You arrange the doorway, and give it a finished appearance to help transoms interior doors. These products allow you arrange the opening and choose the appropriate option depending on the style room. We suggest to familiarize with the existing species and their distinctive features, so you can choose the best option for your home.
Beautifully decorated doorway can become one of the main decorations of the room
Read article
1 Finishing panels for interior doors - what is it, and how they look at the photos
2 Purpose and function of the door frame transoms
3 Materials of construction for transoms on interior doors
4 Types of door transoms
4.1 ordinary transoms
4.2 telescopic model
4.3 combined products
5 The procedure for calculating the required sizes transoms
6 Which door transoms better buy for interior doors: the choice of features
7 Features installation of door transoms, depending on the type of
7.1 Installing final assembly ordinary board on interior doors: the order of the installation work
7.2 Installing telescoping transoms on interior doors: mounting options
7.3 How to mount combined with frames transoms on interior doors
8 Alternative door transoms
9 Prices for transoms for interior doors, depending on the type and size
Finishing panels for interior doors - what is it, and how they look at the photos
Before choosing the right product, offer to find out what the transoms for interior doors, And see photos. This specialized strap, which can have different configurations and dimensions. Manufacturers that offer door designs also allow you to select additional items for a beautiful design openings. We offer ready-made solutions to see photos:
Purpose and function of the door frame transoms
In most cases, the width of the door duct is not the thickness of the wall. To refine the uncovered portion of the opening, before the slopes plastered, primed, and then painted or papered wallpaper. Perform such work with his hands was quite difficult. But with such a task well handle Finishing panels of the door frame, which is installed not only in homes but also in input design. Its installation, if desired, can be made on their own.
Additional elements allow yourself to issue a doorway
Doborki to the door frame have different functions. With their help:
irregularities are masked, sealing is performed slopes, if the width of the duct is less than the wall thickness;
eliminates distortions that can occur when improper mounting door design;
reinforced canvas.
Materials of construction for transoms on interior doors
For the manufacture of strips dobornyh different materials are used for doors:
natural wood. An expensive option. Finished products are of presentable appearance and long service life;
laminated chipboard. The base is glued special film or paper ekoshponom to obtain the desired texture. The formed layer has not only dekoratvinuyu, but also a protective function, increasing the life of the product;
plywood. It used infrequently. Finished elements further pasted, painted or varnished surfaces to obtain a desired vneshnivm view;
MDF. The most common variant. Presented in a variety of colors.
Various materials are used to manufacture additional elements
Attention! Manufacturers offer products of various colors and shades. This allows you to choose the product that will look like a single unit with an installed door design.
Color solution can be quite varied
Types of door transoms
Before you buy transoms and frames on interior doors, Is to get acquainted with the existing species and their distinctive features. This will select the product desired shape and size.
The design of the boxes may differ
ordinary transoms
Various materials can be used for manufacturing slats. The slats may be untreated or coated with from ekoshpona. Glued to the ends of the lip product film for protection against external impacts and imparting an attractive appearance.
Attention! Ordinary additional elements are of low cost.
The dimensions are standardized bars. The length is usually 2 - 2.2 meters and a width of 100, 150, 200 mm. The thickness may be different, but experts recommend not acquire slats, whose thickness is less than 10 m.
Attention! Manufacturers allow you to choose a different width. You should choose the product closest to the required larger.
telescopic model
The configuration of such products suggests the presence of the groove, providing a tight connection of telescopic elements with each other and with the frames. Models are presented in a variety of colors, made of different materials. It is always possible to find a suitable option for a particular opening.
combined products
These products combine the functions of a casing and additional elements. Are shaped bracket installed in grooves, cut in the door frame. However, due to the design features of the combined product is not suitable for processing of wide openings. By their help resorted to only in the case if the width of the uncovered space is only 2 - 3 cm. In this situation, combined element becomes the best option allows you arrange a partition.
