Standard sizes of interior doors on STATE

When you register any room focuses on the doorway. Adjustable leaf and frame give the room a finished look. The procedure for the selection and subsequent installation greatly simplify the standard sizes interior doors. We offer to meet with current sizes and find advice on selecting a suitable option.

Standard sizes of interior doors
Interior doors can give the interior a finished look

Read article

  • 1 The main function and purpose of interior doors
  • 2 Regulatory requirements to the size of interior doors - Standard
  • 3 How to make an opening measurements for interior door
  • 4 Calculation of the proportionality of the door frame to the opening for the interior door
  • 5 Selection of the size of single-and double-leaf doors on the corridor, or the size of the hall
  • 6 Marking door products
  • 7 Standard sizes swing interior doors
    • 7.1 canvas Dimensions
    • 7.2 The dimensions of the door frame
    • 7.3 Size of door openings
    • 7.4 blade thickness
  • 8 Interior doors of non-standard sizes
  • 9 Main types and range of door designs
    • 9.1 Interior doors in standard sizes with a box

The main function and purpose of interior doors

Door systems rarely change. Owners prefer to make out openings beautiful quality products, able to serve long enough to effectively performing the following functions:

  1. Protective. A correctly installed system is capable to become a reliable barrier to the unpleasant smell, noise or light. In the latter case, the preferred installation of the deaf paintings.
  2. Aesthetic. Beautiful interior doors It can be a stylish element, giving the finish to create an interior.
  3. Zoning. If there is a connecting structure defined division into zones is a more logical.
  4. Create intimate atmosphere. That is why in any home interior doors are primarily installed in the bathroom, toilet and bedroom.
In the bathroom and toilet doors are installed in the first place
In the bathroom and toilet doors are installed in the first place

Regulatory requirements to the size of interior doors - Standard

In the manufacture of standard products manufacturers are guided by the requirements of GOST. dimensions interior doors designed to meet the massive demand of buyers. Living in an apartment house you can buy a ready-made product that can fit into a standard doorway. Its parameters will depend on the purpose of the room: it is traditionally done widely in living rooms than bathroom or toilet.

Standard door height may be 1900 or 2000 mm. The width of the webs in this case will be the first event 550 or 600 mm, in the second - 600 ÷ 900 mm to 100 mm pitch for single and models 1200, 1400 and 1500 mm for double. This is less than the input systems.

Attention! Standard-size products are less produced to order.

Dimensions of standard products may vary considerably
Dimensions of standard products may vary considerably

How to make an opening measurements for interior door

Before you give preference to a particular model, make sure that the width and height of the doorway will perform its installation. For this purpose, initially measured in the geometrical parameters of the box and the values ​​obtained are added quantity assembly clearance which constitute 1,5 ÷ 2 cm in all directions. If installation of interior doors will be performed to furnish basic premise, it should be taken into account the thickness of the Future flooring.

Dimensions should be correlated with the size of the future interior door
Dimensions should be correlated with the size of the future interior door
The issue opening or standard size interior doors

determine the size possible in the following sequence:

  • dismantle the old block, removing all unnecessary, to give a clear outline;
  • measuring at three points of the width of the door opening. It is desirable to perform the measurements at the top, middle and bottom;
  • We measure the height at three points;
  • measuring dimensions partition at several points in the vertical and horizontal.
Dimensions measured at several points
Dimensions measured at several points

Tip! In determining the parameters of the measuring tape opening should be arranged vertically or horizontally depending on the determined parameter.

If the old design has not yet been dismantled, when measuring dimensions of measurements performed on casing, selecting as a reference point of their middle.

To determine the size of the opening will take several parameters
To determine the size of the opening will take several parameters

Calculation of the proportionality of the door frame to the opening for the interior door

After opening size interior doors It will be determined you can start selecting a suitable standard model. To do this, calculate in advance what the size should be designed. Consider for example the calculation of the doorway having parameters 900 to 2100 mm.

Select the next lower sheet, the width of which the standard products will be 800 mm,. Altitude 2000 m K add the double width and twice the thickness of the box assembly clearance: 800 + 2 × 25 + 2 × 15 = 880 mm. Similarly check height: 2000 + 2 × 25 + 2 × 15 = 2080 mm. The values ​​obtained show that the parameters of the box will be commensurate with the dimensions of the passage.

If after buying it appears that the provisional calculations were made inaccurately, to rectify the situation as follows:

  • if the thickness of the door frame interior door greater opening of a few millimeters, it is possible to accurately expand in the right direction;
  • if the box is slightly narrower partition thickness, can be used transoms for interior doors. The dimensions of these products may vary. Purchase should be the next larger;
  • if the opening is much larger than the thickness of the box, use the slope.

If these methods are not effective, it is necessary to issue individual orders for manufacturing of interior design.

To determine the proportionality webs box and aperture can use tabular data
To determine the proportionality webs box and aperture can use tabular data

Selection of the size of single-and double-leaf doors on the corridor, or the size of the hall

When choosing a suitable option, be sure to take into account the stylistic design and purpose of the room, the doors of which are located in the hallway or corridor. Special attention is given a specific system usability.

Normative documents determined that interior doorsTo be mounted to the kitchen should have a standard width of 70 cm, a WC - 60 cm, and in the living room - 80 cm. At the same time, most manufacturers offer to purchase bedroom web width of 90 cm, and for bathrooms - 55 cm.

