Rating of the biggest cats in the world

The cat family includes several hundred species of wild and domestic cats. All of them differ from each other in habits, character, selected habitat, color, as well as size and weight.

In the rating, the biggest cats in the world of were not only representatives of domestic breeds, but also their wild relatives.


British cat Body length 70 cm

Opens the top ten of the largest breeds of felines. The most ancient and popular breed of Great Britain is the British cat .The largest pets grow up to 70 centimeters in length, and at the withers - up to 33 centimeters. Normal weight varies within 5-8 kg. But some representatives can reach and 12 kg. The British are considered very voracious and prone to obesity. Therefore, if your pet does not claim the place of the fattest cat in the Guinness Book of Records, you should carefully monitor its diet and do not overfeed. Externally, the British resemble massive teddy bears with powerful paws.


Siberian cat Body length 70 cm

One of the most beautiful and long-haired representatives of the family "murchchih" Siberian cat is also ready to compete for the title of the largest among its own. The weight of an adult male can reach in some cases 12 kg, and the average body length is 70 centimeters. Ancestor of a domestic pet are steppe cats. They give the impression of a sucker with thick and powerful paws. Externally, the animal is similar to the Persian rock because of its coat, which, incidentally, is considered hypoallergenic. The whiskers are rather wayward and require domestic respect for their feline person.


Steppe cat Body length 75 cm

Steppe cat ( spotted cat) is a wild representative of the cat breed and a relative of the forest cat. The largest predators of this species reach 75 centimeters in length, and their maximum weight is 7 kg. The habitat selects semi-desert, practically free from vegetation zones. It feeds wild cat with tusks, gophers, hares and other species of rodents. It can also hunt pheasants and feces. Predators do not mind and eat with home chickens: in winter they can get to human habitation and make their way to the chicken coop.


Norwegian forest cat Body length 70-80 cm

One of the oldest European breeds , the Norwegian forest cat is also ready to compete for the title of the largest domestic cat. Outwardly, the pet is similar to such breeds of large representatives as the Siberian cat, maine coon and lynx. The growth of the animal continues to 4-5 years of age. By this time, the largest animals are able to gain weight up to 10 kg, and in length to reach 70-80 centimeters. Their strong sports body is quite powerful with paws of impressive massiveness.


European Forest Cat Body Length 80-85 cm

European Forest Cat , being a subspecies of a forest cat, is also among the ten largest of its family. Her average body length is about 80-85 centimeters, and in weight she can gain up to 10-12 kg. This is a wild breed, the habitat of which are forests of Western and Central Europe. Norwegian cats and cats are considered individualists who prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle. They are united only at the moment of pairing. This is a pretty serious predator, attacking the deer's cubs, as well as wild and domestic goats. Norwegians are very voracious: so a small kitten is able to taste up to a dozen rodents a day, and an adult representative to 1 kg of meat at a time.


Pixiebox Body length 80 cm

The next interesting representative of the cat breed piksibob ( short-tailed elf) also claims the title of one of the largest cats in the world. It is a hybrid of a forest cat and a lynx, which was bred relatively recently. The domestic lynx can gain weight up to 10 kg, and the body length is 80 centimeters. These are quite large pets with a muscular physique and powerful paws. By their habits, they resemble dogs and are very devoted to their owner. They are easily accustomed to walking on a leash. They need close contact with a person, especially in the first year of life. A lack of human attention can lead to the cat becoming wild.


Chausi Body length 90 cm

A relatively young breed of chowsea ( khousi), which has the genes of a reed cat and Abyssinian breed, is among the ten largest cats in the world. The length of the body along with the tail of the house can reach 90 cm, and in weight it gains up to 12 kg. Until recently, these cats were considered wild. Now they are gaining popularity among fans of pets and actively participate in exhibitions. These pets especially need the caress and attention of the owner. They are very smart. For their maintenance is not suitable close to the city apartment, because they are very fond of space. On the territory of Russia this breed is not bred because of the high cost and its rarity.


Maine Coon Body Length 1 meter

The representative of the US State of Maine cat Maine Coon opens the top three. In translation, the name of the breed means "manx raccoon".And indeed, the color of this animal is similar to the coloring of the raccoon. The largest Maine Coon cats can reach a weight of 12 kg, in length - 1 meter from the nose to the tip of the tail, and the growth at the withers can reach 41 cm. The length of the tail is directly proportional to the size of the body. This is one of the sweetest and smartest breed of cats. Their growth is stopped by 5 years of life. In 2010, the Maine Coon Stewie was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest representative of his breed. Its total "length" was 123.2 centimeters.


Ashera Body length 1 meter

Asher ( Savannah) is the largest subspecies of a domestic cat. Its name was given in honor of the goddess Ashara. The size of this pussy is not so impressive as the next rating representative, but deserve due attention. In length, the cat's body can reach 1 meter, and in weight it can gain up to 14 kg. The breed turned out by crossing a Bengali and domestic cat with an African serval( shrubby cat).It is not only the largest domestic animal among the felines, but also the most expensive, due to its rarity and size.


Ligger Body length 4 meters

The rating is one of the largest representatives of the feline hybrid ligger .His parents are a male tiger and a female lion. The breed was bred relatively recently and is currently the largest among the breeds of the cat family. The cat can reach 4 meters in length, and in weight gain more than 320 kg. The growth of the ligra does not cease until 6 years. This animal is not adapted to the wild habitat and lives exclusively in zoos and nurseries. In the Guinness Book of Records, one of the largest representatives of this breed, Hercules, was brought. The weight of a giant animal is 400 kg, and the growth at the withers is 1.2 meters. The daily diet of Hercules consists of 45 kg of meat products. The record holder turned 14 this year.