How to hang a picture on the wall module: Instruction

The modular pattern can become a real decoration of any interior. It can be found in the bedroom, living room, kitchen and other rooms. Located fragments form an integral image, adding zest to any interior. In order to achieve the correct result, it is important to know how to hang a picture on the wall module. It is important not only to securely attach each element of the composition, but also provide it with the correct spatial position. We offer to meet with the existing varieties of fasteners and the order of fixing the modules on the wall.

How to hang a picture on the wall module
The modular composition of the wall - stylish decor element

Read article

  • 1 What is a modular pattern
  • 2 How to hang a picture on the wall modular: choose a place
  • 3 Selection of the optimal distance between modular paintings
  • 4 How to hang a picture on the wall - mounting options
    • 4.1 Hook-spider picture
    • 4.2 Command system
    • 4.3 Mounting with Velcro
    • 4.4 Installation on liquid nails
    • 4.5 smart lock
    • 4.6 A comparative table of the different types of fasteners for the modular paintings
  • 5 How to strengthen the modular painting a wall made of different materials
    • 5.1 How to hang a picture on a concrete wall
    • 5.2 On that hang a picture on the wall of brick
    • 5.3 By the drywall
    • 5.4 For aerated concrete
  • 6 Where to buy fastening for modular paintings, how much they cost

What is a modular pattern

Under a modular pattern is meant a complex image, which are located on separate webs, which forms a single composition after mounting on the wall. One gets the impression that the image is first cut into a certain number of parts, and then fastened at a certain distance from each other formed pieces.

Attention! The integrity of the composition is ensured due to lack of frames from the generated fragments.

Sizes of fragments may be of different size. Manufacturers offer a modular pattern, including elements of the same size. Who is the most popular products, which consist of several parts of different sizes. The latter option adds original decor.

The number and size of the elements may vary
The number and size of the elements may vary

How to hang a picture on the wall modular: choose a place

Before we deal with how to hang on the wall of a modular pattern, you should choose a suitable place to put it. This will depend on the perception of the image, as well as how it will be combined with the interior premises. the following rules should be followed when choosing a location:

  • for a modular system with a vertical pattern is to provide the main wall, so that it seemed larger;
  • horizontal image should hang up the wall, which wants to expand the visual;
Horizontal image will expand the space
Horizontal image will expand the space
  • should find a place outside the hall or living room for the massive modular compositions. They will not look in densely furnished interior;
  • it is worth considering lighting. For modular oil painting suitable darkened room in which the paint will not age rapidly;
  • the lower edge of the image is placed in 1.5 m above the floor surface.
Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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"Having defined the placement, before hanging a modular pattern of 5 parts, it is necessary to perform fitting and determine the location of each piece."

For each fragment of a modular system is selected its place
For each fragment of a modular system is selected its place
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall module

Selection of the optimal distance between modular paintings

The spatial arrangement of the elements of the system relative to each other determines the integrity of the image pickup largely. It is recommended to choose the distance between the modular paintings within 1.5-2 cm. Increasing the gap to 4 cm lead to the fact that each fragment will be treated separately. With limited space or a small area of ​​the wall where you plan to hang the modules, the distance can be reduced to a minimum.

The maximum distance between elements - 4 cm
The maximum distance between elements - 4 cm

How to hang a picture on the wall - mounting options

There are various options for how to hang pictures on the wall, each of which involves the use of a particular type of fixture. We suggest to consider the most common solutions, and especially their use, to avoid any issues when performing the installation.

Fixture may be different
Fixture may be different

Hook-spider picture

One simple mounting options. Hook-spider picture is made of plastic and has a relatively small size. On the free end of the rod are located 3-4. They were driven into the wall directly in the mounting points. Thereafter, the modular element is hinged composition.

Features spider should relate to the weight of the fragments
Features spider should relate to the weight of the fragments

Command system

If it is difficult to determine the order, how to attach to the wall painting, as not yet selected a place, you should choose a universal option - Command system. Such a fastener is relevant for any base. It can be used to hang a picture on a modular metal, plastic, wood, glass wall. Depending on the weight of the decor may be preferred:

  • bolt bands elements which are able to retain up to 450 grams;
  • fasteners, calculated on the maximum weight - 450 g;
  • hooks, holding up to 2 kg.

Tip! For reliable locking via small webs and strips of fasteners fastening elements arranged at the center and the perimeter.

To hang a modular system using Command fastening, first perform counting to determine the fixing position. The anchor point is thoroughly cleaned from the existing contamination. Mounts arrangement according to the appended instruction.

Fasteners located in the center and the edges
Fasteners located in the center and the edges

Attention! If the walls are covered with fine wallpaper from the use of Command system should be abandoned: surface finish may be damaged by the weight of the modular elements of the composition.

Mounting with Velcro

In such a way to hang on the wall modular composition should those people who like to change. Mounting with Velcro is used to periodically perform a permutation of the room, changing the location of the decor. The main advantage is its accessibility Velcro. Fasteners can be purchased at any store that implements sewing supplies. Gluing one piece of Velcro to the wall, the second is fixed to the modules. In this way, mounted suspension systems for pictures and photos.

