Inflatable boat for hunting on water expanses similar to swimming facilities for fishing. Spread misconception that the parameters that should be considered when choosing the same for fishing and hunting boats.
But it is not so, because each type of active pastime on the water is a specificity that determines how successful will be held future hunting or fishing.
How to choose an inflatable boat for hunting

- ease of use, storage and transportation;
- Cockpit capacity;
- the estimated number of people on board;
- model design;
- bottom structure;
- rigidity and structure of the deck at the bottom;
- durability and reliability of the material and its compounds;
- the displacement volume of the cylinders;
- installation of seats;
- ease of operation when the engine is installed;
- the color scheme;
- design features that allow to install additional devices and accessories.

Ease of use, storage and transportation of determined size and specific design. If the vessel is small, designed for one or two people, then folded it is compact dimensions. Due to this, it can easily fit in the trunk of a car and be stored at home without taking up much space.
When it comes to the boat, the specific structure which is rigid and non-separable bottom of the deck, think about the place of storage. Such a model is better to keep in garages and designated spaces for it. The model with a rigid deck is transported using a trailer.
Capacity cockpit defines comfort accommodate people and cargo volume, which swimming facilities able to accommodate. Its size depends on the design and size of the volume of the cylinders.
If the vessel is narrow, and the cylinders on the sides have a considerable height, to ensure safe operation, the cockpit will be a small capacity. In another case, when the floating means has a wide deck, and narrow side reduces its permeability and water often falls outside the inside of the cockpit.
Choosing an inflatable boat for hunting, should take into account the theoretical volume of the catch, cargo weight and people who are involved in the hunt for water.
The number of people that are expected to be on board, has a direct effect on the size of the purchase. The higher the number, the greater the capacity and seaworthiness. In addition, the boats, significantly different in size, increases the amount of isolated balloons, which directly affect the safety of operation.
Carefully study the specifications. Think about what is the desired number of people on board during the hunt that you must take with you, what would be the weight and volume of the expected production. Putting everything together, you get a preferred capacity. It should not be higher than indicated in the user instructions vessel parameters.
Remember, seating capacity - the maximum allowable rate, which does not guarantee comfort. When fishing or hunting stand better halve the number of people.
Construction of inflatable boats for hunting

model design directly affects the skorohodnymi and patency of the vessel:
- the nose portion;
- type of food;
- rubbing strake or substitute structure;
- the opportunity to use a paddle and motor.
The structure of the bow is important to protect the passenger and the things that are inside of the ship rolled on the waves with the rapid movement of the water surface.
Zadrala sharp nose - it is also an additional factor of speed and comfortable movement method in the bush.
type of stern is closed, and the U-shape. The first kind should be used in small ponds and creeks. The second most often used in swimming facilities, equipped with a motor and having a hard transom. They are able to travel long distances in rough water surface.
Fender or rubber coverageWalking along the boards, designed to absorb the waves. In addition, he pushes the thickets of plants while moving them. Without giving contact sharp edges freeboard fallen trees and snags with the body of the boat, rubber girth or fender enhance the safe operation of the boat while hunting.
For quiet running boat hunting in advance vending place better to use oars. For this watercraft must have a special oarlocks. Their type and the method of fixing the rowing defines convenience.
The design of the bottom inflatable small boats will be different depending on the selected mode of transport - a displacement or planing. The classic way of movement - displacement - used by ships low speed, the speed of which depends on the mass of water displaced.

