Quality finish ennoble any bathroom regardless of its size and other parameters. A bathroom should not only be clean, but well renovated. Quality repair does not always require large financial investments. Selecting finishing the bathroom should focus on the repair in other areas of the house or apartment. Bathroom, kitchen, living room and other rooms should be done in the same style. It is better to choose as a base some specific colors (yellow, red, blue, purple), and only change the colors in the repair of the relevant premises. The walls and floor in the bathroom may be a dark color, but because of the lack of windows in the bathrooms in the majority Apartments should take care of the additional artificial light to the toilet did not look too gloomily.
- Especially finishing the bathroom
- Requirements for the finishing materials for bathroom
Options for the flooring
- Ceramic tile
- Linoleum
- A natural stone
- self-leveling floor
- Wooden floor
- water-resistant laminated
- vinyl floor
Materials for walls
- Tile and ceramic tile
- Mosaic
- Natural and artificial stone
- Finish natural wood
- flexible stone
- Marble
- PVC panel
- washable wallpaper
- Decorative plaster
- Painting Walls Plasterboard
- Self-adhesive film
Making the ceiling
- Stretch ceiling
- panels
- Paint
- gypsum plasterboard
Lighting in the bathroom
- Choosing a color palette
- Ergonomics: the correct organization of space in the bathroom
- The choice of plumbing and furniture
- stylistic directions
- conclusion
Especially finishing the bathroom
Decorating the bathroom requires special attention because of the constant humidity and frequent temperature changes. Here are suitable only water-resistant and wear-resistant materials. The ideal solution for the walls will be tile, but on the wood panels will have to forget. As for color, it is best to use light shades. In the model homes bathrooms are usually small and dark color visually reduces any room. If the bathroom has a window, it is necessary, for obvious reasons curtain blackout curtains or blinds. Plumbing equipment should be of high quality because the functionality of the bathroom is more important than its appearance. If the budget is limited, it is better to save on materials and buy cheap tile or panel. Taps, showers, toilets regularly maintained, so they must be reliable and of high quality.

Requirements for the finishing materials for bathroom
Best for bathrooms and the whole apartment to choose finishing materials, which will be easy to install. This is true even in the case of repair facilities wage workers. If the tile or panel in the bathroom will be broken, it would be better if they are able to repair itself the owner of the housing without the need for costly repairs. The materials used for the tank should have water resistance and antiseptichnostyu. The air in the bathroom filled with a huge amount of water vapor that can gradually destroy the finish. The bathrooms of the dampness and poor ventilation can easily form a fungus. To avoid this, you should buy a special antiseptic materials. At the time of the adoption of a hot shower or bath water energy is automatically transferred to the air, which is why it is very hot and destructive effect on the trim. Also, the materials must be different:
- ease of maintenance and operation;
- environmental friendliness;
- chemical resistance;
- high strength, etc.

Options for the flooring
Most often, the floor finish in the bathroom made linoleum, floor tiles, laminate or natural stone. Linoleum - it is the cheapest material from all of the above. It is also the easiest to stack, ie, with the installation of linoleum can handle even a layman. But beneath this material is readily formed fungus and mold. Finish floor tiles - it is the most popular way of bathroom design. She moisture resistance, is relatively simple to install and durable. But this material has poor insulation, so the floor tiles have to be laid mats, so as not to step on the ice after the shower floor. If you lay laminate flooring, it is necessary to choose its varieties with high moisture resistance. But it is convenient to operate, durable, wear-resistant and has good insulation. Natural stone floor is expensive and looks stylish.

This material is characterized by durability and safety due to the porous structure surface.
Ceramic tile
Floor in the bathroom taking several types of tiles. Ceramic tile is the most chosen because it is affordable, durable, and looks good. It is distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. It is better if you choose this material to focus on the manufacturer and brand. As buyers choose durable clinker. He is smooth and even. Cotto - this tiles with high porosity characteristics. Due to this they are as safe and suitable for homes where small children and the elderly. On this tile is almost impossible to slip. Stoneware tiles - extremely durable material that carries the great temperature differences characteristic of toilets. All these tiles are matte and glossy. It is better to finish the floor opaque products because they are easy to care for.

A special type of linoleum, which could be used, not in the bathroom floor only. Manufacturers do not tend to make this material with high moisture resistance and durability characteristics. Due to the improvement of linoleum will be more expensive, and therefore disappear main advantages of linoleum - its low cost. Many varieties of linoleum, but for the bathrooms is better to take the material PVC or marmoleum. PVC linoleum - is the most simple stuff, but marmoleum - an innovative material created entirely from natural ingredients. Normal linoleum slippery, and therefore should be selected for the tank special model, which upper layer contains corundum chips. Also for the bathroom is better to choose a model, a part of which contains antibacterial substances.

