Sledge represent a frame structure equipped with a seat and runners.
- Sled
- Sledge-stroller
- snow-cats
- ledyanki
- Plate
- Tubing
- wooden sled
- metal sled
- plastic sled
- wicker sleigh
- inflatable sled
- combined sled
- Features
- Equipment
- dignity
- disadvantages
- How to choose a sled
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- Trouble-shooting
- manufacturers

Sledge - this vehicle is the classical form of skiing on snow. Basis presented a metal frame, equipped with a plastic or wooden seat, aluminum or steel runners.
Most models have a fixed or folding backrest and side limiters which prevent the loss of the child while driving.
The movement of the sled is carried out by an ordinary rope tied to the frame; modern models are equipped with handles-pushers.
Classic sled designed for children from one year and older.
The main advantages of the classic sledge:
- simple structure;
- light weight.
- low depreciation.

Sledge-stroller - a product designed for children from 6 months. Represent hybrid casual pram and classic sleds. The product is closed on all sides and insulated. The seat is positioned at a relatively high distance from the ground.
Most models of sledges, carriages it is possible to transform back from the sitting position to supine.
Often runners sled equipped with small plastic wheels that allow you to seamlessly overcome peeled sections of the road while walking.
Sledge-stroller equipped with:
- visor;
- warm gentle on the legs;
- raincoat;
- hood;
- high convenient handle;
- seat belt.

Benefits sledge-accessible:
- ergonomics;
- the presence of security systems;
- stylish design;
- extra comfort.

Snow-cats are designed for children aged 5 to 15 years. Structurally, a metal frame-based, which carries a soft height-adjustable seat, steering wheel and three skiing. Snow-cats are equipped with steering and brake pedal.
Advantages of snow-cats:
- good governance;
- wide range of models;
- aesthetic appearance;
- It promotes physical development.

- age limit;
- instability of some models.

Ice-boats - winter view of the vehicle for the descent from the icy hills. They can be used by children from the age of three. Characterized by a simple design, do not have runners.
They represent a colorful plastic plate with decorative recesses. In the market there are both small ledyanki with handles and large sledge-ledyanki, shaped like a trough.
The main advantages of sledge-ledyanok:
- reasonable price;
- ease;
- transportability.
Plastic ledyanki not intended for use at temperatures below -200.

Sledge-plate - a kind of high-speed sled. The product formed as a disc-holder is equipped with handles, intended for skiing with snow slides. Not recommended for children under the age of 5 years.
- ease of transportation;
- low cost;
- ease;
- there is no limit on the user's weight.

- age limit;
- lack of security elements;
- poor handling.

Tubing - this inflatable sled can be used as a means of winter riding with snowy mountains, as well as the swimming facilities in summer. Designed for children age 5 years and older.
Structurally they represent a large oval or circle, made of durable plastic material with a recess in the middle. inflatable chamber is located inside the structure. On the sides of the circle are pen-holders.
- transportability;
- good shock absorption;
- versatility.

- bad handling;
- sensitivity to the damage;
- age limit.

wooden sled

For the manufacture of wooden sledges used beech or birch. To protect the wood from moisture product coated with a layer of protective varnish.
The main advantage of wood sleds - attractive appearance and environmental safety.
The disadvantages of solid wood sleigh:
- cumbersome;
- heavy weight;
- whimsicality of care.
metal sled

Skids winter vehicles may be heavy flat or tubular same lightweight. Metal tubular sled with runners are most suitable for driving on icy or snowy surfaces small.
Flat heavy rails are characterized by high traffic, are suitable for driving on loose snow.
Depending on the design weight of the metal sled ranges from 2.5 to 5 kg.
Advantages sledges of metal:
- strength;
- long service life.
- in use paint with metallic elements otlushivaetsya lost appearance of the product;
- metal parts corrode.
plastic sled

The main advantages of the sled of PVC materials:
- light weight plastic products weigh about 2.5 kg;
- affordable price;
- colorful design.
- restrictions on the temperature regime;
- User weight limit;
- fragility.
wicker sleigh

Benefits wicker sleigh:
- attractive appearance;
- ease;
- good permeability;
- environmental cleanliness.
Wicker sled made of vines. Aerial view on the products are of a sufficiently high strength.
- for passenger weight limit;
- rapid amortization;
- the complexity of care.
inflatable sled

frost-durable materials used for the manufacture of inflatable sledge. Such means are intended for downhill skiing, characterized by low weight.
- ease;
- mobility (folded are placed in a bag);
- able to withstand the large load (depending on the model of the user's weight is from 50 to 150 kg);
- able to develop more speed.

