🛠 Slopes for plastic windows with their hands: the procedure for installation of structures of various types

To make the window openings finished look, be sure to set the slopes with their own hands. For plastic windows Various materials can be used, assembling each of which has its own characteristics. We offer to meet with the available solutions and the sequence of the installation work.

Slopes can dramatically transform the plastic window
Slopes can dramatically transform the plastic window

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  • 1 Setting their own hands Plastic slopes
    • 1.1 Tools and materials
    • 1.2 surface preparation
    • 1.3 Installation starting profile
    • 1.4 Installation of slopes and architraves
    • 1.5 The final stage
  • 2 Making your own hands slopes of plaster
    • 2.1 Tools and materials
    • 2.2 Preparatory work
    • 2.3 Applying the plaster
    • 2.4 Application putties
    • 2.5 The final stage
  • 3 Doing their own hands slopes of plasterboard for plastic windows
    • 3.1 Tools and materials
    • 3.2 Preparatory work
    • 3.3 Manufacturing preforms plasterboard
    • 3.4 Install blanks in the window aperture
    • 3.5 The final stage

Setting their own hands Plastic slopes

When making inner window is possible to use a plastic lining, mounted with an auxiliary fittings. Additional elements allow beautifully decorate joints horizontal and vertical surfaces. Instead of lining often used "sandwich panels"Having a layer thermal insulation material. With their help you can you arrange any plastic window. If you so choose to perform trim windows in the apartment, we offer to deal with the action sequences.

Beautiful, stylish, fast and affordable
Beautiful, stylish, fast and affordable

Tools and materials

To install their own hands Plastic slopes, should be prepared:

  • outer and inner profile;
  • plastic panelsWhose thickness is greater than 8 mm;
  • plugs;
  • grout;
  • assembly foam;
  • wooden slats;
  • spray;
  • jigsaws;
  • drill;
  • stapler;
  • adhesive composition suitable for plastic;
  • masking tape;
  • Metal scissors;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver.
Required drill bits of different diameters
Required drill bits of different diameters

surface preparation

Work begins with the preparation of the window opening. For this:

  • cut off excess foam through the construction of the knife;
  • outer-sealing seams are sealed with cement mortar and internal;
  • wall cleaned from old coatings;
  • remove from the protective film frame.
Excess foam construction should be cut with a knife
Excess foam construction should be cut with a knife

Attention! Preliminary work can begin not earlier than 36 hours after installation of the glazing.

Installation starting profile

After preparing the surface, proceed to installing the starter profile. For this it is necessary first to cut in its size, and then fasten with a pitch of 10-15 cm. spinning fastenersShould not be put considerable effort.

A small section of the sill fasten angle
A small section of the sill fasten angle

Installation of slopes and architraves

Work on the design slopes must be carried out in the following sequence:

Illustration Description of the action
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands We measure the dimensions of each element slope. We control all four geometric parameter, as their shape may differ substantially from the correct one. With jigsaw cut off each in size of the slope member.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Try on the top element. Speakers of the cutting with a sharp knife.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Using nebulizer damp surface slope water.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Fill the space between the slopes and the walls of the window opening with foam.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Using masking tape fix upper plastic slope in the desired position by controlling it using a level.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Cut into the size L-shaped profile, and set it at the junction of the two elements.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Set your hands side slopes, as well as the upper part. The position is controlled via level.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Cut the trim to size and glue along the contour of the window opening.

The final stage

Using silicone sealant handle connection point to provide sufficient tightness specified in the design. Composition applied in a thin layer and then uniformly distributed over the substrate.

The sealant should be applied thinly
The sealant should be applied thinly

We offer watch the video to better understand the order of installation of plastic slopes with their own hands:

Making your own hands slopes of plaster

If the house is built of brick or concrete, Slopes of the plaster may be called classical solution. The base thus formed can subsequently paint or wallpapered. The process of forming plastered slopes quite laborious, but because if you decide to register window opening in such a way, it is necessary beforehand to understand the intricacies of the process.

