitable for strict classics. Otherwise get only a parody of the style.
- Clean lines and a particular compositional center. Traditional style has a "reference point" around which the plot twists interior. As the center of the bathroom itself acts bathtub.
- The abundance of decor. Fretwork (rosettes, friezes, moldings), drapery, ornaments on all surfaces and fine jewelry are considered a hallmark of which is in the best shows of his respectability and fondness for luxury.
- Calm, warm colors. In the classical interiors predominate shades of brown. They are combined with red, blue, gold and white.
- symmetry principle. If we divide the room in half, you should get a mirror image of excluding large furniture.
- Antiques in the role of foundations decoration. As an alternative to using artificially aged stuff. For bathrooms, this rule applies indirectly, as the room does not involve the presence of high-grade furniture.

If squaring allows, bathroom decorated with columns, pilasters and arched vaults.
Classic is suitable for fans of heavy luxury. If the owners of apartments or houses prefer compromise, then a great option would be a modernist style. It combines the features of modern trends with classic frames. More simple and easy option would be provence. In fact it can be called a classic village which has kept elegance.

color solutions
As mentioned above, in the classic baths prevail warm colors. White is considered the "favorite" of the trend. It is used in all areas in virtually unlimited quantities. And it is not only sterile white, but cream, pearl, ivory. Combining stylish look pastel gray, beige, ocher color muted, peanut and olive shades. The white bathroom accents perform in a gold or dark gray. Original look with flat shells of dark marble with stains in conjunction with gilt mirrors and mixer. In small rooms the emphasis is on lighter shades. The ideal combination is considered to be the color of coffee with milk in the background and a deep chocolate tones in the decor. Laconic will be a combination of all-white room decoration with gold accents in the form of moldings and ornate patterns along the perimeter.
See also:Bathroom design in a wooden house

In the classic style of decoration in general, it contains ornamental surface, complemented by elegant moldings and different complexity. When it comes to the bathroom, many materials have to give. The reason for this became aggressive microclimate premises. Withstand constant changes in temperature and high humidity chronically many materials simply fail to. Adorable classic wood, even after impregnation with special compounds, can not last for long and quickly become a breeding ground for mold and rot. Fabric wallpaper that gives any room a stylish color, too, fall under a taboo, as totally unfit for the bathroom stuff. For these reasons, to the choice of the room surfaces should be approached responsibly, as mistakes can be costly owners, until a new repair.

You can decorate the walls in several different ways:
- Paint. A method for a simple but solid color paint is necessarily complemented by an abundance of decoration, which compensates for the "boring" background.
- Plaster. Bathroom apply special, waterproof type of finishing material.
- Oblitsevat marble. Finishing of natural stone will be costly. Decorate them all the walls is not recommended, because the interior will be too monotonous. Marble trim accent only zone.
- Oblitsevat tiles. Ceramic tile is ideal joins the classical bathroom. Its surface can be self-colored or have floral patterns. Recommend combine options in the general decoration of the walls and in the corner where the tub is located.
- Oblitsevat timber. As mentioned above, this material is rarely used. An exception may be only larch, which makes moisture tight. Unfortunately, solid wood at cost can not be attributed to the budget option, and its replacement (MDF) in the classical interiors are not used.

Sometimes glue special washable wallpaper. They are more like a thick rubber sheet, the upper layer of which is decorated with patterns. This coating will serve for a long time.

Sex in the classical bathroom is lined with tiles. This option combines the simplicity and a special aesthetics. Tile is durable, durable, will stand any test is not sensitive to household chemicals and easy to clean. The assortment of ceramic tiles allow to pick up the original coloring and pattern corresponding to the concept of style. Although classical trend for tradition relates carefully, tile laying technique, you can choose from a variety of advanced options. The tree looks great in the decoration of the other rooms, but not in the bathroom. Competition tiles can only make self-leveling floor with a luxurious sheen glossy surface. Material expensive, durable and heavy-duty. At the request of the customer its surface is decorated with three-dimensional drawings, but within the framework of the classics it would be superfluous.

The ceilings in the bathroom plaster or paint. Along the perimeter of their decorated with stucco, which makes the design more refined. However, to give up modern finishing options still not worth it. Stretch ceiling fits into the concept of style, if its surface is plain and glossy. Complex design of the drywall also adorn themselves classical bathroom. Organically look options when the central chandelier placed in a decorative "niche", and change levels of space make staggered with simulated terrain baguette.

choice plumbers
plumbing choice depends on the size and type of the bathroom:
- Option combined with a bathroom;
- A small room with shower;
- The room with a full bath and a washing machine.
See also:The layout of the tiles in the bathroom: examples and diagrams

The design project includes three main "center" of the room: sink, bath (shower), toilet. All of these areas must organically integrate into the stylistic solution of the interior and at the same time located at a certain distance from each other.

