- Christmas tree
- Wreath
- Garlands
- Decorating windows
- Decorating the New Year's table
- Decorating the children's room
One of the most anticipated holidays for both adults and children is, of course, the New Year. This holiday represents the beginning of a new stage, when you can achieve something, fix mistakes, and for children it's just a favorite holiday, waiting for gifts, meeting with Santa Claus and winter holidays. Decoration of the room is a special process, its main goal is to raise the mood of all the participants of the holiday, giving the room a festive, even somewhere solemn appearance. Therefore, this event should be taken with all responsibility, carefully thought out what details of the decor will fit well into the interior, and which ones should be abandoned. How to decorate a room for the new year? Let's consider different options in this article.
Important! New Year is a family holiday, and best of all, if you decorate your house all together, and the main role in such a difficult matter give the children.
to the contents ↑Christmas tree
When it comes to celebrating the New Year, the very first association that arises is a Christmas tree. In any family, the New Year begins with a decorated Christmas tree. To date, you can choose a tree for all tastes: live, artificial, large, small, lush or not, you can even buy a dwarf Christmas tree in a pot. It all depends on your taste and the size of your room.
And you can decorate a Christmas tree with anything. In addition to traditional Christmas toys, garlands and tinsel, you can use jewelry made by yourself: bows, ribbons, candy and nuts. At the top, the star or the angel will look great.
Important! Your tree will look very special, if you decorate it with hand-made articles, for example, from fir cones, painted in different colors or plastic balls, pasted with beads, beads or rhinestones.
Fir branches can decorate all the rooms, so that the New Year mood spreads throughout the house.
to the contents ↑Wreath
Many on the front door hang a wreath. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself:
- For this you may need ribbons, bows, beads, candy, cones and much more.
- As a basis it is possible to take a flexible thick wire, twist it and already to it to attach spruce branches, cones and everything that your imagination will tell you.
- Or as a basis to take a circle of foam and glue on it at hand. For such a wreath you will need a lot of cones, so that the base can not be seen.
- You can use ribbons of different colors for decoration.
Important! The wreath does not need to be hung on the front door, you can hang it on the wall or put it on the windowsill.
to the contents ↑Garlands
Another constant attribute of the New Year are garlands. They are hung to decorate the room for the New Year, the Christmas tree, as well as the walls and even the windows. They can be electric or homemade. Now there is a large selection of electric garlands, for every taste and color. You can make an electric garland yourself. It will be very interesting to look garland made of ordinary light bulbs.
Homemade garlands, despite their simplicity, look very impressive. They can be done with children, and the pleasure will be double: from the process itself and from the result.
Idea №1
It is easy to make garlands of corrugated paper. To do this:
- Cut out corrugated paper in different colors long strips of the same width.
- Make small cuts along the edge of each strip - fringe. The fringe must end at least 2 cm to the edge of the strip.
- Now we twist two strips of contrasting color among ourselves, and we get a beautiful fluffy garland.
Idea №2
You can make a garland of lanterns cut from colored paper and threaded on a string. This garland will look very nice.
Idea # 3
Recently, designers have come up with garlands made from dried oranges. Quite unusual turns out decoration, but children like it, and adults will not remain indifferent either.
Idea # 4
Merry will be a garland of felt toys - symbols of the year. They can be connected using a fishing line or a nylon thread. From felt it is possible to cut out also snowflakes, butterflies, hearts, fir-trees, etc. Such garland will give your children much joy and will bring animation to any interior. It will be especially good to look in the children's room.
Idea №5
You can decorate the room for the New Year and another version of the garland - a curtain that creates an imitation of snow:
- Take small pieces of cotton wool, wet them in a PVA glue.
- We string on a thread at different heights.
- You can even paint them in different colors.
- At the end of each thread, tie as a load or a small knob or bell or something else to your taste.
Idea №6
If you want to please your baby, then make with it a delicious garland. String on candy thread candy, gingerbread, cookies.
to the contents ↑Decorating windows
When it comes to how to decorate a room for the New Year, one should not overlook the decoration of windows - without them the decor will be incomplete. Ways to decorate the windows a lot - it all depends on your imagination and preferences.