A natural stone
infrequently used natural stone for decoration of bathrooms, because it is quite expensive. Its use is justified only when the rest of the apartment is also framed pompous and gaudy, gorgeous. Bathroom can be used many varieties of natural stones, but most often taken unpolished porous marble. This material suffers great thermal and mechanical loads, and also does not become slippery when struck by water. He is strong and durable, virtually the floors are mounted on a century. But natural stone must be selected by a professional, because not every material of this kind is suitable for use in the bathroom. If the stone contains small inclusions of iron, over time, they can lead to the formation of rust.

self-leveling floor
Self-leveling floor - one of the most stylish solutions for the floor in the bathroom. It is a monolithic structure with any image. It is through such a material can be converted to the floor in the bathroom in the 3-D image. Those. the image on the floor will look as realistic even without special 3D glasses. This material is strong and durable. It is highly resistant to abrasion. Self-leveling floor is resistant to moisture. It can be washed by any chemical means, and at the same time it does not lose its original quality. This material withstands temperature changes and has high thermal conductivity. But the cost of works on installation of self-leveling floor is high enough, and the preparation for the installation of this product may take about a month. Thus it is necessary to properly prepare a concrete slab - foundation.
See also:Bathroom in Scandinavian design: interior ideas

Wooden floor
The floor of the usual wood in the bathroom to make difficult, but with the right approach and the careful selection of a particular material can be a try. It is best suited for bathrooms teak wood, which was previously used for the construction of ships. Such material is wear-resistant and does not deteriorate under the influence of chemical reagents. At the touch of this wood is rough, so that the floor is obtained slip. Also for floors in the bathroom, you can use thermowood. This material is a timber, which is carefully treated with steam at very high temperatures. From this wood becomes water-resistant. In such a material does not form a fungus or mold. But any wooden floor is best to handle water-resistant materials and cover a special yacht varnish.

water-resistant laminated
In most cases, water-resistant laminated made of compressed wood shavings. For bonding these chips special epoxy resin and paraffin are used sometimes. The thicker the material, the greater the load it can withstand. Also it depends on the laminate and the maximum operating time. This material is not designed for prolonged direct contact with the liquid. If it accidentally spill water, it does not froth immediately, but it is better to wipe the floor dry to reduce the risks of deformation of the moisture-resistant laminate. It is also water-resistant laminate can be made entirely of plastic, which is why it is called fully waterproof. When mounting such material should adhere to the technology and to achieve complete sealing of the joints, to avoid the possibility of getting to the liquid.

vinyl floor
Standard vinyl floor may consist of several rings or sold in a roll. Better use of tile installation method. If during operation one of the tiles will deteriorate, it can be replaced later. It is durable and reliable, as well as stylish looks. Vinyl floor consists of several layers of different components. And decorative (most beautiful) layer is always at the top. This material is extremely durable and water resistant. It does not absorb water and do not deteriorate by hot steam. Vinyl flooring is warm enough and slip. This material has a pronounced antistatic. Vinyl floor is not environmentally friendly because made from synthetic substances. When burning it can release hazardous and harmful substances.

Materials for walls
Professional finishing of the walls in the bathroom is a serious event. The first step is to choose a quality material. Such material should be different moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and hygienic. It should be easy to use and to install. Its color should be in harmony with the general condition of the bathroom. In this case, the color of the walls and floors can be different. This will make the room more interesting. When decorating a bathroom is most commonly used tiles. She is not afraid of moisture and looks quite stylish. But not all the interiors would be appropriate tiles on the walls. That is why all kinds of materials have been used for the repair of the walls of bathrooms: drywall, decorative plaster, adhesive tape, etc. This variety allows you to select the best products for your bathroom room.

Tile and ceramic tile
The range of such materials is quite broad. Customer can buy tiles of various shapes, sizes and prices. There are many factories for the production of tile and other tile, but the design of one room is better to stop on any one manufacturer. In this case, it will be able to harmoniously decorate the walls in the bathroom, because they are made in the same style. Tile is moisture, so that the wall will be protected from excess moisture. By covering not start mold or fungus. Wall tiles made of ceramic tile, or easy to everyday use. They are easy to purify, sufficient to wipe the surface of the sponge with water or detergent. However, the material is characterized by a high mechanical strength, i.e., it is easy to break. To this tile looked good on the wall, its installation should involve professionals.