Traditionally used in the classical style baths oval shapes with a slightly oversized headboards. Trendy barrel or rectangular models of the interior categorically not fit. Complementary bath copper or gold-plated curved legs. They may have a slender form, or be in the form of seated lions, tigers, flowers, shells, miniature figurines supporting shoulders on the "cup." If the area of the room allows you to (more than 12 square meters), then a bath in the center. The original solution will allow owners feel personages blue bloods who have at their disposal a truly royal apartments for hygiene procedures. By the way, would be a stylish addition elegant pitcher performing largely decorative. Also decorated with mosaic bath. Certainly not used for decorating pieces of colored glass. In the course is contemporary ceramic tiles, which are placed in the mosaic technique.

Classical Sink as bath, has an oval shape. Popular "Tulips" in the style of the frame does not fit, but trendy "false" bowls look very harmonious. Is selected from marble countertop. It will emphasize the high cost environment and organically flow into the interior. "Bowl" is selected simple white. With embodiments of a single piece of stone is better not to experiment. Complement sink mixer with gilding.

The spacious rooms are increasingly a pair of sinks, which allows two people to simultaneously carry out hygienic procedures. Actual version when they are installed along the wall-delimiter. Decorative barrier separating bath area from the rest of the room. Thus killing two birds: carry out zoning and it is possible to brush your teeth and do not interfere with the one who washes.

shower cabin
You should not be mistaken about the compatibility of the shower and classical direction. It will come to a luxurious interior, and if she will be issued a expensive. The focus is on the walls of the shower. They are placed in a "golden" frame and the decorated surface of the ornament. Shower cubicles are generally used in small rooms where the location of the bath much more difficult to travel around the room and emphasize all space limitations. In this situation, it comes as the main venue for the hygiene procedures. Complementary bathroom shower as an alternative to "quick" wash. In these cases, it is set in the corner so that the interior of the object is not conspicuous.

The choice of furniture
In classical bathtub can be placed even furniture, which does not allow any modern style. Such an option is embodied in large-scale rooms where there is room to swing. As a general rule, a full bath complete the seating area, which is sometimes even placed a fireplace. At first glance it may seem that it is completely inappropriate in premises of this type, however, the combination of two "polar" elements (water and fire) indeed captivates. A standard set of furniture classic bathroom includes a dresser, a couple of chairs, a narrow closet-case, hanging shelves closed. Lack of storage areas should not be, because the household chemicals and equipment can not flaunt it, do not use the high-tech interior. Permitted discharge of the canons of style and installing hinged drawers. However, graceful, curved legs will overlap with similar elements of the bath, so do not rush to abandon them.
See also:Interior of modern bathroom with WC 20 photos

Lighting system
Classic style involves the use of heavy, bulky chandeliers with lights, located on several levels. The bathroom in this case is no exception. Central lighting a strictly middle of the ceiling. It does not matter which of the areas of light gets larger. Deficit, if necessary, compensated local sconces or floor lamps. Of course it is sure to have extra pairs of light sources in the mirror and point - in showers.

window decoration
The windows in the bathroom for the residents of city apartments are for luxury. This room is usually dull and does not have access to a source of natural light. However, in private homes, often equipped room window. Its decorated with delicate tulle and curtains made of heavy fabric that neat folds cascade down to the floor. During the day they tie up to the sides. If you need to shut out the prying eyes of neighbors, a dense textiles will not miss a single drop of the outside world.

The use of textiles and accessories
To isolate the bathroom from the toilet and the sink use decorative curtains. Certainly better to stop the election on the oilcloth. Textiles in this particular room are not recommended, but the classic live by their own laws. On the windows hang curtains and spacious rooms set furniture I padded. With the idea of systematically wash all textile surfaces have to accept. Constant humidity play with textiles bad joke, he will always "dampen". Touch in such a surface is not very nice. The way out of the situation will be high-quality ventilation and competent zoning, in which the area for hygienic procedures will be securely fenced off from the rest of the room. As for the accessories, against the background of a rich finish and decor they do not get lost. For this reason, the emphasis should not be on the quantity but on the glamor element. Harmonious look tripod tables, stands for jugs of water or pots with plants. Mirror selected lavishly adorned frame. One of the free walls decorated with reproductions of paintings by Renaissance masters, arranged in a row. Chandeliers, sconces and floor lamps decorated with crystal or stucco. As the central characters of interior painting can act statues of cupids or Fine girls, boys in the nude.

Fresh flowers are considered a mandatory attribute of classical style. They can be planted in pots or in the garden and cut a wide swath of the bouquet in a vase. Better use of rose, narcissus, gladiolus and azaleas. Field bunches leave for Provence.

If clearance is correct, then in the classical bathroom is always a pleasure to be. No sense of "museum" luxury interior to cause should not. He is calm, austere and elegant. With all of this in the decoration is not lost bit of home warmth and comfort. Soft, warm shades allow to relax, plunge into the specific atmosphere that is created by using a number of unique design techniques. By the way, the classic style blends easily with other areas and the transition from such facilities in the hallway modernist does not cause discomfort. bathroom decoration plays an important role in human life, because it is here that he finally wakes up from sleep in the morning and washes off his fatigue after a day in the evening. The room should be placed and to relax in a warm bath with foam after the working week under the light music. Classic style is considered ideal for owners who have a delicate taste and a keen "sense of beauty."