- What types of insects are most common in the house?
- What harm can insects do and why should they be combated?
- What is the difficulty of fighting insects?
- What are the methods for controlling insects?
- What anti-insect remedies can be used in an apartment or house?
- Recipes for folk remedies against insects
- The most popular chemical insect control products
- Useful tips:
Insects in the house are a nuisance in every respect, which causes a lot of inconvenience to its inhabitants. Fighting insects is a necessary procedure to help get rid of pests and their harmful effects on human health, as well as furniture, clothing, and products. What methods and means for fighting insects are best used, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑What types of insects are most common in the house?
Almost all of us have repeatedly come across a situation where a variety of buzzing, creeping and biting insects - pests or parasites - appear in the house or apartment. The main "enemies" of a person who most often enter or dwell in dwellings are:
- flies;
- mosquitoes;
- wasps;
- ants;
- cockroaches;
- fleas;
- pliers;
- bedbugs;
- mol.
What harm can insects inflict and why fight them?
Just ignore the different arthropods is not worth it, and is unlikely to work, as pests will constantly remind you of their presence. Peaceful coexistence with them is impossible in principle for the following reasons:
- Insect bites are very painful and can cause severe allergic reactions.
- Many of their species are carriers of a variety of infections that are dangerous to human health.
- Insects can spoil food, clothing, furniture.
- Staying pests in the house is unfavorable and in terms of aesthetics - few of us will find a cozy apartment where the kitchens are running cockroaches, and in the living room are literally teeming with flies.
Note! To save the house from the appearance of undesirable "guests" is 100% impossible. Insects can not only fly into rooms through open windows, but also penetrate into the housing through sewerage, ventilation, crevices under the door. There are often cases when they fall into a house with food, bring with things or cling to shoes. In an apartment house, insects may well migrate to you from neighbors. In this case, the fight against insects must be organized immediately and involve all tenants in the entrance. Only in this way pest control is an activity to remove insects, it can be effective.
to the contents ↑What is the complexity of fighting insects?
The main problem in breeding insects is that they are very tenacious, resistant and are characterized by their ability to adapt to any environment, temperature and humidity, and even to the means used against them.
Here are just a few facts that will convince you that pests that penetrate your home show amazing vitality:
- Cockroaches - can spend about a month without food, omnivores - can eat even cosmetics, except that they can live a few weeks without a head.
- Bedbugs - are able to survive in almost any conditions, even in the absence of food and air, while the female bug lays 5 eggs a day.
- Flies are even more prolific and lay 100 eggs per hour.
- Fleas - able to attach eggs to any surface.
- Ants - arrange their nests in hard-to-reach places, and the population of the anthill is more than 1000 individual individuals.
- Almost all insects are resistant to radiation.
Note! We hope that the above information will finally convince you that the fight against insects in the house is a complicated process, but necessary, and the sooner you do it, the better. Difficulties arise due to the fact that many insects have the property of mutating and may become immune to certain types of substances. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to correctly select the means that repel and destroy pests, but also use them in the necessary concentration.
to the contents ↑What are the methods for controlling insects?
There are several ways to control insects and pests that are characterized by different directions of action and can be applied in practice:
- Mechanical - involves the collection of pests and their larvae by hand with subsequent destruction, and the use of various traps for insects. Insufficiently reliable method, does not work for all groups of insects.
- Physical - is to apply heat treatment in the form of high and low temperatures. The temperature above + 40 ° C is detrimental to all phases of insect development. Low temperatures can be applied against heat-loving grinders, but a short-term reduction in temperature to -10 ° C does not affect individual phases of insects.
- Chemical. It is based on the use of chemical preparations - insecticides, more or less toxic. Depending on the way they enter the body of an insect, they are divided into several groups: contact, intestinal poisons, systemic and fumigants. You can use special aerosols, repellents, as well as boric acid. The method is effective, but unsafe, because toxic substances can harm human health, and also have a detrimental effect on pets.
- Biological - use for the destruction of pests of birds, animals, and, in some cases - predatory or parasitic insects. This method can be quite acceptable in the garden or in the garden, but it is not at all suitable for fighting insects in the apartment.
- Phytoncid - it has long been noted that some plants can protect themselves by isolating phytoncides that repel certain types of insects. The method consists in planting such plants in close proximity to the colony of pests. To fight insects in the house - ineffective, except that you will constantly scatter beams of such plants with a specific smell throughout the housing and change them as the wilting.
- Genetic - its essence is to saturate the population of insects with infertile males specially grown in laboratory conditions. As a result, insects gradually disappear, as they lose their ability to reproduce. At home, it does not apply.
- The method of biological baits is to use traps in which an extract of glands of insect females is placed. The smell attracts males of the same species at considerable distances and, as a result, they fall right into the trap.
- Microbiological - sowing in places of mass reproduction of pests of bacteria or viruses, causing massive diseases of insects and, accordingly, leading to their destruction.
Note! Separate methods are rarely used by themselves. More often it is necessary to combine several methods at once, and sometimes - and means for fighting insects, for example, physical with mechanical or chemical.
to the table of contents ↑What insecticides can be used in an apartment or house?
