- Army method
- Usage of special sprays
- Cold-freezing method
- Hot air method
All of us to a greater or lesser degree faced the problem: bought in the store, it would seem, very convenient and fit sneakers, unfortunately,.And here the question arises: what to do and how to stretch the sneakers, because comfortable sports shoes are halfway to success. Let's look at several ways how to stretch sneakers by the size larger at home.
to content ↑Army mode
Army - does not mean that it is suitable only for the military. This method can be used by all those people who need to stretch their shoes at home without additional financial investments and overly complex actions.
Everything is simple:
- Take old thick socks made of cotton, pre-moisten them in warm water.
- Put the wet socks on your feet and put them into the bought sneakers.
- And walk until you have dried socks in sneakers.
- You fill the newspaper so that it completely absorbs all the remaining moisture.
Important! Perhaps this way will not give you a 100% result, so you'll have to try again in order for the to stretch your sneakers by the size more at home.
to the contents ↑Using special sprays
In order to resort to this simple method, you need to buy a special spray for softening shoes in the store.
Important! The use of such tools is very convenient from the point of view that you can quickly stretch the shoes you need without damaging the material and the adverse effects of moisture, different temperatures.
From the very best side, the products of such brands have proven themselves:
- Salamander;
- Saphir;
- Twist.
Handle those inner shoes where they feel most uncomfortable. Next - wear until you feel softening in problem areas.
Important! Before using a special spray, you need to test it on the back of your shoes, so that the chemical component of this product does not change the structure and color of your sports shoes.
to the contents ↑Cold-freezing method
What to do if the sneakers are tight and you do not want to spend money on expensive sprays, and walking in wet socks is not very impressive for you? Then the method of cold freezing is what you need.
All you need to do:
- Take two plastic bags - check them first for integrity.
- Put them in shoes and fill with water.
Knot the bags and put them in the freezer for complete freezing.
Important! When freezing, water has the property of expanding and makes it possible to stretch sneakers not only in problem areas, but also in length.
to Contents ↑Hot Air Method
There is another very simple method. Surely every house has a hairdryer, with which we now consider another option to adjust the size of the shoe. Take the hair dryer and heat the problem areas on the product - with the help of hot air, the skin on your sneakers will take the desired form.
Important! Do not forget about safety measures and caution when working with hot air, as glued joints can split up when heated.
All these ways of stretching sneakers to the right size are good in their own way. Therefore, everyone should carefully choose one of the options, given the materials, color, quality of the products from which the shoes are made, since the above ways of stretching sneakers may not always be suitable in certain cases. For example:
- if you purchased textiles - they are almost impossible to stretch;
- artificial leather does not tolerate hot air;
- suede and nubuck can not be drunk abundantly.
If you doubt that the material of your running shoes will withstand one of the proposed methods, you will have to resort to the help of professional workshops, where with special tools, metal shoes bring your shoes to the desired size for a more comfortable and comfortable wearing.