Option 1
The most common option is to glue snowflakes on the windows. You can buy them ready, but you can do it yourself, and the second option is more interesting. You can attract all family members and arrange a contest for the most beautiful snowflake. Glue the paper snowflakes on the window, just dousing them with water.
Important! You can cut out paper not only snowflakes, but also other figures, for example, Santa Claus, snowman, bells, herringbone. Do not necessarily from white paper, you can take a color.
Option 2
If you do not want to cut yourself, you can buy ready-made stickers for windows, they look very nice and can be easily removed from the window until the next New Year.
Option 3
Another way to easily, quickly and beautifully decorate a room for the New Year is the New Year's curtains. They can be made from rain, you can hang satin ribbons of different colors and lengths instead of rain. At the ends of the ribbons to tie Christmas toys or bumps or bells, but what little does your fantasy tell you.
Important! Interestingly and beautifully looks a curtain of colorful pompons, fixed on the line in a chaotic order. Such a curtain can be hung not only on the window, but also in the doorway.
Option 4
Now on sale there was a special paint, which in its appearance resembles snow, with its help you can make on the glass original drawings and inscriptions.
Important! An excellent way to decorate the window will be an electrogarlands, it looks great in the evening.
Variant 5
If you have a wide window sill in the room, you can beautifully place compositions with candles, plates with sweets, beautiful thematic figurines and other decor elements on it. That's so easy to decorate the room for the New Year.
to the table of contents ↑We decorate the New Year's table
Whether you are a guest or celebrating the New Year with your family, and the New Year's table needs to be decorated in a special way, after all, it will create a special solemn atmosphere on the eve of the holiday:
- The table decoration begins with choosing a tablecloth. If you do not have a festive tablecloth, you can make it yourself from ordinary white with beautiful napkins, it would be nice to pick up with the symbol of the New Year.
- For decorating the table, toys, candles, New Year compositions, wreaths, beautiful glasses, tinsel are perfect.
- For beginners, you can make a New Year's service with your own hands, turning ordinary glasses and carafe into New Year's. This is easy to do by decorating them with napkins with New Year themes.
Important! In the center of the table it is better to put a large-sized decoration, for example, a large dish or a basket with beautifully laid fruit.
to the table of contents ↑We decorate the children's room
When decorating a children's room, we must remember that safety is first of all, therefore the following points should be considered:
- If the child is small, then hang jewelry as high as possible, so that he can not get them, and small toys should be excluded altogether.
- Do not use fragile glass toys - the kid can break them and cut them. Now on sale there are many balls and not only made of polymer materials. They are beautiful and perfectly safe, even if they fall from a great height they will not break.
- In a house where there are small children, there is no place for burning candles.
- Garlands for the children's room should be chosen very carefully - they must be of high quality so that there is no closure.
- If you put a Christmas tree in the children's room, then make sure that it is well fixed. To decorate a Christmas tree in a nursery is best of fabric, woolen or paper toys of a large size.
Important! If the children are small, then it is better to wait with a Christmas tree and replace it with other decorations, for example, make Christmas trees made of paper.
How else can you decorate a children's room for the new year? In the children's room on New Year's Eve you need to work hard and create a whole fairy world, immersed in the atmosphere of New Year's fun. Then your kid will have a feeling of a holiday for a long time:
- Now on the market a lot of stickers on the walls with fairy-tale heroes are on sale. You can choose for your child suitable with the characters of your favorite cartoon.
- Suggest your child to become a decorator: make a New Year's poster together. If it is still small, buy special finger paints and make on the poster prints of pens, fingers.
- There are special chalks for painting windows. You can paint together the windows in the nursery, write your wishes to family and friends.
- Be sure to hang on the wall, tree, door or baby sock bed for a gift. You can buy ready or sew yourself, embroider on it the name of the child. Children will appreciate not only the appearance, but also look forward to the appearance of gifts in it.
- You can make a big snowman, about the size of a child. It can be made from balloons, plastic cups or sew a soft toy.
- Invite your child to make a New Year's exhibition of his crafts. They can be placed on windows, shelves or a table in a nursery.
Give vent to your imagination, create original compositions that will be a worthy decoration of any room in your house by the New Year.