Rating of the best table games of summer 2015

At last the weather began to please the warm sunny days, and we had an opportunity to get out into the open air. What could be better than relaxing in nature in a fun company? And to spend time fascinatingly and fervently, table games are perfect.

We chose the best board games of this summer , which will brighten up the time on the trip, distract you from humming cucumbers in cottages or simply become a pleasant occasion to get together with loved ones. The main criteria for getting into the rating of table games: popularity, interesting plot, game in the company, short time of the game.

The top most interesting desktop games of the summer of 2015 looks like this:


  • 1. Munchkin
  • 2. "Imaginary: The Party"
  • 3. "Find for the Spy"
  • 4. "Bang!"
  • 5. Fluxx
  • 6"Svintus"
  • 7. Loonacy
  • 8. "Citadel"
  • 9. "Neither down or feather"
  • 10. "Machi Koro"

1. "Munchkin"

A cult dashing parody of role-playing games in the genre of fantasy. The game "Munchkin" is played by more than 100 million people around the world, only in Russia there are more than 10 varieties of "Munchkin".Urine monsters! Hapay treasures! Substitute friends! Take the game with you to the park and make friends with the real battle.

2. "Imaginarium: A Party"

A fascinating game for guessing and guessing words. You can explain the word in three different ways: verbally, pantomime, or doing a fun job. Be active, resourceful and positive, and, perhaps, you will become the main star of the summer party!

3. "Find for a Spy"

There is nothing like a conversation game where everyone can go to the skin of a spy close to a failure, which is about to be calculated in native walls: at the vegetable base, space station, submarine and other locations. Observation, concentration, endurance, cunning - in this game everything is useful. Be on the alert!

4. "Bang!"

This is a card game that can easily transfer you to a classic western with saloons, Indians and mandatory skirmishes! Simple but exciting rules ensure that you get an incomparable pleasure from the board game "Bang"!

5. Fluxx

One of the most chaotic and fun games invented in the history of board games. Learning to play Fluxx is nowhere easier: pull cards, play cards, and grab the rest on the fly. The rules of the game are constantly changing, the main thing is to have time to shout that you won. Take with you for a walk.

6. "Svintus"

Fast and fun card game for 2-10 people of almost any age. Simple rules and dynamism made her a real card bestseller."Svintus" is a great entertainment for a cheerful friendly company in nature.

7. Loonacy

A quick, incendiary game, the participants of which are getting rid of the cards on their hands. In this feverish card pile-male the fastest and most successful player wins!

8. "Citadels"

Urban planning strategy, which received a number of awards and is included in the TOP-100 of the best table games of the world. Clever, exciting game "Citadel" takes the fact that no player falls out of the process until the very end of the game: even losing all the chances of winning, the player can influence the forces of his characters on the situation in the cities of rivals. Perfectly suitable for warm evenings on the shore of the reservoir.

9. "No Fuzz or Feather"

A card game for 3-6 participants. Hang up your guns and watch them shoot them in time, - only so you can become the lord of the pond. If your personal duck remains the last afloat, you can bravely quack victory! Duck hunting begins!

10. Machi Koro

A board game that has become an absolute hit all over the world. This economic strategy will conquer you from the first batch. Buy businesses, earn money and soon you will become the mayor of the richest city of the earth.