Mosaic - a kind of ceramic tiles, which are sometimes added elements from other materials. However, there are many possible forms of the material. Mosaic can be divided into 2 species. The first are those that are laid out on an ad hoc basis by individual images and elements. The second include those elements that are laid out manually. Mosaic looks interesting and unusual. It is difficult to break. It does not form mold or fungus. This material has a long service life. If you observe the masonry technology, you can mount any surface with no visible joints. But it is better to purchase mace consisting of similar elements. A mixture of ceramic and metal will look stylish before the first rust and glass, even in a mosaic pattern can be easily broken.

Natural and artificial stone
Natural stone - an expensive material which is justified to use only in the stressed luxurious interiors, which already has a stone floor. In other cases it is better to coat the walls of the artificial stone. This material is very heavy, which is why its installation requires the presence of additional work. In this case, use the stones in the interior of a bathroom should be the most careful. Material significantly reduces visually toilet room. And this also applies to artificial and natural stone. That is why the material is contraindicated for small bathrooms and separate toilets. It does not absorb moisture, and in most cases has a porous structure. With this stones are able to "breathe." They are environmentally friendly and totally harmless, even for young children and people with allergies.

Finish natural wood
Average tree is very easy to absorb water (including the one that is in hot air), so use it for finishing the bathrooms to be very careful. Because of this wood requires more moisture resistant impregnation, so that could be a long time in damp conditions. You can burn and process wood panels yourself, but it is better to buy ready-made products and start to sheathe the walls of the bathroom. Such panels are expensive, but they give the bathroom an unusual atmosphere of a country house. Also similar panel made of wood can be used when in the bathroom will be a home sauna. At the same time finishing bathroom walls natural wood (even clapboard) implies the existence of specific accessories (mirrors, racks, partitions, sanitary equipment), which will emphasize created style.

flexible stone
Flexible stone became known to the public only recently, but in that time managed to become extremely popular around the world. It is facing a thin material, which is convenient to decorate the walls of various buildings. It consists of three layers. The first is a universal foundation fabric, the second is an adhesive means, and the third - small crumb any of rock (marble, granite, quartz, etc.). In this pattern, in which fine particles are laid on the surface, reminiscent of the appearance of large natural stones. From a distance, the material can be confused with natural stone. Flexible stone practical and durable, it can be used even in very damp and poorly ventilated bathrooms. Surface is rough to the touch, because the outer layer material contains the stone grit.

Marble - a unique material that can be used for any design ideas. Today, it is used in decorating bathrooms, since the porous structure of this breed makes it water-resistant. Also thanks to this marble can be called breathable material, beneath the walls does not form mold or fungus. Finish with marble bathrooms looks luxurious, elegant and stylish. Thus such a material different durability, impact resistance and relatively simple to maintain. It can be cleaned with ordinary detergents, though in the beginning it is better to handle the operation with a special protective substance. Also marble insensitive to extremely high temperatures and will not crack at all possible temperatures. However, marble is expensive and because few can afford.
See also:Bathroom with shower design

PVC panel
Universal panel PVC is often used to repair bathrooms, but they require additional protection during installation. Under such panels in humid and wet spaces easily formed mold or fungus, and although polyvinyl chloride is a waterproof material. However, in the case of errors during installation, you can leave large gaps between the wall and the panel, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. However, this material is cheap, it can allow himself every homeowner. Panels made of PVC can be painted in absolutely any color, they will be able to fit in the most unusual bathroom interior. Some of these panels mimic natural stone, wood, tiles or decorated with photo printing. This material is durable, and has good sound insulation and a good heat hold.

washable wallpaper
Decoration wallpaper in the bathroom looks original, but be careful to choose this material. Bathroom not fit the usual wallpaper because of the constant damp or wet, they immediately come into disrepair. The bathrooms are commonly used special washable wallpaper, glass or wallpapers (less recent). They make it possible to realize the most unusual design solutions, because they have a huge range, the finishing is durable. Wallpapers are relatively inexpensive when compared with natural stone or ceramic tiles, so this material is often used in order to save. Before you start repairing the wall in the bathroom would require minimal training. And the walls can prepare on your own, and then they start to paste the selected wallpaper.

Decorative plaster
For bathrooms, a special water-resistant decorative plaster. With it you can create a completely unique design of the room. Pattern to decorate a bathroom can be anything. Apply decorative plaster on the wall can be almost anyone, to deal with that even a layman. But this stuff is not very cheap. Some varieties of decorative plaster are extremely expensive, so their use in the ordinary minor repairs in the apartment (including the bathroom) would be inappropriate. For finishing bathrooms often use sanitizing plaster, water-resistant plaster or plaster facade (There are specific synthetic substances that help to cope with damp and high humidity). These materials normalizes microclimate in the bathroom, absorbing excess moisture.

