- What is a sealant?
- Types
- Manufacturers
- Choose
- How to apply?
- Tips:
The bathroom is a unique room: there is constantly high humidity, huge temperature changes, but at the same time it should always remain as clean, hygienic, comfortable, beautiful as possible. Accordingly - the materials used in the repair of the premises must be as high-quality and resistant to various kinds of influences. Not an exception and a sealant. Let's try today to find out how to choose a quality sealant for a bath, which is better and why.
to the contents ↑What is a sealant?
In general, the sealant is a tool designed to fill the seams and joints, as well as protect various coatings, plumbing from moisture. Excessive humidity leads to the spread of pathogenic bacteria, so ideally the sealant must still protect the treated surfaces from such microorganisms. The sealant composition includes polymers, hardeners, fillers, colorants and the like. Polymers in compositions are different, accordingly they differ and types of sealants.
Important! Also, various components can be added to the composition, which either improve the properties of the product, or make the product cheaper.
Additional components:
- Extenders, or expanders.
- Fillers - fill wide seams. It can be substances such as chalk, quartz flour and others.
- Fungicide - does not allow the spread of mold, bacteria on the surface.
- Solvents of organic origin.
- Colorants.
- Mineral oils.
- Rubber and other additives.
Important! The main rule - in aggregate all the additives should not exceed ten percent of the composition. If there are more than ten percent of additives in the product, it is preferable to choose another option, since such a bath sealant will not be the best and will last for a very short time.
So, for the bathroom it is important that the sealant is waterproof, durable, safe for human life and health. Let's look at the details of what sealants exist.
to content ↑Types of
Most often, the tools are used on dry surfaces, but there are exceptions. Silicone sealants are used on a slightly damp coating. Let's start just with them.
Perhaps, it is the most popular type of sealants today. However, he is also one of the most expensive options.
Important! It can be used on any coating, it is waterproof, easily tolerates the influence of ultraviolet light, temperature drop. Also, the remedy is very durable. Therefore, it is often used for finishing bathrooms.
This kind of means can be divided into two subspecies:
- Acidic, or acetic compounds. They got their name because of the unpleasant vinegar smell. These sealants are somewhat cheaper than the subspecies below, but are not used on all surfaces. For example, for metal coatings, the use of such formulations can result in oxidation of the surface. But acidic sealants are perfectly processed ceramics, plastic and wooden products.
- Neutral silicone sealants. This kind of sealant is acid-free, perfect for all surfaces, including metal.
But silicone is not the only polymer in such formulations. There are also acrylic products.
Acrylic Sealants
This sealant, like silicone, will last long enough, it can be used on various surfaces, but it tolerates the effects of sunlight and withstands large temperature changes. In this case, the product is cheaper than silicone-based sealants.
Another important advantage of the facility is security. It has no smell, and you can work with it without special protection.
Important! He also has shortcomings. With other equal characteristics with silicone products, the seam will not be as elastic as in the previous version. Therefore, if joints can deform during operation, it is better to give preference to the option with silicone.
It is easy to apply a layer of plaster or paint to acrylic sealants.
Important! Since this type of funds is used in various conditions, that is, not moisture-proof products of this kind. They are not suitable for bathrooms. Therefore, when choosing, always read the label carefully.
We examined two variants of sealants for bathrooms, but there are a few more tools ahead.
Polyurethane Sealant
In this case, the main component of the composition is polyurethane. The product is characterized by a smooth and elastic seam, resistance to various damages and is well suited for most surfaces.
It, like acrylic, can be painted.
Important! The components of the sealant release substances that can have a negative impact on human health. Therefore, when working with it, be sure to protect the skin and the respiratory tract.
There is one more, combined version.
This is a mixture of the best qualities of two products. It can be used both as an ordinary and as a glue sealant for a bath. Waterproof, durable, resistant to impacts, and of course, elastic.
Important! It can be used not only in bathrooms, but also for sealing aquariums.
We examined the species suitable for repair in the bathroom. There are also bituminous, thiocarbon and other sealants, but they are not used for bathrooms. But the question of which product to choose for bathroom repair, remained unresolved. Let's try to determine further with the brand of funds.
to the contents ↑Manufacturers of
If you look at the construction store without preparation, then in a huge selection of sealants you can simply not find the necessary. Therefore, a small survey of popular brands will only benefit.
This is a sealant manufactured in Poland, the company "Selena".They are of good quality and somewhat cheaper than their competitors. Acrylic and silicone products are produced under the brand. A sign of quality can be considered credibility of this brand of professionals in the construction market. A minus can be noted a small amount of packaging - only 310 ml.
This is one of the most popular brands for today. Manufacture goods under this brand can be in the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia or Belgium. On the packaging manufacturer always indicates the place of production code.
Sealants, which are produced under this brand - silicone, are characterized by good quality and medium price in competitive terms. The manufacturer took care of the different purposes of its funds, and also issued several variants of the product volume.
