The most expensive airplanes in the world

The aircraft is one of the most unique forms of transport invented by man. Aircraft allow not only to quickly move from one corner of the planet to another, but also can perform important military strategic tasks for the state. For the production of aircraft, fabulous amounts of money are spent, and the cost of some models exceeds hundreds of millions of American dollars.

is the most expensive aircraft in the world - top 10.


Boeing 747-8 VIP The cost of 200 million dollars

Boeing 747-8 VIP , also called Dreamliner, opens the top ten most expensive aircraft in the world. The owner of the "airship" is the Hong Kong billionaire Joseph Lau. The aircraft is also considered to be the largest and longest in the world. In the usual Boeing 747-8 can accommodate up to five hundred people. In Dreamliner so many people may not be located, but it is famous for its luxurious design and unsurpassed comfort. The cost of the airliner is estimated to date at 200 million US dollars.


Boeing 747-400 Custom Cost $ 230 million

Model Boeing 747-400 Custom , owned by the Prince of Saudi Arabia Al-Valido bin Talalu, is on the list of the most expensive airplanes in the world. It was acquired in 2003 and almost completely modernized. On board there are two luxury bedrooms and a large living room, designed for 14 people. The cost of the airliner is estimated at 230 million US dollars.


E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Cost 232 million dollars

E-2 D Advanced Hawkeye - the most unusual American deck aircraft, which has far not the lowest cost. His ancestor E-2 was developed by Grumman Aircraft in 1960 and was exported to countries such as France, Israel and Japan, where it is still in operation. Modified E-2D Advanced Hawkeye has a satellite communication and navigation system, an electronic scanning system, advanced radar and turbo engines, so that an air-borne vehicle can perform its tasks in any weather conditions. The cost of "Advance Hokai" is 232 million dollars, which allows him to be included in the list of the most expensive air cars.


Boeing 747-430 Custom The cost of $ 233 million

Boeing 747-430 Custom , owned by Sultan Brunei from the island of Borneo - one of the most luxurious and expensive airliners in the world. The plane was purchased for $ 100 million, but after its modification, the cost rose sharply and became $ 233 million. The amount that exceeded the original cost of the vessel was spent by the sultan on the arrangement of a chic interior and decor with the inclusion of elements from precious metals. For example, the washbasin in the bathroom is made of pure gold. On board the flying mansion are a living room and many bedrooms.


P-8A Poseidon The cost of 250 million dollars

The American reconnaissance aircraft P-8A Poseidon occupies the sixth line in the list of the most expensive aircraft in the world. His duties include the detection and destruction of enemy submarines. He also participates in anti-ship operations and performs rescue missions. Air reconnaissance is a modification of the Boeing 737-800, from which it is distinguished by a modified wing. Issue began "Poseidon" in 2012, its production is still to this day. For all time 46 units were produced. It stands on the air force arsenal of such states as the United States, Britain, Australia and India. Onboard the P-8A Poseidon, there are deep-sea bombs, torpedoes, missiles, anti-submarine systems and other weapons technology. The cost of such a scout is estimated at $ 250 million.


C-17A Globemaster III Cost of 328 million dollars

C-17A Globemaster III is among the ten most expensive aircraft in the world with a cost of 328 million dollars per unit. The aircraft from Boeing is one of the largest military aircraft. Production of the series was carried out from 1991 to 2015, in total 270 units were produced. Currently, the C-17A Globemaster III is in the air force of the United States, Australia, Britain, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, India and many other countries. The air machine's tasks include performing tactical and strategic operations, transporting military cargo and troops, and evacuating the wounded.


F-22 Raptor Cost of $ 350 million

F-22 Raptor is the world's most expensive fighter aircraft manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Recognized as the best military aircraft. A multi-purpose fighter of the fifth generation is in the arsenal of the United States. It has unsurpassed technical characteristics, due to which it can perform military tasks in absolutely any weather conditions. F-22 can shoot down enemy missiles, be invisible to radars and can fly at supersonic speeds. Fighter planes were produced from 1997 to 2011.A total of 195 units were produced. Export of serial fighters was banned. The cost of one such model is estimated at 350 million US dollars. Subsequently, the production of a cheaper version of the F-25 was launched.


Airbus A340-300 Custom Cost of 500 million dollars

Airbus A340-300 Custom Burkhan, owned by Alisher Asmanov, is one of the most expensive aircraft in the world. Its value is estimated at 500 million US dollars. The aircraft was commissioned by a Russian billionaire and was named after his father. It is worth noting that the cost of the regular model Airbus A340-300 Custom does not exceed 253 million USS.Since the airliner was modernized and made to order, the price for it soared almost twofold. The capacity of the aircraft is about 400 passengers. A total of 377 units of this type.


Airbus A380 Custom Cost of 500 million dollars

Airbus A380 Custom is the largest and most expensive private aircraft in the world, owned by the Prince of Saudi Arabia Al-Valido bin Talal. Its height is almost 25 meters, and the length exceeds 72 meters. The Airbus A380 Custom can accommodate about a thousand passengers. There is a garage provided for two cars, a stable, a bathroom with a shower, a wellness center and many rooms. This is a real house on the wings. The cost of a luxury aircraft is 500 million US dollars. A total of 195 vessels of this type were built.


B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Cost 2.1 billion dollars

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber is the most expensive aircraft in the world, the cost of which is estimated at $ 2.1 billion. It is a heavy, barely noticeable bomber, which was developed by the US military company Northrop Grumman. Currently, it is in the arsenal of the United States. A total of 21 aircraft were produced. Initially, it was planned to release over a hundred of these bombers, but in view of their high cost it was decided to stop production on two dozen. In 2008, a catastrophe occurred in which one of the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber was destroyed. The uniqueness of the bomber lies in its equipping with stealth technologies, so that it is able to bypass any enemy defense systems.