Optimal variant with little uncovered space width
The procedure for calculating the required sizes transoms
To the installation on the transoms interior doors no difficulties, it is necessary to calculate their size in advance. This can be done as follows:
We define the configuration and dimensions of the door frame. In the presence of the groove measure its depth and width;
measure the distance from the duct to the edge of the wall. Measurements do in a few places: top, bottom and middle. The width will correspond to the maximum value.
The distance is measured from the edge of the box to the wall
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"If dismantling of the old system is not yet performed, after selecting a suitable model it is necessary to measure the width of the door partition, and then subtract from the value obtained for the thickness of the box."
If you decide to give preference to the telescopic element, acquired a number of strips that their total width is equal to the required size.
To calculate the need to know the dimensions of the opening
Which door transoms better buy for interior doors: the choice of features
If you decide to buy a door transoms to interior doorsShould immediately decide on their type and size. These elements must be made of the same material as the remaining parts of the door system. The color most often chosen is the same as that of casings, boxes, door leaf. However, you can always choose a contrast product if desired.
Additional elements usual same color as the basic structure
Features installation of door transoms, depending on the type of
How to install door transoms depends on their design and dimensions. In each case has its own peculiarities and nuances. We offer familiar with how to install correctly on the transoms Interior DoorsSo you can perform the entire scope of work with their hands.
Installation works have their own characteristics
Installing final assembly ordinary board on interior doors: the order of the installation work
If you decide to perform the installation on their own, offer to find out how and in what sequence should be installed on interior doors Finishing panels. Works are carried out according to the following instructions:
the material is cut to size. handsaw and jigsaw are cut strips of appropriate width and length;
from the groove all the debris is removed in a box;
you are installing the top of the board for final assembly interior door. After securing the desired spatial position of the element in the gaps blown polyurethane foam;
mounted side bars.
All elements are cut to size
Used for fixation screws. The web drilled holes through which the elements are screwed to the wall. Mounting holes decorate plugs of the same color as the base material.
Watch the video to still better understand how to perform the installation Finishing panels for interior doors with their hands:
Installing telescoping transoms on interior doors: mounting options
Mounting telescopic elements can be done in different ways:
connected strips to obtain the required width. Next, the assembly of the doorway;
first strip installed. After solidification of the foam - the next.
Attention! The second option allows you to perform a quality installation of the system, but it requires more time.
The number of elements depends on the width of the opening
Installing telescoping transoms on interior doors in the following sequence:
the groove is cleaned of accumulated debris;
cut in the size of the first strip is installed. The element inserted into the groove, then fixed with foam;
is prepared and set the next item after the complete drying of the foam.
We offer watch a video, which tells how to set telescopic transoms on interior doors:
How to mount combined with frames transoms on interior doors
Combined products help you arrange the slopes. Fixing elements is performed without the use of foam.
Let us consider in more detail how to strengthen the transoms on interior doors:
the material is cut;
the grooves are cleaned of dirt and debris;
Finishing panels are installed. Elements led into a groove on the box, first setting an upper member, and then the side. Angles should fit as thoroughly as possible by first cutting the upper portion and then the side. Last undercut below.
We offer watch a video on how to put the transoms and trim on the interior doors:
Alternative door transoms
If the width of the box does not match the width of the partition, alternative options can be selected. Space can putty, wallpapered or decorate other materials. Such an embodiment is noteworthy, however, it destroys the integrity of the structure. Qualitative additional elements allow you arrange the opening, making the system coherent and harmonious.
To finish, you can use other materials
Prices for transoms for interior doors, depending on the type and size
Price for transoms interior doors It depends on their design irazmera:
Average cost (as of September 2018), rub.
For interior doors Verda Vega
Normal. 2050 × 150 × 10 mm.
veneered door
Normal. Width 150 mm. Natural Veneer.
Porta 62, Cappuccino Veralinga
Normal. 2070 × 200 × 8 mm.
Telescopic. 2070 × 200 × 8 mm. Ekoshpon.
Reviews for final assembly of MDF slats Terry:
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Share in the comments, some additional elements you prefer and how to perform the installation.