Painting Walls Plasterboard
There are many types of water-resistant inks that can be used for decoration of bathrooms. Latex paint is one such material. It is better to take vodoemulsionku with special additives that prevent it from smearing. But it is not desirable to paint those parts of the wall on which the water falls with absolute assurance. Oil paint is now used very rarely. She has long dries, and at extremely high temperature fluctuations may peel off. Alkyd paint can be called one of the most popular, but it reeks. And an unpleasant smell remains even after several weeks of repairs. That is why today most of the walls in the bathroom is covered with acrylic paints. They are non-toxic and durable. Acrylic paint is easy to apply on the walls, this can handle even those who never in his life did not make repairs.

Self-adhesive film
Finishing film looks original and unusual. This material is moisture, so the possibility of formation of mold or mildew minimized. Adhesive tape is cheap, although it looks spectacular. There is a huge range of colors for this product. And today has been available with a relief film. It is more expensive, but it looks very interesting. This material is very easy to apply on the wall, so the repair will not even need to hire professional builders. It is possible to cope on their own. In this case, the film is easy to change, if it is available on the drawing bored or is not in harmony with sanitary equipment. This material is easy to care for. It can simply be cleaned with a damp cloth. However, self-adhesive film has a low strength. It is easy to break.

Making the ceiling
Make the ceiling in the bathroom can be inviting for this professional, or independently. Moreover, the second method will be cheaper, but it will require substantial time consuming and availability of certain skills. It will also have to choose the material for finishing the ceiling. It should be durable, moisture-resistant, durable, beautiful and easy to care for. Also, this material must withstand temperature extremes. It is better to choose on the basis of already selected materials for the walls, but it is not always possible, for example, pokleit wallpaper on the ceiling of a bathroom is not considered a good idea. Also remember structural features of the bathrooms and it is desirable to choose a material for the ceiling, so that he could hold sudden flow of water when suddenly neighbors above burst pipe in the bathroom, and they will begin to fill the apartment located under them. But not every ceiling can cope with such a challenge.

Stretch ceiling
The modern bathrooms usually mounted ceilings. They are characterized by high resistance to water and do not allow water that may leak from the top. This material is environmentally friendly as possible. It can withstand severe temperature gradients and high temperature, evaporates thus harmful substances. Due to the variety of shapes, textures and colors ceilings manage to integrate into any design project. They can be any color completely, although it is better to choose the model of light shades to bathroom did not seem too grim and dark. Stretch ceilings are easy to use and does not require special care. They only need to wipe with a damp cloth, so that they do not accumulate dust or dirt. But the ceilings were unstable to various mechanical damage.

If the walls in the bathroom are decorated panels of PVC, then finish the ceiling can also be done by them. Plastic panels are characterized by high strength and moisture resistance. They look stylish and beautiful, without needing additional treatment. They are easy to install yourself, but you need to make sure that the design looks monolithic. The gaps between the panels look unaesthetic. Also, the ceiling of the panels can be built spotlights or any other lighting devices, if the presence of corresponding design ideas. Plastic panels are easy to care for their cleaning is not required to use special chemicals. This material is cheap. But it is not suitable for bathrooms with poor ventilation, because its metal frame can easily become rusty, even in the presence of galvanized coating.

The ceiling in the bathroom can be coated with paint: acrylic, latex or silicone. These types of paints are different moisture resistance, are not destroyed by water and do not lead to excess hydration walling. Painted ceiling is easy to clean. Finely porous such paint has a surface, so that is well ventilated, and it does not accumulate a lot of dirt. These ceilings are easy to clean using the most simple detergents and sponges. Any paint such a plan can be easily applied to any prepared surfaces: the concrete and conventional concrete, and wood. However, over time, painted ceiling may fade, but because of his need to paint again. Also, the paint may eventually begin to peel, if condensation is formed on the ceiling, which is typical for bathrooms.
See also:Tiles for the bathroom: design examples

gypsum plasterboard
If the ceiling in the bathroom room is uneven, it is best to take it to repair drywall. With this material you can create a stylish and original designs, such as multi-level ceiling with embedded downlights. He is strong and durable enough, if properly care for it and promptly cleaned of accumulated dirt. Under the drywall can usually put all communication in the bathroom, the most freeing up space. But for drywall need to create an additional frame structure that will support the ceiling. And for the modern bathroom is better to choose not wooden and metal frames, pre-treated corrosion preventive compounds. After prolonged use drywall may fade, because of what it may have to paint.

