Top 10 facts about chocolate

Indians of the tribes of Central and South America for hundreds of years used chocolate as a drink. The very word "chocolate" comes from "xocolatl", which in the Aztec language means "bitter water".

In the modern world, chocolate is loved by both children and adults. However, we do not all know about your favorite treat. And to correct the annoying misunderstandings, we offer today our Top 10 facts about chocolate .


  • 10. Where in the world are eating more chocolate
  • 9. Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac
  • 8. Chocolate does not spoil the figure of
  • 7. Chocolate is useful in pregnancy
  • 6. Chocolate is useful for heart and blood vessels
  • 5. World chocolate day is celebrated 11July
  • 4. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter
  • 3. Chocolate does not cause tooth decay
  • 2. Chocolate is toxic for many animals
  • 1. Chocolate lifts the mood

10. Where in the world eat more chocolate

The most real chocolate moguls are Swiss. Each inhabitant of Switzerland eats about 10 kg of this delicacy for a year. And chocolate, produced by local confectioners, is highly valued all over the world. By the way, the average Russian eats only 4 kg of chocolate a year.

9. Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac

Qualitative dark chocolate has a pronounced stimulating effect due to the high content of phenylethylamine and phenamine. Both substances are produced by the human body at the time of orgasm. By the way, this property was mentioned by the ancient Aztecs, treating a couple of newlyweds before the wedding night with chocolate.

8. Chocolate does not spoil the figure of

The main sources of calories in the chocolate bar are sugar and milk. And it is detrimental for the waist to be cheap chocolate, which includes cocoa butter substitutes and other harmful fats. Choosing a quality dark chocolate, you can without consequences for the figure to afford a whole tile a day.

7. Chocolate is useful in pregnancy

According to statistics, children born to mothers who are chocolate fans have strong nerves, good health and a lot of smiling. Therefore, you should not believe in delusions and deny yourself the usual delicacy.

6. Chocolate is useful for the heart and blood vessels

Polyphenols contained in cocoa beans have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improving blood flow. True, the beneficial effect is only high-quality chocolate, which does not contain substitutes.

5. World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11

The French started the holiday in 1995.Celebrate the holiday in Russia. In many large cities on this day, organize exhibitions, festivities and other entertainment, accompanied by eating favorite delicacies.

4. White chocolate is prepared from cocoa butter

And except cocoa butter, sugar, dry milk and vanillin are added to it. By the way, white chocolate is often made porous, placing the mass in vacuum boilers for 4-5 hours. In a vacuum, due to the expansion of air bubbles in the chocolate, pores are formed.

3. Chocolate does not cause caries

For teeth chocolate is the least harmful sweetness. The tannins contained in it prevent the reproduction of bacteria. By the way, some manufacturers of toothpaste intentionally add cocoa to it.

2. Chocolate is poisonous for many animals

The theobromine contained in the cocoa in the human body almost instantly splits. But for the cats, horses, rodents and parrots theobromine is deadly dangerous. To kill an animal, enough 10-15 grams of chocolate per kilogram of weight.

1. Chocolate raises the mood

Theobromine, caffeine and phenylethylamine cause a surge of energy, the cannabinoids improve mood, and the content of a sugar delicacy causes a release in the body of endorphins - hormones of joy. According to some reputable scientists, chocolate is a reliable tool for treating depression.