This is a brand from the huge German concern Henkel. Today the brand takes a leading position in sales in most countries of the world. Its products are of good quality, they can be used as glue, but they are not suitable for sealing the coatings used in cooking and storing food, as well as aquariums.
Ciki fix
Sealants of Turkish production, in comparison with competitors have a small price, can be used as glue. In principle, not bad, but less popular than analogues of other brands.
The company is from Finland, which has been working in the construction market for more than 30 years. The distinctive features of the brand are ease of use in combination with quality. Silicone sealants are equally convenient to use as a novice or as a specialist.
We sorted out the views and the main producers. After acquaintance with popular brands, you can make a choice.
Important! The main advice here - do not pursue cheap options, but choose a quality and proven manufacturer, otherwise - you will have to overpay not only for the sealant, but for the alteration.
to the contents ↑Choose
Of course, the manufacturer you prefer will depend only on you. We just list the main tips for choosing a quality sealant, which will retain its properties in the bathrooms for a long time.
- The first thing to note when choosing a product for the bathroom - the sealant must have the properties of protection from mold. It is a means with the addition of a fungicide, otherwise - sanitary sealants.
- Also the best indicators have silicone products, so if the budget allows, choose them for the bathroom. With them it is easy to work even for beginners. They are universal, and allow you to repair both the seams and joints with the wall, and pipes. Also they can be used when updating old joints.
- Remember that when choosing a silicone sealant, you should consider where you will apply it. For metal structures and baths, select products without acid.
- If you are choosing a sealant for an acrylic bath - which is better, the question is almost inappropriate. You definitely will like acrylic sealant, because the compounds of sealant and plumbing will be similar.
- Today on sale you can find different color options of means, which allows you to choose the best option for your room.
- If you are not sure about the brand, or for the first time encounter it, be sure to study the composition and feedback of users.
- Take into account the possibility of forgery. Be sure to read whether the mark is correctly written, whether there is on the package all the information about working with the tool, its purpose and precautions. If you do not know what the tool is in front of you, ask the consultant to provide certificates for the products.
If with the question of which silicone sealant is best for the bathroom, we have decided, the most important is to understand how to work with the product.
to the contents ↑How to apply?
Remember that when you pick up which silicone is best for the bathroom, you can not answer immediately. After all, everything depends not only on the premises, but also on the purposes of use.
In the bathroom sealants use:
- for sealing the joints of the shower cubicle and the wall;
- when sealing plumbing joints with a wall;
- during the closing of water and sewer pipes when connected to plumbing;
- on mirrors and bathroom furniture.
So, the package with the sealant can be already with a special "spout" for even distribution, or maybe without it. Then you will additionally purchase a gun for application. They are mechanical or with built-in battery.
Important! In addition to the gun, today you can find attachments to tubes that allow you to apply the tool and align it at the same time.
In addition, you need to prepare and other materials and tools.
What else is needed?
- Clean white cloth.
- Soft solvent - nail polish remover, acetone or alcohol.
- Narrow silicone spatula.
- Paper scotch.
- Skin and respiratory protection.
- Working clothes.
After preparation, you can start applying.
- First, clean the surface with a soft cloth and apply a solvent. For a beautiful and smooth seam along the surface glue paper tape. This is not an obligatory part of the job, but thanks to the tape you also protect yourself from having to clean the surface after work.
- Next, you should prepare the tool itself. First cut the tip of the tube at an angle of 45 degrees, then install the nozzle or gun.
- When working with sealant, try to press gently so that the seam is continuous and even. Otherwise, voids may appear in the seam which, over time, will be filled with water and dirt.
- For the smoothness of the seam, it is leveled with a silicone spatula. He also carried out correction for curved lines.
- At the end of the work, the sealant is allowed to dry and ventilate the room by opening the door.
Important! Distinguish the hardening time and the necessary time for the product to dry out. The first indicator indicates the time when the agent will harden from above. The final result is indicated by the second indicator.
We dismantled the order of work when applying a new seam, but there are times when it is necessary to update the old one.
Even though silicone-based products stand out amongst their competitors, a patina and microcracks may appear on the joint as they are used. If you see such changes - the seam should be replaced, but first you need to remove the old layer:
- To remove, you need to use a knife. This requires strength and time, but it is necessary to remove the old sealant completely. The layer is gently scraped off, and a new one is applied according to the above instructions.
- There is one more option to remove, but it is more expensive. Special silicone solvents can be purchased in building stores. They put on the seam, wait for the necessary time and remove the old sealant with a cloth.
Important! That the seam lasts longer, you can still use special curbs for the bathroom.
In conclusion, we will give some advice from specialists.
to the contents ↑Tips:
- No matter which sealant you choose, advice from professionals will never be superfluous.
- Be sure to seal all connections of the bathtub and wall, as well as the joints of the pipes.
- If you need to seal a wide seam, use an acrylic sealant. For narrow cracks, it is better to use silicone.
- If the work failed to do everything neatly, then remove the unnecessary drops can be a rag soaked in a solvent for paint.
And of course, do not skimp on the material, otherwise - you will have to work on updating the seam quite often. Successful repair!