- age limit (not recommended for children under the age of 6 years);
- short-lived;
- susceptible to punctures.
combined sled

Combined models are made using a combination of materials:
- metal and wood;
- metal and plastic.
The vehicle body is usually made of metal, seat - made of wood or plastic. Metalloderevyannye and metal sleds are characterized by:
- high strength;
- comfort;
- affordable price.

Depending on the design type of the following types of sledge:
- whole;
- folding;
- sled-transformers;
- double.
Folding sleds

The design provides for the possibility of folding the vehicle.
- compactness;
- transportability;
- ease.
- amortization folding parts.
Sledge transformers

Unlike folding models sled transformers provide structure transformation by removing the removable parts.

Design double sledge provides two seats. The second seat is often designed as a removable design and can be disassembled if necessary.

steering wheel
It may be configured as a wheel, motor bicycle or the steering wheel. These sleds allow the child to manage vehicle. In addition to the main function steering wheel acts as a handle for holding.
Brake for creating resistance to motion, is designed as a stop which is lowered into the snow as necessary.
A mechanism for lowering the support may be formed as a pedal or special handles, mounted on the sides of the vehicle.
Besides the basic function is used as additional support to hold the rider in the sledge.
Seat belts prevent the loss of a child out of the sledge with sharp stops and bumps on the potholes. Actual use for young children.
It is a long handle, which is arranged in the rear or front part of the housing, and allows to push the sled without bending.
Some models are equipped with reversible handle-pushers, this design allows you to observe the child while driving to protect your baby from the wind.

Handles for holding
Designed for the child's safety and prevents it from falling out during the descent from the hills. Depending on the model handles sledge-holders can be made in the form of slits or separately formed elements.
The tow cable
The tow cable – accessory, designed to pull a sled behind him. As a rule, it equipped with a special handle.

Anti-slip seat
An accessory, which prevents sliding of the passenger sled during movement, provides a reliable fit. Anti-slip effect is achieved by using a special coating.
Element sled designed to provide additional support for the back, improving comfort and safety.
Mounted behind the vehicle, it may be manufactured in a special protrusion on a solid structure or a separate member.
In some models the back is removable.
Sledge-stroller, and some models are equipped with small metal sled with wheels built into the skids. This element allows you to provide mobility sled in unstable weather conditions.

The main advantages:
- versatility (they can be used for movement on the snow and for rolling with slides);
- high load capacity (average load sledge is in the range 50-60 kg);
- availability;
- the convenience of use.

The main disadvantages:
- cumbersome;
- age restrictions;
- active restless child may quickly lose interest.
How to choose a sled

The main criteria for the choice of the sled are:
- purpose vehicle;
- security;
- convenience;
- dimensions;
- the child's age.
Select by destination
When choosing a winter means you need to take into account the functional purpose of the sled.
Skiing on snow should give preference to the classical models of children's sledges or else opt for a sleigh-carriage.
Downhill from hills serve as the best one for plastic models sled, snow-cats, tubing, sled-plates.
The most stable structure are sled with the low-slung and widely spaced from each other runners. Sledge for young children must have seat belts that will ensure a secure fit of the child.

Ideal sleds should be as compact as possible. The easiest options are inflatable, the mass of plastic models, on average no more than 2.5-3 kg.
The average weight of the metal sled is about 3.5 kg at a height of 20-46 cm articles. Weight-sleigh suitable ranges from 4 to 6 kg at a height of 1 meter.

Age of the child
For children aged from six months to three years, the best choice would be a sledge-stroller. Its features:
- lightweight design;
- adjustable back (at least 3 position);
- adjustable footrest;
- waterproof awning;
- wide and long runners with a flat base;
- soft and comfortable seat.
For children in age group of 3 to 5 years will be the best buy sleds with metal frame and wooden or plastic seats equipped with a seat belt, good back support, and a pen-pusher footrest.
Location slats on the seat should be a cross, it will not give soft bedding roll, thus ensuring the comfort of the child.
For children aged five years and older should choose a model sled designed for the descent from the hill - snow-cats, sled-mobiles, Ice-boats, sleds, saucers, etc.