Lighting in the bathroom
The amount of lighting in the bathroom depends on the size of the premises and the presence of natural light sources. If there is a window (albeit small) in the closet, lamps require considerably less. The large bathrooms provide better zonal lighting. Usually it concerns combined bathroom. In this case delimit the area where the toilet is located, and the area where there is a bath. The design of lamps and light influences interior style. Glossy and mirrored surfaces reflect light better, so if you have them in the bath require less lighting. Fixtures may be located on the ceiling, walls, and even on the floor, their location determined by design decisions. And the light in the bathroom can be integrated into a system of "smart house", to be able to control its intensity.

Choosing a color palette
The color palette should be as thought to bathroom looked stylish and comfortable, and is not funny and tasteless. Usually bathroom has a small area, so it is better to issue in light shades, as they contribute to increase the visual space. While dark colors can make the room more comfortable, but the design in dark colors should be designed by a professional. It is better not to use more than 3 different colors or more than 5 shades of one color. Bathroom is small, so raznotsvete be too conspicuous. It is better to select colors from the palette into account, which was used for the repair of the apartment. Monochrome bathrooms look stylish, but choose finishing materials and sanitary equipment one shade is extremely difficult. The following color combinations can be used for the repair of toilets:
- orange, blue and white;
- purple, white and yellow;
- yellow, red and blue;
- green, orange and yellow.

Ergonomics: the correct organization of space in the bathroom
Bathrooms are too small to talk about their successful ergonomics. Ideally between the sanitary equipment, door and wall should remain at least 75 cm. The only exceptions are the toilet and bidet, it is important for them can be equal to 35 cm. The distance between the bath (shower) and sink may be reduced to 30 cm. The height of the sink and countertops bathroom furniture can range from 80 to 110 cm. Typically, this value is equal to 90 cm, however, today many are special sinks for small children at a comfortable height for them. Moreover, the distance should be at least 10 cm between these washbasins. Planning a bathroom should be comfortable for all family members. This also applies to children and the elderly. And you should try to save space. In small bathrooms (e.g., Khrushchevki) washer placed under a sink, but instead is set shower bath.

The choice of plumbing and furniture
Plumbing equipment must be durable, reliable and versatile. It is better to buy products that have been produced from environmentally friendly materials. plumbers color should be in harmony with the decoration. Usually selected bath, sink, toilet bowl classic white color. They do not have to change, even if a couple of years, the owner decides to change the color of the walls in the bathroom. All plumbing fixtures must be selected at the same time. In this case, we will be able to choose the most suitable products to each other. Before purchasing a device should determine the type of attachment and placement. Plumbing equipment can be of different sizes, and for small bathrooms need to buy a sink and a toilet bowl of a different format than for spacious bathrooms. General features of some types of plumbing are presented below in the photo.

Plumbing equipment | Features |
shower cabin | Installed in small bathrooms. Modern showers are a lot of additional features: built-in radio, color highlighting, massagers, etc. |
bath | Classical sanitary equipment. Baths are steel, cast iron, acrylic and even stone. Their appearance is due to the overall style of the room. |
toilets | It must be durable, reliable and silent operation (referring to the noise level at a set of water in a tank). |
Sinks | There may be different sizes and shapes. They belong to the obligatory sanitary equipment. |

stylistic directions
Style bathroom can be anything, but most homeowners have certain ready-made solutions on design bathrooms. Most often, a toilet shaped in a classic style. This embodiment looks beautiful and elegant. It is particularly suitable for large bathrooms with a window. A modernist style will be appropriate in small bathrooms. It allows you to install the toilet small functional showers. Of modernity is characterized by a natural palette of colors, floral motifs and the presence of all kinds of accessories with floral ornaments. Of modern stylistic trends is to provide bionics. This style of design is characterized by the imitation of all natural. Many decorate bathrooms in the sea, ethnic, Scandinavian or Mediterranean style. They look impressive and allows to realize the unusual design ideas.

These styles can be combined.
Making the bathroom - it is an important part of the repair work in any apartment (in a new or old house fund). It is necessary to choose high-quality materials and decide on the style of interior. Before starting the repair should make room project, which clearly paint the type of sanitary equipment, its location in the room and used a color palette. And it should be guided not only by the homeowner wishes, but also to the general budget of repair. With a limited budget should choose inexpensive materials and possibly all be installed by hand. But regardless of the cost of materials and plumbing everything should be as practical, convenient and multifunctional. It is better to choose something that will last for a long time without losing the initial performance, rather than rely solely on the appearance of materials and plumbing.