The top 10 includes the 's coldest places on the Earth with record low temperatures that have ever been fixed. Among them there are, both settlements and lands absolutely unsuitable for life. Unconditional leader among the countries in the number of the coldest areas was Russia, so many of its villages are in the permafrost zone.
Barrow ( USA) - the northernmost populated city point of North America opens the list of the coldest places on Earth. The city is in the permafrost region. The soil here can freeze to 400 meters in depth. The climate of Barrow is not only cold, but also dry. The winter time of the year is considered extremely dangerous for life, since severe frosts are associated with strong winds. Approximately three months of the year the temperature is above 0 degrees, but does not rise above plus 4 degrees. Even for the summer, frosts are characteristic here. The average annual temperature in Barrow is -12 degrees. The lowest temperature is in February and is -49 ° C.The peculiarity of the city of permafrost is the fact that the sun does not appear here practically during the period from November to February.
The next American city Internacional Falls ( USA) also has the right to wear the title of the coldest place on the planet. Americans call this locality the "National Refrigerator": the temperature indices in the warmest month( July) can be equal to 0 degrees, and in the coldest( January) they reach 49 degrees below zero.
Astana ( Kazakhstan) occupies the eighth line in the list of the coldest places of the planet and the second among the coldest capitals of the world. In the winter, the mercury column can be lowered to -52 degrees. Winters here are very cold and long. The frost period starts in November and lasts until April. The summer is characterized by a high temperature, which can reach + 41 ° C.The annual average is 3 degrees above zero.
City Vorkuta ( Republic of Komi) may be ranked as the coldest place in the world, which is located in the permafrost zone. The settlement has a subarctic climate and belongs to the regions of the Far North. Frosts are observed here for 10 months a year and even in the summer season, a slight frost is not ruled out. Due to the severe climate of Vorkuta, the cultivation of vegetable crops in the open ground is impossible. The average annual temperature in the city is -6 degrees. The absolute minimum temperature is in December and is -57 ° C.In the summer, the mercury column can rise to +33 degrees.
Village Ust-Shchuger ( Republic of Komi) is fighting for the title of the coldest place on Earth. In 1978, there were recorded record values equal to 58 degrees below zero. The average temperature of the coldest month( December) is -28 degrees, the warmest( July) is 14 ° C above zero. There was a small settlement with a population of 30 people at an altitude of 75 meters above sea level.
The capital of the Republic of Sakha( Yakutia), city Yakutsk occupies the fifth place in the rating of the coldest places on the planet. Severe Yakut frosts in the winter season, on average, is -40 degrees. The maximum minimum temperature here can reach 65 ° C below zero. Winter lasts here for six months - from early October to late April. As for the summer, for the northern city there is an abnormal heat, which can reach + 40 ° C.The average annual temperature in Yakutsk is 9 degrees below zero. This is one of the largest urban settlements located on the territory of permafrost.
The former Aismythte ( Greenland) takes the fourth place in the list of the coldest places on Earth. In 1930, the lowest temperature indicators were recorded here, which amounted to -65 degrees. The average temperature in February is 47 degrees below zero. In July, which is considered to be the warmest month, the average temperature is -12 ° C.The station was located on the Greenland Shield at an altitude of 3010 meters above sea level. It was here that the Greenland expedition of Alfred Wegener was sent in the 30s of the last century, in which many people suffered from frostbite. Alfred Wegener himself died from hypothermia.
station "Vostok" ( Antarctica) opens the three coldest places on the planet Earth. It is here that the hardest climatic conditions are located: low temperatures are observed throughout the year. In 1983, the station officially recorded the indicators - 89 degrees. The highest temperature was recorded in 1957 and was 13.6 degrees below zero. This area rightfully bears the status of "Pole of Cold".The warmest months are December and January, when the average is -35 ° C.The station is at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level, which does not allow it to be ranked as the coldest place of the earth. If the indicators lead to sea level, then the village of Oimyakon of the Republic of Yakutia becomes the unconditional leader.
City Verkhoyansk ( Sakha Republic) is the coldest place on the planet, after the village of Oimyakon. Verkhoyansk also belongs to the smallest Russian cities with a population of just over 1000 people. The lowest temperatures were registered here in 1892 and amounted to minus 68 degrees. The city has the official status of "Pole of Cold".Winters in the city of the Republic of Sakha are long, very severe and cold. In addition, there is an insignificant amount of precipitation, comparable to deserts. Therefore, Verkhoyansk still belongs to the cities of Russia with the driest climate. Frosts are possible even in the summer, which lasts very short. The average annual temperature is -18.6 degrees.
village Oymyakon ( Republic of Sakha) is officially recognized as the coldest place on Earth. It is one of the "Pole of Cold" on the planet. This is one of the harshest places in the world in terms of climatic indicators, where a permanent population of about 500 people lives. The village is located at an altitude of 745 m above sea level. The absolute minimum of the temperature here is -64 degrees, but according to some data in Oimyakon in 1938 the temperature was recorded -78 degrees. Verkhoyansk also claimed for the coldest place in the world, but according to meteorological data, the average annual temperature in Oymyakon is lower by 0.3 ° C than in Verkhoyansk, which allows it to take the leading place.