Velcro can be purchased at any clothing store
Velcro can be purchased at any clothing store

Installation on liquid nails

If the modular composition selected location and move it to a new not planned, liquid nails can become a reliable choice. This fixture is indispensable in the heavy weight of fragments: the use of other options may not be safe. How to fix the picture on the wall? Perform dot marking. The entire perimeter in increments of 5 cm, and in the center of the product from the back side, a liquid nails. Bonded part is firmly pressed to the bottom and hold for a while.

Liquid nails securely fix each piece
Liquid nails securely fix each piece

smart lock

Fasteners, often appearing in commercials. The manufacturer says that the smart lock is able to keep dvuhkilogrammovy element. In the glass, wallpaper, fabric can act as a base. In practice, the preferred embodiment is a smooth glossy surface, since it is fastened on the wallpaper bad.

Smart able keep the latch not every surface
Smart able keep the latch not every surface

A comparative table of the different types of fasteners for the modular paintings

Each type of mounting has its own peculiarities. We offer the possibility to compare them before making a final choice.

View of fasteners for the modular paintingsmounting methodCarrying force
ScrewsBy drilling holes in the groundWeight painting does not matter
Liquid Nailswithout drillingNot more than 20 kg
Velcro or double sided tapewithout drillingNot more than 10 kg
Command systemwithout drilling4 kg
Hooks-spiderswithout drillingNot more than 5 kg
smart lockwithout drilling2 kg

How to strengthen the modular painting a wall made of different materials

Deciding how to mount the modular painting on the wall, it is necessary to know exactly what it is made. Many options are relevant for a number of grounds. Substrate type determines the type of fastener being used. Some preferred for walls made of concrete material. To suit the wooden wall nails, and concrete for such a fixture would not be the best solution. Consider options for walls, made of the most popular materials.

The type of fasteners is dependent on the characteristics of the walls
The type of fasteners is dependent on the characteristics of the walls

How to hang a picture on a concrete wall

Classic fastening variant used in prefabricated houses. It allows you to hang even a fairly heavy fragment without fear, but eventually weakened fasteners, and décor will be on the floor and the base is inconsistent. If the image is bored, it will have to be replaced by something new, to hide protruding dowels. How to hang a picture on a concrete wall? Mounting can be performed in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall modulePrepare a sufficient number of dowels. It is worth to buy fasteners 6 mm in diameter.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleExecuting the markup drilled holes of suitable diameter. To reduce the amount of dust generation, it is necessary to use a vacuum cleaner.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleInsert the dowel into the prepared hole and firmly presses his finger.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleFixing should not extend beyond the surface of the wall.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleTwists the screw. Leave a small "tail" to be able to hang a picture.

On that hang a picture on the wall of brick

If the walls are made of brick, to hang a picture of a modular, not necessarily to resort to drilling. You can use other types of fasteners. On that hang a picture, and to provide a uniform gap between the elements? It is possible to use hook-and spiders special plastic plates having a thickness of 3 mm. Installation is performed in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall modulePrepare a plate for fixing the modules. Choosing the right product size depending on the size of the modular elements of the composition and the desired gap.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleUsing the marks on plastics, connect the modules together.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleDrives in the wall bars hook-spider.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleHang on the wall of the assembled modular system, giving the desired spatial position.

By the drywall

If the walls in the house are made of plasterboard, not everyone knows how to hang a modular pattern of five segments, and some still use fasteners. Some experts recommend to use the double-sided adhesive tape, which is unacceptable for heavy elements. In this case it is necessary to use a special fixture designed for gypsum plasterboard. Installation of attachment is as follows:

PhotoDescription of work
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall modulePerformed markup. Outlined the points at which the modular composition will be attached to the wall.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleDrilled holes of suitable diameter.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleThe plug is inserted into the drilled hole butterfly. Fastener size should be correlated with the thickness of drywall.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall modulePositioning dowel should be flush with the surface.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleWe put in the plug screw and start spinning it, leaving a small "tail" for hanging paintings.

For aerated concrete

Choice of mounting on the wall for pictures depends on the characteristics and weight aerated concrete modules. For light elements is possible to use ordinary nails and screws. With a significant weight modular pattern pieces have to purchase a special fasteners designed to mesh structure blocks. Mounting works are performed similarly to those described above.

Fastening for aerated concrete should be suitable
Fastening for aerated concrete should be suitable

Where to buy fastening for modular paintings, how much they cost

Reliability fixing module largely depends on the fastener. Deciding to buy a mount for modular paintings, you should definitely deal with all the options available to compare the final result with the cost of installation. Please find the average cost of fixing elements:

Photo Designation / characteristicsAverage price, RR.
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall module3M Command 17202 / up to 450g, 4 pcs.270
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall module3M Command 17201 / 1,35kg to, 3pc.280
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleFasteners with a maximum load / kg 420
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleHooks TOLY large / 3pc.100
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleTriangular suspension for picture / 10 × 38 mm, 8 pcs.80
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleDr. Hook / paintings, self-adhesive / plastic150
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleHook TOLY small50
Decorate your home yourself, or how to hang a picture on the wall moduleDouble-sided tape75

Knowing how to properly hang a picture on the wall, modular, you can arrange your home yourself. If you have a home décor, share in the comments, what the image of a number of elements, and preferred the way manufacturers mount. Those who plan to do it more, videos, like modular hang pictures on the wall will help you understand the details of the process.