Means for cleaning sewer pipes - which is better?

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  • What is the advantage of "chemistry"?
  • Reasons for blockage formation
  • Understand the symptoms of
  • Popular methods of cleaning the sewer system
  • Chemicals for cleaning sewage pipes: which is better
  • The most popular cleaning products: overview
  • Basic instructions for chemical cleaning of sewerage

Sewerage is one of the most important systems in the house. While it functions without failures, it simply does not notice. But any malfunction of the sewage system is akin to a natural disaster. Clogs that reduce the patency of pipes or, make us recall the existence of a variety of means that help get rid of obstacles. With complex clogging of pipes, it is advisable to consult specialists. However, many people cope with this problem on their own.

There are several ways to clear a blockage. Sometimes people use plumbing ropes or pliers. But most people prefer to choose a chemical to clean the sewer pipes - which is better, we will discuss in this article.

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Why is "chemistry" profitable?

The benefits of exposure to chemicals include:

  • The method is labor-intensive, but effective.
  • "Clean" method of pipe cleaning. Disassemble the system to remove dirt from the pipes, it is not necessary.
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Causes of blockages

Before selecting a means for cleaning sewage pipes, it is necessary to understand why there was clogging. This directly affects the preferred way to eliminate it.

So, the reasons for the pipe obstruction can be as follows:

  • Improper use of sewage( dropping rags, large debris, etc.).
  • Pollution on the walls of pipes. During the operation of the system, layers of grease and soap residues gradually accumulate on the sewer pipes. The cross section gradually decreases, the water starts to go worse.

Important! To avoid this problem, regular preventive maintenance with special means for cleaning sewage pipes is necessary.

  • Corrosion of pipes. This applies to old houses with cast-iron pipes. Over time, their internal surface becomes rough, various litter is retained on it, resulting in clogging.

Important! If the cause of the formation of fouling is the physical wear of the pipes, the best way is to completely replace the system. The use of even the most effective cleaning products gives only a temporary effect.

  • Errors in the installation and design. Problems, as a rule, are two: wrong angle of laying of pipes or smaller diameter than required by the norm. No "half-measures" here will not help: just a complete reworking of the sewage system.
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Understand the symptoms of

When choosing a cleaner for cleaning pipes from blockages, be sure to consider what is the primary cause of the emergency:

  • If water goes badly due to foreign objects entering the sewer, the best way to clean it will be mechanical.
  • If at the design stage of the system an error was made, the only way out of the situation is to rework the system to ensure compliance with the regulations.
  • The use of chemicals is effective if impurities get stuck on the inner walls of pipes. Preparations dissolve fat and dirt, respectively - the permeability of sewerage is restored.
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Popular ways of cleaning the sewer system

You can cope with simple blockages with the help of improvised home remedies. The methods of their application are quite effective, and the costs are minimal.

Boiling Water

This is the easiest way to deal with blockages. Boil a bucket of water and pour it into the sink.

Important! If the layer of impurities on the walls of the pipes is small, then this treatment will be quite sufficient.


Soda and table vinegar are in every house. These substances can be used to eliminate clogging. In doing so, you need to do the following:

  1. Put a soda pour in the drain hole of the sink.
  2. Pour a glass of vinegar into the sink.
  3. The chemical reaction, which occurs in this case, will destroy most of the debris on the pipes.
  4. Rinse the pipes with water( just turn on hot water to do this).

Important! Folk methods help to cope with small clogs. In a more serious situation, you will have to use special chemical preparations.

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Chemicals for sewage pipe cleaning: which is better

First, let's look at the chemically active substances for cleaning the sewer pipes. Depending on the form of release, drugs are distinguished:

  • Loose( in the form of powder or granules).As a rule, they are packaged in foil packs, calculated for 1 use.
  • Liquid or in the form of a gel. It's safer means. Their adverse effect on the pipes is minimal, as they are well washed out.

Depending on the type, the reactive substance, distinguish means:

  • Alkaline. They are good at dissolving fat, so they are great for use in kitchens.
  • Acidic. It is desirable to use them in bathrooms, since acids are good for dissolving hair and soapy deposits.
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The most popular cleaning products: a review of

Let's consider the principle of the action of various means for cleaning sewage pipes in more detail.

Mr. Muscle

This brand includes a variety of household chemical products: powders for surface cleaning, gels, liquid substances."Mr. Muscle" for cleaning sewerage - this is a preventive means, and powerful drugs that dissolve clogs.


Widely advertised, and therefore a fairly well-known tool. They are used mainly to eliminate small clogging, and also as a preventive agent. There are on sale and more powerful preparations which are applied at full impassability of the water drain. Has antibacterial effect. Operates gently, without damaging the pipes.


A universal substance that is equally well suited for eliminating collagen, lime and fat deposits. The product is effective, but very concentrated, so you need to be extremely careful with it( work only with rubber gloves).


Granulated product. The line "Flup" includes two preparations: for pouring cold and hot water. Well dissolves collagen fibers and food residues. When working, always wear protective gloves.


One of the oldest( more than 50 years) and most popular means for cleaning pipes from obstructions, which has won a good reputation among housewives."Mole" is produced by several manufacturing companies.

Drugs differ in the time of exposure to clogging and in their chemical composition. Therefore, it is very important to carefully study the instructions before use.

Important! The advantage of "Mole" is that it eliminates pollution, without damaging the pipe material. In addition to caustic alkali, the composition of the drug includes chlorine, so that the product has an antibacterial effect.


Extremely effective substance, eliminating even the most complex blockages. The medium penetrates into the pipe, even if it is filled with water. It copes well with the following types of contaminants:

  • Fats of vegetable and animal origin.
  • Food residues.
  • Paper.
  • Hair.
  • Organic compounds.
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Basic Instruction for Chemical Cleaning of Sewerage

Before you buy this product, carefully read the use order and the scope of application( pipe type, kind of blockages).The general algorithm for using chemicals is as follows:

  1. Be sure to take care of safety. Open the window, turn on the hood, protect your face with a gauze four-layer mask, and your hands with gloves.
  2. Determine the dosage, measure the required amount of funds.
  3. Pour liquid or gelatinous substance into the drain hole. If you use powder or granules, gently fill them in the sink, bay after about 0.25-0.5 liters of water.
  4. Stand the time( the exact time is indicated in the product instructions).

Important! The view that it is better to withstand more time is wrong, since this can negatively affect the condition of the pipes.

  1. Rinse the system with running water, turning on the tap for 10-15 minutes.

So, now you can clearly answer the question: "Is it better to clean the sewer pipes?".Acquire preparations for cleaning the sewage system so as to take into account possible causes of clogging. Pay attention to such factors as price, percentage concentration of corrosive substances and peculiarities of use.