The best option for a brick structure
The best option for a brick structure

Tools and materials

it is necessary to have available for the formation of the slopes of the plaster:

  • shpatlovochno-dry plaster mixture;
  • finish plaster and putty;
  • Primers, deep penetration;
  • level, preferably a laser, but it is permissible to use and bubbly;
  • Tools and containers for the preparation of the solution;
  • metal spatulas or rule;
  • grater plaster;
  • perforated metal profile and the masking profile;
  • measuring tool.
The tool should be prepared in advance
The tool should be prepared in advance

Preparatory work

If earlier in the window opening slopes have been installed, they should be removed. It is also clear from the base of whitewash and old paint. If the paint is removed poorly, you should use a special stripper. Check the condition of the plaster layer. If he is not strong, there are loose or cracked areas should eliminate existing problems.

Tip! Cover the window sill of the old film or newspaper to protect it from the solution.

If there are areas with protruding foam, it should be cut. The pane should stick plastic wrap and secure with masking tape. The surface must be carefully de-dusted.

Protective film adjacent to the installation site, be sure to remove
Protective film adjacent to the installation site, be sure to remove

Applying the plaster

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

Illustration Description of the action
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Fastened to the bearing surfaces of the reinforcing mesh. At the edge of the window opening set boards and align their level. Boards will be used as a guide for the rule.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands At a distance of 5 cm from the surface of the frame to establish metal alabaster beacons. Their position is controlled by a level.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Prepare a solution of plaster. Moisturize the ends of the window opening. Apply plaster and overwrites solution guided to the beacons. Apply putty in several layers, depending on the composition. After drying, carefully remove the board. We clean the ends.

Application putties

After drying, the finish plaster coating is applied putty thickness of 1-1.5 mm. It allows you to give the desired surface appearance.

The composition should be applied to a wide spatula
The composition should be applied to a wide spatula

The final stage

In the end, with the help of grout should be to achieve a perfect surface smoothness. Movement should be rotational. Remove the foil and paper, which are used to protect window of excess dirt.

Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands
Free the window of the protective film

We offer watch the following video to understand the intricacies of applying of gypsum plasters:

Doing their own hands slopes of plasterboard for plastic windows

If you decide to give preference slopes of drywallShould carefully choose the material for its production. In the off-season low-quality products can warp and crack due to an increase humidity. The sheets must be water-resistant. We offer to understand the intricacies of the process.

Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands
Waterproof sheets Knauf able to cope with the task

Tools and materials

To carry out installation work, it is necessary to have in place:

  • drywall;
  • fasteners;
  • Construction knife;
  • level;
  • measuring instrument with a sharp pencil.
Enumeration of the tool used may be added
Enumeration of the tool used may be added

Preparatory work

In preparation for the installation work should:

  • via construction knife to remove excess foam, which was used for fixing the window during installation. Slots groove thickness of 1 cm;
  • remove the old plaster and other protruding elements that are loose. This can be done with a hammer;
  • existing on the surface of pits and fissures should putty;
  • Apply sealant to the joints of the window frame;
  • process window opening two layers primer;
  • remove all impurities;
  • close the window and windowsill cardboard or masking tape.
Slots groove width should correspond to the thickness of drywall sheets used
Slots groove width should correspond to the thickness of drywall sheets used

Manufacturing preforms plasterboard

We operate in the following sequence:

Illustration Procedure
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Measure the window opening. Measurements done for all the planes. Taking into account that the geometry of the window opening may be different, measure the width in several planes.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Measure out the preform made in accordance with the measurements. To form lines should take advantage of the rule.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Cut the workpiece via knife construction or jigsaw. Cutting edges should be followed to ensure a snug fit elements.

Install blanks in the window aperture

After all of the elements will be cut, they should be attached to the place where you plan to install. If all the measurements have been carried out correctly and the elements match, finishing work is performed in the following sequence:

Illustration Procedure
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands On to surface Apply adhesive cement or putty. In the latter case it is necessary to use a mixture of the finish. Apply the composition to be over a small distance.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands Set the workpiece drywall in a prepared groove. The space between the sheet and the wall is filled with foam to provide sufficient thermal insulation.
Slopes for plastic windows: the order of the work with his own hands We are putting drywall level and fix the means at hand. Similarly we make out the remaining surfaces of the window opening.

The final stage

At the final stage of plasterers set slopes. The thickness of the deposited layer should be 1-1.5 cm.

Mounting angle will provide the desired amount
Mounting angle will provide the desired amount

In addition, glued installation slopes of plasterboard, you can use the frame. How to carry out installation work with your own hands can be seen in the following video:

Share in the comments, what way you've set the slopes with their own hands.