The best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses

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Tomatoes are one of the most popular and tasty vegetable crops. For them to please consumers all year round, they are grown in a greenhouse. But not all types of tomatoes are suitable for closed ground.

TOP-10 includes only the best varieties of tomatoes for polycarbonate greenhouses .


Caspar weight 140 g

" Caspar " is a well-established hybrid among vegetable growers. These are tomatoes with a small period of vegetation and are perfect for polycarbonate greenhouses with heating for growing in the winter season. The term of technical maturation takes from 100 to 118 days. Fruits of elongated form are red and can reach a weight of 140 grams. This is one of the most high-yielding hybrids, resistant to diseases such as verticellosis and fusariosis."Caspar" unpretentious in the care and does not require treatment with chemicals. A medium-sized shrub reaches a height of 0.5-1 m. Ripened tomatoes have excellent taste qualities for salad preparation, usual canning, and also preservation in own juice.


Gina weight 250 g

" Gina " - one of the most resistant and early ripening varieties, which is ideal for summer greenhouses from honeycomb carbonate. This is the best large-fruited hybrid with a bush height of not more than 60-70 centimeters, which does not require tying. Bright red fruits grow very large and in mass can reach 250 grams. The tomatoes are very tasty and have a fleshy and juicy consistency. Also, this variety has a high yield and is able to bring up to 10 kg from 1 sq.m. The value of the plant is also that it is very resistant to verticellosis and fusarium, and does not require the formation of the crown."Gina" has a universal purpose and can be used for salads, tomato paste, ketchup, sauce and canning.


Cherry weight 25 g

" Cherry " - all varieties of this type of tomato are ideal for greenhouses made of polycarbonate, because they persist in experiencing temperature changes. The most popular - "Cherry Cherry", "Minibel", "Bonsai" are most often grown by experienced farmers."Cherry Cherry" can reach a height of 2 meters and needs tying. Small fruits grow either red or yellow. From one bush you can collect up to 60 juicy and sweet tomatoes."Minibel" is a short, short-rippled hybrid. The fruits are very small, juicy and with a slight sourness. The variety is well suited for canning, as well as salads."Bonsai" is the shortest variety, the height of its bush does not exceed 20 centimeters. Has very dense small fruits of red color. This hybrid is resistant to many diseases.


Flamenco weight 150 g

" Flamenco " is one of the of the best universal early varieties , which is suitable for growing both in winter and summer greenhouses. The vegetative period lasts usually 105-108 days. The height of the bush can reach 1.5 meters and requires tying. Ripe red fruits are quite large and reach a mass of 150 gr. The fleshy flesh of tomatoes has good taste qualities with a slight sourness. The yield of "Flamenco" is from 9 to 13 kg per 1 sq. M.It has immunity to alternaria, fusarium, and tobacco mosaic virus. It is worth noting that these tomatoes have good transportability.


Russian shower weight 900 g

The Russian Soul is one of the best new super-hybrids, designed not only for polycarbonate greenhouses, but also for planting in the open ground. For ripening the vegetable takes about 110-115 days, it belongs to the medium-early varieties. The height of its bushes can reach 1.5 meters. It grows very large scarlet color tomatoes, the mass of which can reach 900 grams. The value of these tomatoes is high taste and endurance to temperature changes. One plant can bring up to 5 kg of harvest."Russian Soul" has a universal purpose and is perfect for home preparations, cooking, as well as eating fresh.


King of Kings weight up to 1 kg

" King of Kings " - one of the best medium-late giant hybrids for growing in greenhouses and in the open ground. A fairly powerful shrub can reach a height of 2 meters. Bright red fruits are very large and can weigh up to 1 kg. The fleshy flesh of tomatoes is very juicy and has high taste qualities. This type of tomato is resistant to late blight. One bush on average brings up to 5 kg of harvest. The variety is ideal for salads, tomato juices, puree and pasta.


Cardinal weight 600 g

" Cardinal " is a hybrid that is ideal for growing in polycarbonate greenhouses. Quite tall bushes, reaching 1.5 meters, bring bright red large fruits with a mass of up to 600 gr. The ripening period lasts on average 110-115 days. Each plant produces up to 4 kg of tomatoes. Tomatoes have a very sweet sugary pulp with a small amount of seeds. To get a good harvest, experienced gardeners recommend that the plant be planted."Cardinal" is not suitable for canning, but can be used for fresh consumption, salads, juices and pasas.


Monomach's cap weight 200 g

" Monomach's hat " is one of the best mid-season varieties, which is perfect for growing in polycarbonate greenhouses. The height of bushes in greenhouse conditions usually reaches 1.5 meters. The plant begins to bear fruit after about 110-115 days. Tomato has a flattened fruit of rich red color with a mass of usually not more than 200 g. The flesh of the fruit is incredibly fleshy, having a sweet-sour taste. Tomatoes are distinguished by high yield and are able to bring from 1 sq. Km.up to 14 kg. The plant is resistant to late blight."Cap of Monomakh" has a universal purpose, so it is suitable for both fresh and canning.


Pink Flamingo weight 300 g

" Pink Flamingo " - the best low-growing variety with pink fruits, which is perfect for growing in greenhouses. The period of ripening of tomatoes averages 110 days. On the bush in height of 0,5-1 meter grow flattened fruits of medium size, which have a mass of 200-400 grams. The value of the "Pink Flamingo" is that it is quite resistant to many diseases and brings a good harvest. On 1 sq.m.6-10 kg of tomatoes are needed. Basically the variety is used fresh and salads, but can also be used for canning, pasta and juice preparation.


F1 Evpator weight up to 150 g

« F 1 Evpator » - ideal for planting in polycarbonate greenhouses. Hybrid refers to early-ripening varieties: the period of its vegetation lasts about 100-110 days. Bright red smooth fruits have a rounded shape and reach a mass, as a rule, not more than 150 gr. These tomatoes are very dense and perfectly suitable for transportation. They also have excellent taste qualities. Hybrid is resistant to many diseases. Yield of these tomatoes is incredibly high - from 1 square. You can collect up to 40 kg of tomatoes." F 1 Evpator" is universal and ideal for winter workpieces, as well as fresh consumption.