Put them on a more powerful motors does not make sense, since these boats provided the maximum allowable speed. The motor will only increase the wavelength formed work blades. But they are dispersed guaranteed, regardless of quantity and weight. The bottom is usually flat, which gives stability and ensures a comfortable environment in the hunt.
The second type - planing - assumes a conical shape bottom, which easily cuts the wave. Easy to operate on the move and has elevated seaworthiness characteristics, but is less stable during parking, and to return to the planing mode needs a strong motor.
Rigidity and structure of the deck at the bottom essential for sustainable hunter's position during shooting and makes the comfortable movement on deck. A simple and cheap way to tighten the bottom - slanevy.
For this purpose, plywood, and occasionally aluminum sheets, which are spaced or abutting. But through it can be tripped over, caught his feet and off balance, to frighten off target.
Solid flooring is held in specially provided grooves in the structure due to the pressure in the inflated balloons. The likelihood of falling through the legs disappear in the soft bottom and guarantees a stable position of the hunter's body.
The third type is more expensive decks, Due to the peculiarities of the bottom of the device. The low weight and sufficient rigidity is provided by inflatable deck, or rather the additional cylinder, the pressure which is substantially higher than in the side compartments. Such a flotation device is easy to carry in the inflated state, and for your own peace of mind over the bottom of the can lay car mats.
Durability and reliability of the material and its connections to ensure long life and long-lasting durability of the product.
Manufacturers less frequently used as the rubber base material. Its replaced polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and chlorosulphonated polyethylene (haypolon). Each of them has its own advantages.
Haypolon more expensive material, Resistant to chemicals, abrasion and ultraviolet rays. PVC is cheaper and easier to repair. Technical characteristics of the material show that most PVC meet the safety requirements for boats.
The working volume of cylinders determines the comfort and safety of swimming means using water. The ratio, shape and volume of the onboard cylinders gives different results, which are not always suitable for professional hunters.
High side deck structure with a narrow space taken inside the boat, reducing the capacity and increasing windage. At the same time, a wide boat more difficult to control, losing the ability to maneuver when a strong wave or wind.
Possibility of installing the seats and attachment methods create comfortable conditions for continuous hanging hunting or overcoming significant distances.
There are the following types of attachment:
- alloy nest of polyvinylchlorid give rigidity mounting due to the air pressure in cylinders. When the depth of the seat grooves fall out of nests. They can not be moved, because they permanently clamped between the beads;
- liktros-likpaz - a device consisting of a solid base which is mounted on boards, and the special form of cans or special design laths seat bottom. It is installed in a suitable place for a comfortable fishing;
- belt loop with a fixed therein jar tightening the inflated balloons, whereby the rigidity is achieved. The disadvantage of this method of accommodation seat protrudes likelihood that seat will fly out of the loop at the critical situation;
Ease of use when installing the transom engine - an important point in choosing inflatable boats for hunting. Usually used for its manufacture a lightweight yet durable aluminum or waterproof plywood.
To protect the motor from transom clamps damage it is necessary to install a special patch of metal. It is best if the transom is fixed at an angle of 7-10 degrees to the vertical. This allows easy adjustment of tilt motor, regardless of engine power.

Colors hunting small craft is best to choose the most natural. Camouflage coloring makes inflatable boat hunters less visible and allows you to get closer to production. Also on it is not as visible pollution, which reduces the cost of the garment label.
For a successful hunt should take care of a safe fastening camouflage tarpaulin over the boat. It will protect from the hot sun, wind and inclement weather and will allow for a long time remain undetected in a floating tent for waterfowl and other wildlife.
When using an anchor is important that on the board, the point of contact with the rope, there was additional protection, and the anchor was equipped rymom. Fixing ring located on the sides of the ship, also did not interfere. They will help you secure the accessories and other items to prevent their loss.
Enclosing a sturdy handle is essential for carrying goods in the assembled state. Mounted in the aft drain hole prevents the accumulation of water trapped inside, which is poured out without necessarily turning vessel.
Due to the large selection of hunting inflatables models, you can choose the most comfortable option. The main thing to take into account their own interests and preferences, making hunting a pleasant and useful pastime.
For long life of the product taking into account the durability need to be concerned about the design of guarantees and pre-acquainted with the cost of spare parts.
Experienced producers are confident in the longevity and durability of its products and, therefore, no risk, give guarantees to replace or refund inflatables for several years. Dedicated service centers at an affordable price change defective or damaged items.
Purchase inflatable boats for hunting only from authorized sellers, distributors or stores with a proven track record.