For interior systems can be acquired as the same fabric, and of different widths. The ratio is chosen arbitrarily. Thus, for door opening width of 120 cm are available on the web 60 or 40 cm and 80 cm. The width of the narrow flaps may be 35 cm. As a rule, it is fixed during operation and use only the most.

When selecting the swing structure should take into account not only the size but also the direction of opening. Space should be enough to open the flap. Otherwise, instead of the left-hand blade can be ordered right-hand.

Free space in front of the door should be enough to free the opening flap
Free space in front of the door should be enough to free the opening flap

Marking door products

Despite the availability of standardized symbols, most manufacturers often use their unique codes, which greatly complicates the identification process. Often have virtually identical structures made at various enterprises, is a different name and labeling.

GOST 6629-88 regulates the requirements for designation wooden interior doors, mounted in the housing or public buildings. According to this document, manufacturers can use the following markings successively including designation:

markable featuremarkingtranscript
type of productPwidth
View paintingsTOSwinging glass
InEmpowered with a continuous filler
The width of a duct (dm) with additional indicating featuresThe numerical value in dm
Pto doorsteps
Hwith the influx of
Height (inches)The numerical value in dm
With the same appearance of the model markings from different manufacturers can vary
With the same appearance of the model markings from different manufacturers can vary

Standard sizes swing interior doors

When choosing an appropriate model important are its dimensions. Dimensions of interior double doors are somewhat different from the single-size. We suggest to familiarize with the default settings make it easier to make a choice.

For standard opening is always possible to choose a standard door
For standard opening is always possible to choose a standard door

canvas Dimensions

To purchase a painting, it is necessary to know the size of the doorway. The standard prescribes the manufacturing of products with the following parameters:

Height mmWidth
The dimensions of paintings must be correlated with the size of the opening
The dimensions of paintings must be correlated with the size of the opening

The dimensions of the door frame

The door frame is a U-shaped structure mounted on the perimeter of the opening. The dimensions of the door frame must be related to the parameters of the leaf and the opening, in which it will be mounted. When you select should be taken into account not only the mounting gap between the door and the frame, but also the gap that is left between the wall and the mounting Lutkov. Given these parameters selected width of the door frame.

For the manufacture of boxes used bars of different sizes. Their width may be 1.5 ÷ 4.5 cm, although the best is 3 ÷ 3,5 cm. In this case, when properly installed construct possesses sufficient margin of safety and reliability. The thickness of the box corresponds with the partition thickness. it is 10 cm wooden buildings, in brick - 7.5 cm.

The dimensions of the door frame size is determined by three
The dimensions of the door frame size is determined by three

Size of door openings

If the wall is still being built, the size of door openings defined by the standard. Taking into account the parameters of the door frame structures and fittings. To leaf width is necessary to add a double gap and thickness of the box. The standard value is 100 cm.

To determine the opening height to the height of a panel other than the mounting gap distance is added, which should be left for sufficient ventilation. Typically such a gap is 1 cm, but in homes with liquefied gas, it may increase to 1,5 ÷ 2 cm. As a result, the standard height will be 205 ÷ 210 cm.

doorway standardized parameters
doorway standardized parameters

blade thickness

Manufacturers offer models with different linear parameters. The most widely used leaf thickness 35 or 40 mm. Such is the size of the interior doors with a box of "Standard". Less common fabric with a transverse dimension of 36 and 38 mm. If used for the production of solid wood doors, this parameter can reach 45 mm. AT sliding design leaf thickness is at least 20 mm.

The thickness of the web depends on the version specific model
The thickness of the web depends on the version specific model

Interior doors of non-standard sizes

If you set a standard product is not possible, you should pay attention to the doors of non-standard sizes. This is a good opportunity to add interior space and unique style and design it properly. In developing the design must necessarily take into account the place of installation. Especially if the fabric will have a large size and weight, as used for the manufacture of plasterboard walls. it should be remembered that in the elaboration of the design:

  • reduce the height of the flaps is undesirable;
  • increase the height of the blade is allowed;
  • the width of the web should correspond with the dimensions of the opening. With a significant increase in the transverse dimension should provide additional support.
The issue opening or standard size interior doors
The issue opening or standard size interior doors

Main types and range of door designs

Manufacturers offer a wide range of doors, varying in cost and design. The price depends on the characteristics of the material used for the manufacture of concrete products. The selection can be made in favor of budget options and exclusive products made from expensive materials.

Large assortment creates difficulties when selecting
Large assortment creates difficulties when selecting

The most popular are the interior doors made of wood, Particleboard, Fibreboard, MDF, Plastic or glass. Often, preference is given to the combined options. When buying, be aware that interior doors of:

  • woodCarry great weight and high cost. But they can be used to create a refined interior;
Products from the array can add sophistication
Products from the array can add sophistication
  • metal and glass, Capable of harmoniously fit into the interior, decorated in a modern style;
Glass fabric for modern interiors
Glass fabric for modern interiors
  • Particleboard, MDF are well able to imitate expensive analogues of wood, but they have a lower cost.
Affordable solution for any apartment
Affordable solution for any apartment

Interior doors in standard sizes with a box

Manufacturers offer ready-made solutions, we just have to choose the right option. Standard interior doors with box sizes can be equipped with different fittings. The choice is made depending on stylistic particular room and budget. Do not skimp on accessories, so as not to reduce the life of a mounted structure.

The issue opening or standard size interior doors
The issue opening or standard size interior doors

Thus, the size of interior doors with the box may differ materially. Before buying you like the model should perform the opening measurements correctly. Share in the comments, what doors are in your home, and why do you prefer this particular model.