What is the difference between a multivarker and a pressure cooker

When deciding on the purchase of a kitchen appliance, the buyer quite often faces a problem: the existing assortment of small household appliances is so large that it is difficult to find the optimal model that meets the necessary criteria. It is especially problematic to make this choice from devices similar in function. For example, this is true for multivarieties and pressure cookers.

See also:

  • Which multivarche is better than
  • What is better: microwave or multivark

When deciding on the purchase of one of these devices, it is advisable to study and understand a number of fundamental differences between them in order to buy such a product that will satisfy all your family's needs, but notwill become another dust collector in the kitchen. So, what is the difference between a multivark and a pressure cooker, what is the difference between these appliances?

Similar features and differences in principle

Modern multivarks and pressure cookers are electrical compact appliances, the main purpose of which is to prepare healthy food with minimal effort.

When working with them, the whole process of cooking is reduced to selecting the necessary program, which independently chooses the necessary temperature and cooking time. In most cases, you do not even need to turn food over, as it evenly heats up and does not burn.

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In the pressure cooker, all products are prepared quickly due to the fact that heating is carried out under pressure. Due to this, more vitamins are stored in the products, and the cooking process itself takes very little time( for example, beans completely boil in 20 minutes).In a multivariate, you can not cook so quickly. But in it you can not only directly cook, but also fry, stew, bake cupcakes, make homemade yogurt.

Advantages and disadvantages of the

+ pressure cooker The main advantages of this device:

  • fast cooking speed of any food without preliminary preparation( soaking);
  • preservation of nutritional properties and vitamins;
  • economy( low electricity consumption, minimum oil during frying);
  • is easy to use( all products are placed in the form, the lid is closed and the program is selected).

- Disadvantages:

  • can not be opened during the cooking process( it must be hermetically sealed);
  • is a small assortment of modern models.

Pressure cooker is an excellent choice for people who are actively active in a dynamic way of life and who do not want to waste time preparing lunches.

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The distinctive features and disadvantages of the multivariate

+ Advantages of modern multivar:

  • the possibility of preparing many complex dishes( soups, pilaf, baked goods, yoghurt, etc.);
  • the possibility of cooking dishes for a couple( what is the difference between a multivark and a steamer: in a multivark there is only one level for steaming, while in a double boiler they can be 2 or more, which allows cooking several dishes at the same time);
  • simple maintenance of the appliance( washing of the dish in the dishwasher is allowed);
  • set of additional options: delay of start, maintenance of necessary temperature of a dish, heating, automatic switching-off.

- Disadvantages:

  • slow cooking;
  • the need to use several modes for one dish;
  • high power consumption;
  • the need to use special kitchen utensils: spoons, spatulas( so as not to damage the coating of the bowl).
  • See also: Multivark - pluses and minuses

A multivark is an instrument that makes sense for people who regularly eat diet food, young mothers, and everyone who likes to cook and experiment with tastes.

So, an unequivocal answer to the question what to prefer multivarku or pressure cooker is not. Everything depends on the purposes for which the device is purchased. The main differences between the pressure cooker and multivarkers are as follows:

  • fast cooking speed in the pressure cooker and slow in the multivarquet;
  • a large number of modes in the multivark and limited in the pressure cooker;
  • the possibility of step-by-step introduction of products in the multivark and the need to use all products at once in the pressure cooker;
  • contrast multivarka from a pressure cooker in price: multivarkers are by far the most common product and they cost more than pressure cookers.