Before buying, make sure the children's sledge as assembly, check the fasteners. Plastic and wooden elements must be free of cracks, chips, burrs.

Basic safety precautions:
- Young children need to wear seat belts.
- It is not necessary to move the road on a sled. The child needs to take the lead hand or side by side, holding hands.
- It is not necessary to go down with ice slides, located near the roadway or reservoirs.
- During the descent from the mountain towing cord or rope should be removed.
- Pen-pushers can not be used for hanging bags and bags, as this may lead to overturning the sleigh.

Care and storage:
- Metal sledge runners should periodically rub paraffin or special grease for skis.
- After the walk metal surface to be wiped dry with a soft cloth.
- For cleaning fabric elements use aggressive cleaners.
- Sledge should be stored in a dry, dark place.
- Inflatable sled-cheesecakes are stored in a collapsed state.

The warranty period for the sled is set by the product manufacturer. The average child's sled warranty is from six months to 12 months.

Metal corrosion
In operation, a paint layer sledge is torn off, which leads to rust. Rectification metal surfaces subject to repeated coloration.
Before applying the paint skids glued tape or a paper tape. Metallic elements sanded using sandpaper and coated with a layer of paint. When using cans paint is applied in several layers.

Piercing the outer membrane and the inner chamber tubing
To solve the problem on the inner side shell overlaps the patch, which is fixed by a special glue for PVC products.
If the damage of the inner chamber should contact the tire shops.

Brand is specialized in producing three-plus age category of products for children. The company presents a wide range of plastic and inflatable models of sleds of various configurations.
1TOY ledyanki feature a colorful design on the case sledge downhill marked popular children's cartoon characters. cold-resistant high-quality PVC materials used for manufacturing.
Tubes 1TOY resistant to abrasion. Internal filling chamber provided PVC, exterior covers are made of a laminate of PVC and nylon sutures sled hexanoic reinforced tape.
Ice-boats, and are equipped with durable tubing 1TOY Grip.

Russian company specializing in the sale of sports and children's products, is the largest supplier of snow-cats.
The most popular products are brand Bars:
- snow-cats Russian Winter;
- snow-cats Bars Teens;
- snow-cats Bars300Z;
- snow-cats series Comfort.
Bars models are characterized by high strength, they are based on a solid metallic frame. Skiing snow-cats are made of cold-resistant and impact-resistant plastic.
Bars sled adapted for operation in harsh environments. According to the technical passport, tonnage Bars snow-cats is 100 kg.

Dami company established in 2003, the main kind of activity is the production of children's sledges and snow-cats. To date, the product line brand expanded significantly and includes nursery furniture.
- snow-cats;
- Folding sledge;
- universal sled;
- single and double ledyanki;
- sled-carriage.

Folding sledge Dami designed for children aged from 7 months to 5 years. Weight - 20 kg sled weight - 4 kg. The package includes:
- soft mattress;
- pillow under the back;
- safety belt;
- armrests;
- built-in wheels skids;
- pen-pusher.
Some models are equipped with folding sled warm removable envelope for legs.
Dami snow-cats are designed for children from 4 to 12 years. Weight 60 kg. Dami snow-cats are different:
- good handling,
- construction safety
- modern design.

Sledge-stroller Dami - warm and comfortable, designed for children aged from 7 months to 2.5 years. Weight - 20 kg. Models equipped with:
- built with plastic wheels,
- backrest with adjustable position;
- removable raincoat.

Catalog includes single and double models winter tools designed for downhill with ice and snow slides. Disney Ice-boats are made of cold-resistant plastic, fitted with comfortable Grip.
In the arsenal of the company are presented as models of inflatable sledge for children older than three years. Sankey Disney tubings are made of PVC material and manufacturing seams taped hexanoic tape.
Outer cover is equipped with two thick bands, handles. Tubes are equipped with a special cover for storage.