Disinfestation - the fight against insects, as a rule, is conducted in two directions:
- preventive measures - creating in the premises unfavorable conditions for the life and reproduction of insects;
- fighter measures - the destruction of pests appeared by the chosen method.
Depending on which types of pests you want to get rid of, or at all - to prevent their appearance, the following groups of insect control agents are recommended for use.
Directed primarily on the destruction of flying insects. Include:
- Repellents.
- Spirals.
- Fumigators.
- Mosquito nets. Chemicals - insecticides
The main advantage of such a remedy is that, if used correctly, they act quickly and efficiently on parasites. Disadvantage - it is extremely difficult to select and calculate the desired concentration of the substance, in addition, due to its high toxicity, it can harm a person or a pet.
Forms of application:
- suspension;
- powders;
- aerosols;
- crayons;
- dust.
Folk remedies
The main is the use of natural components. Dignity - can become an alternative to chemicals if it is necessary to take out insects in a house where there are allergies or small children. Disadvantage - as a rule, ineffective, since they are directed mainly at scaring off, and not at extermination of insects.
to the table of contents ↑Recipes for folk remedies against insects
If you decided to start your struggle with insects with the most gentle and safe means from the category "folk", use the following recipes, tested by domestic craftsmen in practice.
Method 1
If Fleas, Ticks or Bugs are found in carpets, try to deal with them using the simplest method:
- Mix in equal proportions salt and soda.
- Loose the dry mixture over the carpets.
- Leave overnight.
- In the morning, thoroughly vacuum the coating.
Note! Conduct this procedure as often as possible, if the house is inhabited by animals, because they can be carriers of parasites and at the same time themselves suffer from them. And do not forget to regularly remove fleas from your pets with the help of special means from a veterinary pharmacy.
Method 2
Withdraw the bedbugs from upholstered furniture using the following recipe:
- Take 1 liter of clean, cool water.
- Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into it.
- Pour into a bottle with a spray gun.
- Treat the resulting solution of the bed, sofas, pillows and all textiles.
Note! To make the solution more saturated, you can boil a finely chopped lemon in boiling water for 5 minutes, then strain and add to water. Next - apply according to the scheme.
Method 3
Some insect species do not tolerate certain odors. To disinfect surfaces and scare off pests, proceed as follows:
- Pour 5-6 liters of cool water into the bucket.
- Add 8-10 drops of aromatic oil - lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary.
- Wash mortar floors in the house.
- Change the water.
- Add the selected aromatic oil again.
- Wipe all walls and surfaces.
Method 4
In the fight against small insects - fleas, mites and bedbugs, this solution will help:
- Take dry herbs with a strong smell - mint, eucalyptus, rosemary or lavender.
- Prepare the broth - boil on a steam bath or pour boiling water in a thermos and let it brew for about 30 minutes.
- Pour the broth into a bottle with a spray gun.
- Spray mortar sofas, chairs and other upholstered furniture.
Note! To prevent the appearance of small insects and parasites in the apartment, spread out in the cabinets, on the windowsills, under the sofas, dry bundles of mint, laurel, geranium, lavender, rosemary. At the same time you can show your imagination and try to create original compositions for decorating them.
to content ↑The most popular chemical insect control tools
Folk methods no longer work, since you missed the moment and insects have long settled in your territory? There is a way out - in the modern market there are a lot of various drugs that will certainly help you to neutralize flying or creeping pests. The most famous of them are:
- Raid( Raid).
- Raptor.
- Dichlorvos.
- GET.
- Combatant.
- Gel "Clean house".
Take note! If you are at a loss in the choice of suitable means or, tried repeatedly, they no longer give the desired result - invite representatives of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station or use the services of a special insect control service that will conduct high-quality disinfestation of living quarters using the most effective means to date. However, please note that attracting specialists will require you to pay some money.
to the table of contents ↑Useful tips:
- Always carefully remove or discard the leftovers of food as often as possible, remove garbage to prevent the appearance of insects.
- Periodically inspect all rooms in the apartment, pay special attention to hard-to-reach places - crevices, depressions in order to detect the presence of pests in time.
- Constantly maintain the cleanliness in the apartment, do not ignore the general cleaning, which must be made at least 2 times a year. In dirty rooms, eggs often appear in the dust, skins and larvae of various pests.
- To protect yourself from flying insects, in the warm season provide windows with mosquito nets.
- To combat insects, first try using the least toxic agents, and only if they do not give the desired effect, use insecticides.
- It is not desirable to use chemicals in rooms where young children or family members are prone to allergic reactions.
- Use caution when using insecticides and all kinds of baits, for example, beads of boric acid if you have pets. Take care that your pets do not come into contact with chemicals and do not accidentally swallow bait for parasites. It is better to transport cats or dogs to another place for the time of pest control.
- Observe safety precautions when handling rooms with chemicals, use respiratory protection and protective gloves.
We hope that the tips given in this article will be useful to you, and you will be able to choose and apply the most effective insect control. Successes to you in this difficult, but necessary event!