Russian company offers consumers several series of winter vehicles designed for outdoor activities:
- Feya Morozko - classic metal sled with flat runners, removable back, towing rope. Designed for children from 1 year.
- Feya Champion - metal sled runners with built-in wheels, with removable backrest with wooden slats and a pen-pusher. Age category from 1 to 10 years.
- Feya Iskra - sled with runners of the flat tube, and a removable metal back pen-pusher.
- Feya Metelica - includes models sledge-accessible. Basis sledges - a metal frame, wide rails provide stability and good permeability.
The package includes a pen-pusher with an overlay of PVC materials, safety belt. Some models are equipped with sledge-Chair removable awning and cover for the feet.
- Feya Snezhok - line includes sled models backless and with backs. Models without backrest designed for older children.
Simple sled structure includes the presence of metal frame, the runners of a flat tube, the seats of the wooden planks.
- Feya Sanimobilm - mobiles with metal casing, wooden seat, push rod and built-wheeled chassis.

The company holds a leading position in the segment of goods for the winter holidays. All brand products are manufactured at production bases in Germany.
Sledge Khw designed for operation at a temperature range -200, Made of impact-resistant plastic of high quality. Weight plastic sled depending on the type and model varies in the range from 35 to 60 kg.

Trading range offers single and double sledge-stroller. They differ in general cradles and optimum size of runners which provide structural stability and excellent driving performance.
The main advantages of the company's products Kristy:
- stylish design;
- robust steel frame;
- adjustable backrest (4 positions);
- blanket for the legs;
- folding mechanism;
- seat belts;
- built-wheeled chassis.
In the production of sledge-Chair of developers use waterproof windproof fabric back upholstered with natural sheepskin products.

The company specializes in the production of goods for outdoor activities, tourism and outdoor furniture. The range also includes inflatable sled. Mitek tubing differ extraordinary design and high quality.
The outer covers are made of non-slip synthetic fabrics. For the manufacture of the bottom-sledge cheesecakes use awning fabric reinforced PVC with a special coating which ensures perfect sliding on the surface.
For the safety and convenience of users tubing fitted with ergonomic durable Grip with sling.

The Russian company supplies the market with goods for recreation snow-cats, intended for children aged 3 years and older. Sledge for downhill manufactured using materials such as metal and plastic.
The average weight of the vehicles is 7 kg capacity - about 50 kg.
Navigator snow-cats are equipped with anti-slip seat, steering, towing rope.

Catalog of companies Nika includes:
- more than 15 models of tubing;
- more than 15 kinds of children's sledges, including single and double models;
- 10 snow-cats models;
- 8 models of sleds, snow-cats.
Nika Printed tubing made of waterproof fabric, the bottom of sled-cheesecakes made of tent PVC materials with a glossy finish, which ensures perfect glide.

Children sledges characterized by simplicity of design. Most models are equipped with a footrest step, pen-holder at the two positions.
Snow-cats Nika - a steel frame, equipped with skis, made of durable plastic, frost-resistant, user-friendly soft seats are fitted artificial kozhey¸ reliable braking system with automatic towing cord wound.

Catalog includes models of children's snowmobile and sled-friendly, snow-cats, inflatable sled and ledyanki.
Tubes Rich Toys made using reinforced PVC material, equipped with inner tubes and zipper.
The bottom and the top of inflatable sledge interconnected by solid braid and a special insert from PVC. Tubes suitable for operation at temperatures ranging from -40 to +300.

The Swedish company supplies the market with goods for recreation stylish and reliable snow-cats.
They differ from similar products of other manufacturers of the original design and attractive colors, comfortable fit, and are characterized by ergonomic body.
Highly sensitive brake system, front shock absorber and steering with stops, which prevent the spontaneous rotation of the wheel, ensure the safety of the vehicle.

Snowstorm snow-cats are characterized by excellent strength, the maximum vehicle load exceeds its own weight 10 times. Large capacity allows you to ride on the snow-cats simultaneously to two passengers.
Options Snowstorm sled includes:
- slip seat;
- Front shock absorber incorporated in the steering column;
- foot brake.

In addition to the base model snow-cats, the company offers consumers an improved series vehicles Winter Snowstorm Pro.
The main structural differences:
- double shock absorber;
- rotation limiter;
- a streamlined body;
- carving skis form.